"...not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends"
March 21, 2021 10:09 AM   Subscribe

The 5D's of Bystander Intervention. Hollaback is giving free training sessions in Bystander Intervention to Stop anti-Asian/American and Xenophobic Harassment. You can sign up to be notified of future sessions.

Also: How to Respond to Street Harassment. Free training seminar still available.

The Bystander Effect is Complicated. (YT) The positive upside is that there is also a "Helper Effect".
posted by storybored (11 comments total) 40 users marked this as a favorite
posted by firstdaffodils at 10:17 AM on March 21, 2021

I was a able to register for the March 24 session. Gotta to share this with friends.
posted by cmfletcher at 11:52 AM on March 21, 2021 [1 favorite]

I did one of these over the summer. Hollaback is a great org, and has a bunch of good resources about a variety of things on their Website (I first heard about their anti-street harassment programs, mentioned in the post).
posted by Gorgik at 12:23 PM on March 21, 2021

There are new sessions available as of right now.
posted by hypnogogue at 1:37 PM on March 21, 2021 [2 favorites]

Like Gorgik, I took the Hollaback/AAJC training last year, along with other online offerings for bystander training and de-escalation I was able to find back then, and theirs was particularly good. Definitely recommend.
posted by solotoro at 4:27 PM on March 21, 2021

Do they have anything recorded that we could watch at our convenience? Or is it worthless without active elements?

...seconds later...

You know what, this is important. I'll use my lunch hour for it. Signed up -- thanks for the suggestion, storybored!
posted by wenestvedt at 6:23 PM on March 21, 2021 [4 favorites]

You're more than welcome, wenestvedt!! I just signed up for the March 24th session.
posted by storybored at 6:39 PM on March 21, 2021 [2 favorites]

I took these courses, and I felt like I came away with a lot of information and a lot of strategies. They will feel a little slow because they definitely start from the ground up (what is harassment? why do we think it happens?) but they're absolutely worth the pace.
posted by headspace at 9:20 AM on March 22, 2021 [1 favorite]

This is great, thank you so much! I signed up for the training and sent the workplace antiracist bookclub the link to the 5Ds infographic.

I strongly recommend the last link. A highly effective pain reliever if the Kitty Genovese story ruined your day (or lots of your days) and made you despair.
posted by Don Pepino at 9:44 AM on March 22, 2021 [1 favorite]

This is a fantastic post and I've been sharing your links with as many people as I can. Thank you, storybored!
posted by theory at 1:18 AM on March 30, 2021

Just took this training and I hope I never have to do anything but I'm ready.
posted by hypnogogue at 12:06 PM on April 6, 2021

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