"It never occurred to me that you could settle a case by paying one of your opponents," he said.
July 23, 2000 2:46 AM   Subscribe

"It never occurred to me that you could settle a case by paying oneof your opponents," he said. Except this is about life and death, and directly affects everyone whether or not they use a computer.
posted by katchomko (1 comment total)
"The good news for Wall Street was bad news on Main Street, where customers without health insurance were paying full freight for Hytrin."

The same price fixing affects those with health insurance, as it raises premiums. The specific case mentioned in this NY Times article eventually worked out in our favor, but the journalist shows how the Hatch-Waxman generic drug law, which was supposed to make it easier to bring generic drugs to market, actually makes it fiscally more attractive for the holders of patents on drugs to litigate or outright buy off generic drug manufacturers.
posted by katchomko at 2:47 AM on July 23, 2000

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