Neighborhood submits official needs & priorities plan as a comic book
February 13, 2018 11:03 AM   Subscribe

Each of St. Paul's 17 districts is required to submit a "Small Area Plan" about once every 10 years to communicate what their needs and priorities are in regards to housing, transportation, arts, education and land use. These are typically dry, jargon-laden affairs, but the Frogtown Neighborhood Association wanted to do something to get the attention of city leaders and bring more neighborhood residents into conversations about urban development.

"The Frogtown Neighborhood Association and artist Mychal Batson have reimagined what a planning document can be," [Mayor Melvin] Carter wrote in a statement. "This graphic novel creates a new type of accessible, functional and fun living document that will help Frogtown shape its future."

The document is available here.
posted by Emmy Rae (6 comments total) 18 users marked this as a favorite
I think I just fell a little more in love with St. Paul.
posted by amtho at 11:35 AM on February 13, 2018 [2 favorites]

An old friend is an architect in St. Paul (he lives in Lowertown now, I think), and is the biggest believer in the city's neighborhoods I have ever seen. He brings art and humanity into his projects, and knowing he's out there encourages me for STP and, by extension, for other cites.

Excuse me, I need to go make sure he sees this!
posted by wenestvedt at 12:16 PM on February 13, 2018 [2 favorites]

Not using the medium of a new Frog Fractions game is a huge missed opportunity.
posted by jferg at 12:18 PM on February 13, 2018

In case anyone is wondering why the neighborhood is called Frogtown , that part of St Paul was originally a swamp filled with frogs.
posted by nathan_teske at 1:07 PM on February 13, 2018

It's probably worth noting that Frogtown was a destination for African-Americans after the destruction of Rondo to make way for I-94. There's definitely local memory about being ignored in planning decisions.
posted by hoyland at 6:05 PM on February 13, 2018 [3 favorites]

A little bit like No Small Plans! (A graphic novel from the Chicago Architecture Foundation about the Burnham Plan for Chicago, and city planning, and neighborhood planning, and so on.)
posted by Eyebrows McGee at 8:08 PM on February 13, 2018 [2 favorites]

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