What happened to sportsmanlike behaviour in hockey?
April 29, 2002 11:48 AM   Subscribe

What happened to sportsmanlike behaviour in hockey? Islander fans booed the Canadian national anthem hours after a memorial service for the Canuck soldiers who died at American hands. Fine, whatever, that type of behaviour is expected. They also harrassed Toronto fans in the parking lot outside the rink, including stealing their flags and setting the Maple Leaf ablaze. Now if this was Canadians burning the American flag...
posted by drgonzo (52 comments total)
I'm not trolling. Just curious what would happen...
posted by drgonzo at 11:50 AM on April 29, 2002

on a related note, detroit fans booed the canadian flag during a raptors game recently.
posted by moz at 12:00 PM on April 29, 2002

It's nothing new... Philadelphia is notorious for this kind of thing. And after two games in Detroit, where the anthem was also booed; the tides turned and the Canucks at the Canucks' home game booed the American anthem (though I believe it was more of a retaliatory boo than anything).

I think some rinks have started posting messages on the screens before the anthem to tell people to respect the anthems... don't know if they're working.

Anyway, to all the Leaf games that I've gone to (including a playoff game vs. Philly two years ago), I never once heard the American anthem booed; it seems like a predominantly American thing. Which is really stupid, cause all the fans are doing is pissing off all their team's Canadian hockey players (who still are the majority of all players).
posted by mkn at 12:00 PM on April 29, 2002

...and then they wonder why Canucks don't like them Yanks.
posted by mkn at 12:02 PM on April 29, 2002

At the Boston - Montreal game on Saturday (in Boston), they played a tape of Bill Guerin asking the Bruins fans to be respectful of the anthem, and they were.

There have been some people booing the American anthem in Montreal, but hell, the Canadian anthem has been bood there as well. We'll see what happens tonight.
posted by sauril at 12:03 PM on April 29, 2002

Aside from religion, no human activity leads to more loathsome behavior than organized sports. I am proud to come from a long line of people who know nothing about football, baseball, basketball, hockey, or any of their fake jingoistic ilk. It means I have had to dig deeper to find ways to become an irritating asswipe, but on the whole I have been successful, and I think it has been worth it.
posted by umberto at 12:05 PM on April 29, 2002

US-canadian tensions are definitely mountie-ing :)
posted by kliuless at 12:06 PM on April 29, 2002

"They aren't saying 'boo' ... they're saying 'Boo - urns' ..."
posted by bryanzera at 12:08 PM on April 29, 2002

and if I was next to an american booing another country's national anthem, I would punch them in the face for being ignorant.
posted by bryanzera at 12:09 PM on April 29, 2002

on a related note, detroit fans booed the canadian flag during a raptors game recently.

Vancouver Canucks fans also booed the Star Spangled Banner during a Detroit (yay!)/Canucks playoff game. It is anything but one-sided.

There is usually very good sportsmanship in hockey, but you have also seen a lot of other crap happening in the playoffs this year as well, such as at least three players going out with injuries (though the league determined that they weren't "headhunting"). Chris Chelios was booed every time he touched the puck in Vancouver (he was also the third star in Game 6, and he waved at the fans).

It is nothing limited to hockey and nothing that is simply US on Canada. If you remember, Canadiens got real (rightfully) pissed during a baseball game a few years back when the Americans hoisted their flag upside down during the opening anthems. Though that one was in supposed mistake and not intent, it still rings a bell. This stuff is sad to see, but it is hardly evidence of a lack of sportsmanship in hockey. In fact, I consider hockey to be one of the most sportsman-like games played; most players (most), there are always exceptions) are respectful towards each other, and I saw more trash-talking on the part of players in last year's NBA Finals alone (a mere five games) than I have seen all year out of players in the NHL. Sure, they fight, but it is a sportsmanlike fight, if you can understand...usually, it is tough guys and tough guys, and they will often have a beer with each other after the game...no hard feelings.
posted by adampsyche at 12:11 PM on April 29, 2002

bryanzera, that made me laugh out loud...


posted by PugAchev at 12:17 PM on April 29, 2002

Aside from religion, no human activity leads to more loathsome behavior than organized sports.

