“This is a here for us to find us.”
August 6, 2016 6:32 AM   Subscribe

The Deaf Poets Society is an online literary journal that publishes poetry, prose, cross-genre work, reviews of disability-focused books, interviews/miscellany, and art by writers and artists with disabilities. Founded in 2016, our mission is to provide a venue for disability literature and art, as well as to connect readers with established and emerging talent in the field.

The Deaf Poets Society Manifesto: [Medium]
“Here at The Deaf Poets Society, all bodies are welcome at the table, with disabled artists and writers at center stage. If you are abled, come sit and listen to the voices and visions of Black, Asian, Arab, indigenous, Jewish individuals across the disability spectrum and across gender and LGBTQIA status. Understand that our work resists closure, resists bilateral ideology about disabled and abled bodies, resists simple delineation of complex bodies and lives. Understand that, if you’re a cisgendered, heterosexual, white person with a disability, you do benefit from privilege in a way that a person of color does not, and it is you who will determine whether the privileges bestowed on you via white supremacy, transphobia, and homophobia diminish the voices of your counterparts. Allies are key to systemic change and true disability justice; as long as someone is not free, nobody is free.”
Issue 1 August 2016 [.PDF with Images]
posted by Fizz (2 comments total) 13 users marked this as a favorite
Interesting. I would be curious about d/Deaf peoples' opinions on this, as many don't consider being deaf to be a disability. I otherwise really like the space they've created, though. (If anyone wants to see more Deaf art, check out the Deaf arts movement De'Via or classic poetry interpreted into ASL by Crom Saunders)
posted by carlypennylane at 12:27 PM on August 6, 2016 [1 favorite]

See also Wordgathering
posted by Mogur at 5:52 PM on August 6, 2016

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