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December 20, 2002 10:08 AM   Subscribe

Pot in Canada may soon be a click away with the launch of a home-delivery service for medical marijuana over the Internet (more info on Canada's medicinal pot laws here ).
posted by Badmichelle (16 comments total)
It's very reminiscent of the (completely false) service iToke. Paging through it, it also looks to be more of a statement than an reality. Either way, Canada's tolerance of grass just makes it so much more appealing to me every day...
posted by macadamiaranch at 10:23 AM on December 20, 2002

Too expensive, unless the quality is amazing. I remember the last time I went to Montreal, I paid 60 (45 american) dollars for a 1/4 oz (7 grams, give or take). This site is charging 120 for 10 grams. With the availability of good pot just about anywhere in Canada, I don't know why you would pay the shipping fees, and other costs that drive the prices up on this site.

But that's just me...
posted by SweetJesus at 10:32 AM on December 20, 2002

Well, SweetJesus, not all those in need of medicinal marijuana are able to run down to their local dealer when the need strikes. :-)
posted by stonerose at 10:48 AM on December 20, 2002

Well, SweetJesus, not all those in need of medicinal marijuana are able to run down to their local dealer when the need strikes. :-)

That may be true, and I wasn't suggesting this. I'm sure there are many ways, less expensive ways, to get pot than over the internet. It seems more like a money making opportunity to me, rather than genuine compassion for the ill.
posted by SweetJesus at 11:14 AM on December 20, 2002

As opposed to all those drug dealers who got into the business out of compassion... *snicker*
posted by Space Coyote at 11:36 AM on December 20, 2002

Actually, I think the last thing it is is a money-making opportunity.

One of the founders says the site is meant to prod the federal government to offer ill Canadians a federal supply of medicinal marijuana. If Ottawa acts, the mail service will end.

I don't think the site has made any sales at all yet (it's brand new).
posted by Badmichelle at 11:38 AM on December 20, 2002

"Canada's tolerance of grass just makes it so much more appealing to me every day"...From what I'm reading it looks like they have the same problems we're having here in states with medical marijuana: Federal anti-drug laws in conflict with States rights and the voters ability to decide for themselves issues such as this. And this propaganda from the US drug czar is repulsive. U.S. fears change in marijuana laws
posted by Mack Twain at 11:54 AM on December 20, 2002

... It seems more like a money making opportunity to me, rather than genuine compassion for the ill.
posted by SweetJesus at 11:14 AM PST on December 20

Well it is being offered by a one issue Polical Party whose only plank is to legalize marijuana. They did receive 66,000+ votes last election. I'm not sure if that is surprising or not.
posted by Mitheral at 12:19 PM on December 20, 2002

For the record, Mack Twain, Canada has no "States rights." It doesn't even have states - it has provinces.

At any rate, Canada's drug laws are strictly federal. (Health Canada's regulations are here.) The main conflict is between federal policy and its implementation - as noted in the Globe & Mail piece linked above, the feds have been verrrry slow in setting up their own grow ops, distribution, licensing, etc. Similar bureaucratic problems have plagued the Canadian hemp industry since cultivating it became legal in '98.
posted by gompa at 12:21 PM on December 20, 2002 let's Canada you will soon be able to order your "medical" marijuana over the internet?

Excuse me for being a square, but am I the only person that thinks this is a bad idea?
posted by Durwood at 12:49 PM on December 20, 2002

Durwood, I'm sure you're not the only one, but in Canada you're in the minority. As a general rule, Canadians don't see weed as a big societal problem.
posted by Salmonberry at 2:00 PM on December 20, 2002

Excuse me for being a square, but am I the only person that thinks this is a bad idea?

Exactly. Canadians are far too stupid to decide
for themselves what to put in their bodies.
posted by larry_darrell at 3:50 PM on December 20, 2002

Dude if you want weed I can hook u up. My rates are better than these.

o< The Qu'ran is made of WEEDFDF!!././1 indeed a fool am I
posted by KettleBlack at 3:59 PM on December 20, 2002

Durwood: When you consider that we're pushing for decriminalization come Spring 2003, it's really not all that surprising...

Space Coyote: I'm sure you're making a statement about drug dealers, but I'm not exactly sure what it is. Care to elaborate?
posted by Jairus at 6:08 PM on December 20, 2002

It will be interesting to see what happens in the spring of 2003. It seems they're heading to changing the law to a fine for anything under 30 grams. One of the Ministers has also hinted at fines for those growing their own. I have no problems with this, but what does bother me is the proposed "safe interjection" for heroin users.
posted by robotrock at 7:21 AM on December 21, 2002

what does bother me is the proposed "safe interjection" for heroin users.

Because? It seems clear that people are going to use drugs whether we want them to or not, whether it's safe to or not, and whether it's illegal or not, I think it's better that they use clean needles and not get sick and spread disease if they do, and it's better that they use in a safe environment.
posted by biscotti at 9:59 AM on December 21, 2002

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