Right. Good for you for being so smart. Thanks for enlightening us.
posted by yerfatma at 12:26 PM on April 29, 2002

Aside from religion, no human activity leads to more loathsome behavior than organized sports.
Yea, you are soooooooooooooooo much better than the rest of us loathsome people. I wish i was cool enough to hate sports.
PS. GO RED WINGS!!!!!!!!!
posted by jmd82 at 12:46 PM on April 29, 2002

As sauril mentioned above, the American anthem has been booed in Montreal during Canadiens/Bruins games. Sports fans can be jerks, regardless of their country of origin.

In this Boston Herald story, the author talks about what a classy move it was for The B's fans to restrain from booing. Way to go Bruins fans! Of course, Bill Guerin on the Jumbotron before the game telling them not to might have had something to do with that. Anyway, as a lifelong Bruins fan I can tell you that Boston fans are anything but classy, but it's good to hear that management is doing something to keep us from embarrassing our country.
posted by Samsonov14 at 12:46 PM on April 29, 2002

mkn: "And after two games in Detroit, where the anthem was also booed..."

Not true. I was at the second game, and there was absolutely no booing. Nor, reportedly, was there any at the first game. To the contrary, the booing in that series began with the Vancouver crowd. The unfortunate comparison was that on the same night, fans at the Detroit Pistons (not Red Wings) game booed the Canadian anthem (the Pistons were playing the Toronto Raptors).

Now that I've set the record straight, let me just say I do find it extremely disrespectful, and I think the vast majority of sports fans do, too (it doesn't take too many people booing in an otherwise quiet crowd to be noticeable).
posted by pardonyou? at 12:50 PM on April 29, 2002

What cracks me up about pro sports is that fans see their local team as representing "their city" when in reality, probably very few of the team members ever lived in the city before they were hired. On top of that, probably not a single player on any team wouldn't drop "their city" like a hot potato if a better contract came along.

I mean, c'mon, how is it that a team of mostly outsiders "represents" your city? I bet a lot of the team members don't even live in the city in the off-season.
posted by plaino at 12:57 PM on April 29, 2002

lol nice points here. But it's pretty much common knowledge to anyone who knows anything about the players.

Anyhow it is appealing more to a baser human instinct, you know, us and them, getting pepped up for a fight, etc.

Bad, you say? Well, it is a natural and integral part of every one of us, otherwise your ancestors woulda been wiped out long ago.

Nothing to do with religion. And btw, most of the wars and atrocities and plagues and famines etc over history, were *NOT* caused by religion, as some people like to claim. Look farther back in history, than the 20th century, and you will see, deathtoll to religion, although sometimes great, does not exceed what "natural" disasters and "secular" wars have done. Hitler killed 12 million civilians? Mongols killed 30 million in China alone. Were Mongols waging holy war? Look at the ancient empires. Did Rome, China, Persia, fight because of religion?

Now, you could say natural disasters and wars and such were precipitated perhaps by God allowing/punishing these fools =p
posted by firestorm at 1:08 PM on April 29, 2002

I'd like to point out that the fans at the Raptors/Pistons game in Toronto cheered both anthems.
posted by grum@work at 1:10 PM on April 29, 2002

yes, yes, Islamic expansion and Crusades were fought, at least ostensibly, for religion. Then there are various holy wars, and in more recent times, stuff like Hitler which might be construed as religious caused, and the Taiping Rebellion in China, who's progenitor (?) was inspired by religion. But really, there were plenty of other wars going on these past thousand years, and in fact other rebellions going on in China at the same time as Taiping.

IMO the only major religious casualties may have been due to Islamic expansion, unless you start counting intellectual stuff, but this is spiralling out of control, so I will end now ;)
posted by firestorm at 1:12 PM on April 29, 2002

I live in Edmonton and recall fans booing the American national anthem during playoff hockey games, especially against the "hated" Dallas Stars.

What I found extremely ironic at the time was that the Oiler's star players at the time were Americans. Doug Weight, Bill Guerin, Todd Marchant, Mike Grier, Tom Poti .. maybe others ? One wonders how the players feel to hear their anthem booed.

Taking flags and burning them is crossing the line. Obviously illegal. At least theft, possibly assault.
posted by Mondo at 1:15 PM on April 29, 2002

The best part is, this article just gives us Canadians even more quote-un-quote "proof" that we're better than Americans. (Please note the sarcasm.)

It's plain stupid to boo a country's national anthem. Aside from being disrespectful and ignorant, it doesn't do you any favours. "Hey look, this guy's an ignorant fucktard" is what I see it as.

