"the opportunity for interaction her infection has provided"
December 11, 2021 7:53 AM   Subscribe

Magazine archives week concludes! "A Programmatic Approach to Perfect Happiness" by Tim Pratt (audio version) is a snappy and somewhat unsettling science fiction story involving sex, a robot, a family, an infectious disease, and scheming.

From "A Programmatic Approach to Perfect Happiness":
I go to our bedroom door, push it open gently, and say, “Darling, your post-coital brunch is ready, and I believe Wynter has been infected by the H7P4 strain.”

A groan emerges from the pile of blankets, straps, and oddly-angled cushions that constitutes our bed. “Oh, god. Which one is that again?”

“The one that makes you happy,” I say, and close the door on April’s sardonic laughter.
This post is part of a week of highlighting short speculative fiction stories published by online magazines that are no longer publishing, or that are on hiatus, but whose interesting archives remain online! Today: Futurismic.

Futurismic published new short science fiction from 2004 to 2010, at which time its fiction publishing went on indefinite hiatus. Its scifi focused on "innovative, exciting new stories that use the tools of speculative fiction to examine contemporary issues and take a look at what’s just around the corner"; a staffer appreciated that it had served as a home for "strictly near-future, almost Mundane science fiction stories".

You can browse the archives chronologically; Futurismic published stories by Lavie Tidhar, Marissa Lingen, Bruce Sterling, Sandra McDonald, Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Genevieve Valentine, Carrie Vaughn, and many others.

Futurismic previously on MeFi: C.C. Finlay's dystopian "Your Life Sentence".

Another Futurismic piece: the mundane cyberpunk videogame story "Mallory" by Leonard Richardson, involving espionage, life at a tiny tech startup, a road trip, and emergent behavior. (Am linking to my spouse's work per the revised rule on friend-linking.)

As a wee bonus, two more magazines of note:
  1. The no-longer-publishing Intergalactic Medicine Show (previously)
  2. The on-indefinite-hiatus Mothership Zeta (previously mentioned on MetaFilter for stories by Maurice Broaddus, A.T. Greenblatt, and Annalee Flower Horne)
posted by brainwane (1 comment total) 10 users marked this as a favorite

Great post - thanks!
posted by joannemerriam at 10:53 AM on December 11, 2021 [1 favorite]

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