"Let's Fight this Out and Get Fit Together"
May 1, 2020 7:54 PM   Subscribe

Fit for the Apocalypse with Alice Bag: What it says on the tin. More than enough content in these videos, but more about Alice Bag below the fold:

Alice Bag, or Alicia Armendariz is a feminist archivist, author, artist and punk rock singer.

Her band The Bags was one of the first punk bands to come out of LA, and in the early days could be seen with paper bags on their heads. But not all the time. The Bags performing We Don't Need the English.

Patricia Morrison was a founding member of the Bags. After she left, Alice kept performing as Alice Bag Band-- here's a clip of the Alice Bag band from The Decline of Western Civilization. (Note Bag's comment on the clip.)

There are a lot of great interviews out there with Alice Bag:

In this one from the Milwaukee Record Bag talks about her life after the Bags: "After a few sessions where my friends would come over and bring their guitars, we formed a band called Stay At Home Bomb, which was a play on ’50s housewife mom cliches"

This is a great long interview with Bag as part of an Women of Rock Oral History Project.

Here is aninterview where Bag interviews photographer Jenny Lens

You can visit her official site. You can read her book Pipe Bomb for the Soul in blog form here. You can also read Violence Girl: East L.A. Rage to Hollywood Stage, a Chicana Punk Story.
posted by frumiousb (4 comments total) 34 users marked this as a favorite
Thank you for this fantastic post. I love Alice Bag's work. For years I've been teaching Violence Girl in one of my U.S. lit courses, and it is always a student favorite (and a favorite of mine). The fitness videos are sublime.
posted by sophieblue at 8:18 AM on May 2, 2020

Alice Bag is a legend. Thanks for sharing this! I love her and her work, so it pleases me that other people know her.
posted by S'Tella Fabula at 1:41 PM on May 2, 2020

This post is great. I knew nothing about her, and now I know a bit. And! I'm here doing 'tits up, tits up, tits up!' so I too can be fit ... for the apocalypse.
posted by taterpie at 6:49 PM on May 2, 2020

I saw this post while I was struggling with a particularly low mood and this was the balm I needed in so many ways. Alice Bag and these videos will be in heavy rotation in my house for the foreseeable future. Thank you!
posted by Phyllis keeps a tight rein at 7:03 AM on May 3, 2020

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