I second bryanzera's response; I'd punch the dipstick too. Actually, I'd punch him several times until he stopped moving or beat me up (the more likely scenario).
posted by Dark Messiah at 1:15 PM on April 29, 2002

I was at the second game,

*turns an envious shade of green*
posted by adampsyche at 1:16 PM on April 29, 2002

Umberto, did you get picked last for the dodgeball game?

kidding, kidding, it was too hard to resist...
posted by adampsyche at 1:20 PM on April 29, 2002

Beeelllffoouuurrr!! Beeelllffoouuurrr!!
That's about as far as we go here in Edmonton.


One drunk fan: "Hey Belfour, your mom called and said that you.."

1000 people behind drunk fan: "SUCK!!!"
posted by Starchile at 1:37 PM on April 29, 2002

IHNJ,IJLS "fake jingoistic ilk"
posted by websavvy at 1:44 PM on April 29, 2002

Nothing to do with religion.
Holy Crap, hockey and religion being discussed in the same thread!!!!! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT??? Can there be any conversations without religion being brought into the discussion???????
posted by jmd82 at 1:56 PM on April 29, 2002

Nothing to do with religion.
Holy Crap, hockey and religion being discussed in the same thread!!!!! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT??? Can there be any conversations without religion being brought into the discussion???????
posted by jmd82 at 1:57 PM on April 29, 2002

During the year I lived in Vancouver, I went to several Canucks game. At every single on, the US anthem was booed.
posted by skwm at 2:56 PM on April 29, 2002

I mean, c'mon, how is it that a team of mostly outsiders "represents" your city? I bet a lot of the team members don't even live in the city in the off-season.

I'd say that it has little to do with who's playing on the team and everything to do with the huge crowd of folks sitting in their seats at the game with you. Or sitting on the barstool next to you at the local bar. Or On the bus, the train, a park bench, the dentist office's waiting room, etc etc etc. It's about a community rooting together for their team. Or a lot of it is about that anyway ;-)
posted by Tempus67 at 2:56 PM on April 29, 2002

Well, you canadians constantly like to act like your just soo much better then the US. It really gets annoying.
posted by delmoi at 2:59 PM on April 29, 2002

Holy Crap, hockey and religion being discussed in the same thread!!!!!

Um, jmd82, hockey IS religion. (Wait -- maybe that's just Red Wings hockey...)
posted by aine42 at 4:38 PM on April 29, 2002

hockey IS religion. (Wait -- maybe that's just Red Wings hockey...)

Die infidel!!!

Sorry, I'm a Sabres fan and I'd like nothing more than to see Hasek get his BS about "playing for team with a chance" shoved right up his ass...too bad the Canucks weren't up to it...
posted by RevGreg at 4:44 PM on April 29, 2002

Well, you canadians constantly like to act like your just soo much better then the US. It really gets annoying.

Well, you Americans constantly act like you're just soo much better than everyone. It really gets annoying.

Watch Rick Mercer's "Talking to Americans" and you'll see why we think that.
posted by Dark Messiah at 4:51 PM on April 29, 2002

"That's a hockey puck, not a ding-dong!"

injuries: If you don't want to get felled by the lumberjack, KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!

booing: We are talking about NYC. Look how gracefully they win a WorldSeries.
posted by roboto at 5:14 PM on April 29, 2002

Umberto, did you get picked last for the dodgeball game?
kidding, kidding, it was too hard to resist...

Actually, no, I actually {sheepish admition} lettered in tennis and soccer. {/sheepish admition} Which I know --to Americans-- are not real sports, probably. I like playing. I just cannot fathom the rabid fanatacism attached to professional (or college) sports. Like someone above pointed out, it's unattached to personal experience. if you "hate" one team and the next year the team gets purchased wholesale and moved to your city, you will then "love" them. Go figure. It is a gaping hole in my persona, but one I am not sad about. I don't think I'm better or smarter than sports fans (having seen plenty of annoyingly bright ones), I just don't "get" it. It's irritating gung-ho nationalism rendered fractal.
posted by umberto at 5:47 PM on April 29, 2002

Sorry, I'm a Sabres fan and I'd like nothing more than to see Hasek get his BS about "playing for team with a chance" shoved right up his ass
Thats right, the Sabres had a better team than the current Red Wings team (yes, i am biased =)
posted by jmd82 at 5:52 PM on April 29, 2002

pardonyou? : I probably just got my cities or sports (Pistons) confused. shrug. What I do know is that I've never heard any anthem booing in Toronto... ever; but most definitely there was some in Uniondale, and Philly (and Boston for that one game.)

