Basically Interdimensional Radio
April 17, 2020 1:20 AM   Subscribe

Channel 101 (previously, Twitter, see also Channel 101 NY), the beloved older-than-Youtube mini-TV-show-making contest that launched the careers of Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, sees only one way to keep relevant in this time of suckage: RADIO 101 (name mine because they haven't thought of one yet), a new fortnightly collaborative podcast open to everyone with a microphone and audio-editing programs like the free ones linked from here. Rules for entry after the jump.

From the explanatory Patreon post linked from the linked tweet (to circumvent the No Crowdfunding Links Ever rule):

You know how Channel 101 works, right? YOU submit a five minute or shorter pilot and the audience votes for the ones they'd like to come back. If it does, you have thirty days to make another episode. Since we can't legally hold screenings at the moment we're launching a different way to keep the Channel 101 spirit alive during this global crisis. Today we're opening submissions for a new podcast venture, which for all intents and purposes is the same thing, but in the audio medium. Send us your five minute or less audio pilot and if we like it we'll put it in the show. If you get voted back you have roughly two weeks to make a new episode.

Just like with 101 you can do literally whatever you want. Go hog wild. Music, sound effects, voice acting -- the possibilities are limitless. Just make sure it holds our attention and we can imagine it becoming a full show.

Send your pilots as an MP3 to with "Podcast" in the subject line. The email should also include your name, the name of your show, and any credits you want included. All the old adages about what makes a good 101 pilot still apply and you can find some helpful tips on the Submit page of the official 101 website. However, you don't need to say the name of your show in your show unless you want to. It will be introduced and your credits will be read out loud. You can still write a catchy theme song or something if you feel like it.

(A tip from myself that I remember reading somewhere: due to the duration constraint, it's best to start with what is effectively 'episode two' rather than fill up your pilot with an origin story. You can reveal the origins later once your audience has become invested.)
posted by BiggerJ (3 comments total) 13 users marked this as a favorite
Yesss! Channel 101 spawned so much good stuff! Yacht Rock! The 'Bu! Lonely Island! House of Cosbys! I may be inclined to participate.
posted by grumpybear69 at 7:04 AM on April 17, 2020 [1 favorite]

I still make people watch Cat News on occasion. And Cautionary Tales of Swords.
posted by The Great Big Mulp at 9:59 AM on April 17, 2020

Loved Car Jumper, fingers crossed there’ll be a similar audio gem!
posted by adrianhon at 1:53 AM on April 18, 2020

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