Craig's List
June 28, 2000 9:24 PM   Subscribe

Craig's List -- the gigantic Bay Area jobs/apartments/ridesharing/etcetra mailing list and website -- is planning on expanding (the Boston site is up), but is there anything else as useful and non-commercialized for other areas?
posted by snarkout (3 comments total)
Useful? As a avid watcher and user of the craigslist for the past few months, I gotta say whatever people used to love it for is completely gone. There's a huge membership that is looking for an apartment right? The people that list there usually offer places cheaper than what you'd find at a rental service (like RentTech or MetroRent), so of course, there's a great demand in an already tennant-saturated environment. I have called and emailed in response to numerous ads, usually less than five minutes after they have been posted, and been told the place was rented. I'm sure in other towns it might not be so bad, but in SF, I think the list has grown to be too big. I could see the same thing happening in other cities, if Craigslist is the only free game in town.
posted by mathowie at 9:41 PM on June 28, 2000

The WWWAC mailing list is a healthy community of mostly web designers and other net technologists in the nyc area. Good source for jobs, silicon alley insider info, HTML/flash/jscript/design help, and the occasional fascinating off topic discussion. They're receptive to brief discussions of apartments/ridesharing/et cetera, though that's not the focus of the list. Very high volume and no web archive last time i checked tho.Anyone know of anything like this for the DC area?
posted by sudama at 8:19 AM on June 29, 2000

(Something for the DC area would be nice, as I'm moving there this summer.)

While I'm thinking of it, let me mention OpportunityNOCS, a Bay Area non-profit/NGO job board (with affiliates in Boston, Philiadelphia, and Atlanta, IIRC) that people might find useful.
posted by snarkout at 9:28 AM on June 29, 2000

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