Unfortunately, there's plenty of it in Vancouver too... then again, that's also the site where all those morons rioted after losing the cup final back in 94. And most Canadians think that Torontonians are jerks... pfft. /joke

The only certified religious hockey teams are Wings, Leafs, and the hated (by me) Habs... all others are infidels. (after the Leafs, I'm a Wings fan.)
posted by mkn at 6:02 PM on April 29, 2002

Any Canadian want to rid themselves of the pointless chip on their shoulder?
posted by Quixoticlife at 6:25 PM on April 29, 2002

It's irritating gung-ho nationalism rendered fractal.

This is a tagline in search of a home.
posted by rodii at 6:34 PM on April 29, 2002

Um, jmd82, hockey IS religion. (Wait -- maybe that's just Red Wings hockey...)

You're goddamned right! Wooohooo!

Thats right, the Sabres had a better team than the current Red Wings team

That's a bold statement. How are those playoffs doing for you guys? ;-)
posted by adampsyche at 6:36 PM on April 29, 2002

Football is religion.
Hockey is Canadian.

*ducks, runs away, points to NFL ratings, hides under shrubbery*
posted by owillis at 6:42 PM on April 29, 2002

I'm boycotting the NHL until they bring my beloved Whalers back to Hartford!.


And, owillis, before you say hockey's not a religion listen to this.Find me a hymn to the religion of football that good, then we'll talk. :)
posted by jonmc at 7:28 PM on April 29, 2002

Thats right, the Sabres had a better team than the current Red Wings team
Sorry, I was being sarcastic. The Sabres had, what, Satan, Peca, and Hasek? Red Wings...have...a hall of fame line =)
Only other player i wish red wings had is Kaspiritus (btw, what the hell is up w/ Colorado picking up my fave players...first Bourque and now him? I'm supossed to hate Colorado, but kinda' hard when they get my favorite players)
posted by jmd82 at 7:31 PM on April 29, 2002

(after the Leafs, I'm a Wings fan.)

In the days of the Norris Division, this was not possible.

*hides every octopus in the Metro Detroit area*
posted by iceberg273 at 7:41 PM on April 29, 2002

Find me a hymn to the religion of football that good, then we'll talk.

jonmc: Here's an old school ditty that makes me believe. Religious, you bet. :)
posted by owillis at 7:46 PM on April 29, 2002

Religious, you bet. :)

Mildly spiritual, maybe.Besides my song is performed by a band that does shows in full rink regalia(miinus skates). Let's see some group do that in a 'skins uniform.
Besides, you're in Boston, now, buddy. Bitching about the Bruins is your civic duty..:)
posted by jonmc at 7:57 PM on April 29, 2002

In the days of the Norris Division, this was not possible.

Eh, my Stevie Y rookie card says otherwise! It sure was sweet beating the Wings back in those 93/94 good years though. I miss the rivalry.
posted by mkn at 8:35 PM on April 29, 2002

Well, you canadians constantly like to act like your just soo much better then the US. It really gets annoying.

Then more or less ignore us, and stay the course. If we tend to cast ourselves as proudly distinct from America, it's in no small part due to the truth that Trudeau observed: living beside the US is like a mouse sleeping next to an elephant; no matter how good the elephant's intentions, every slightest move affects us, often profoundly. We just don't want to be squished, so every so often we make ourselves heard. Peace, neighbour.
posted by holycola at 8:40 PM on April 29, 2002

Let's see some group do that in a 'skins uniform
Men in dresses with pig snouts and cigars. Nuff said!

(I will never cheer for these Boston teams, besides the Pats they haven't won diddly forever...)
posted by owillis at 8:54 PM on April 29, 2002

Being from Detroit must warp my perspective about Canada. Here, we think about Canada all the time...that brooding, imponderable, roiling thunderhead of menace to the south.
posted by rodii at 9:18 PM on April 29, 2002

A couple of years ago I happened to be in Edinburgh the weekend that Wales played Scotland in the (then) Five Nations rugby tournament. I watched the game in a pub that had a mixed crowd of fans from both countries. When they played each country's national anthem, the fans from both countries stood up and sang. It was a great gesture of mutal respect.
posted by kirkaracha at 9:24 PM on April 29, 2002

I miss the good ol' Ambassador Bridge. And Greektown.
posted by adampsyche at 5:45 AM on April 30, 2002

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