Big Brother, around the world...
August 7, 2000 8:53 AM Subscribe
Just a picking some nits: Big Brother started in Holland last year; they're reopening for part II this september.
Survivor is slightly older and comes from Sweden. The makers of Survivor actually sued Big Brother owners for stealing their show. Lost the case.
posted by thijsk at 9:58 AM on August 7, 2000
Big Brother did start in Holland, made by Endemol, and the Swedes sued them... but lost.
posted by prolific at 9:58 AM on August 7, 2000
posted by prolific at 9:59 AM on August 7, 2000
As for differences in the shows, I haven't seen the American edition of Survivor but it seems to be a bit more competitive than the Danish.
posted by Hjorth at 12:33 PM on August 7, 2000
UK version: bunch of drunken english people having fun.
and don't forget.. Australia, blindly following the US has it's own version of Millionaire, and is in the process of making an aussie version of 'survivor'
posted by cheaily at 5:29 PM on August 7, 2000
But then I'm not like the kind of person who is "intrigued at watching strangers more fucked up than they are." I still don't understand the appeal of Jerry Springer.
posted by ZachsMind at 9:10 PM on August 7, 2000
And personally, i find the UK version incredibly, incredibly boring. As opposed to US's Survivor, yes. Sure they take it very seriously, but whats wrong with that? When one winning tribe won spears to catch fish, and the losing tribe made traps to catch rats, there was a level of amusement and family entertainment there.
posted by aki at 9:39 PM on August 7, 2000
It's probably at least partially due to the fact that BB is on six nights a week here. If you want to keep up with it, you have to invest a huge amount of time. It also doesn't help that BB is happening in real time. Also, Survivor was totally wrapped up before the first episode ever aired, and they had plenty of time to edit it up into a compelling show. They only have a few hours to try to put together a decent BB show each day, and at least once a week it's live.
It's almost impossible to compare versions in the US, since here we don't have access to other countries' episodes at all; dunno if you can see our versions in other countries.
posted by aaron at 4:45 PM on August 8, 2000
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posted by tiaka at 9:08 AM on August 7, 2000