The Doe Network
September 9, 2003 8:11 AM   Subscribe

The Doe Network: An international volunteer organization dedicated to missing persons and unidentified victims' cold cases. Another example of networking via the Web creating powerful new solutions to old problems?
posted by rushmc (4 comments total)
This is quite a public service. It was sad to scroll through the open cases, some people missing for decades, and the way that photos have been age progressed to reflect what they might look like today. I can't imagine what it must be like for family to have no resolution on the loss of a loved one.

The unidentified victim file is arguably sadder still. People who met unfortunate ends and died anonymously, no one to note their passing.

Maybe over time this site will answer some questions for people - it seems like a good service.
posted by madamjujujive at 3:32 PM on September 9, 2003

Isn't it time to consider the other side of the coin? People who have disappeared and *want* to stay that way?

Most often, you think of criminals, or deadbeat dads, or "scum" who should be FORCED to be seen in public, identified, and made to walk around with a sign around their neck with their personal information on it.

But what about people who just want to be left alone? Who were in social situations with people they couldn't stand, surrounded by people or organizations that pestered them, made their life miserable, harrassed and intimidated them?

Do you have to leave the civilized world to get privacy anymore? No phone, no address, no property, no credit cards, no real conveniences, and no significant travel--just to get away.

Who stands up for people who just don't want to play?
posted by kablam at 4:40 PM on September 9, 2003

"There are more than 4,900 John and Jane Does registered in the United States today, many of them children."

This site suggests that unidentified remains are a solvable problem--5,000 is a doable number. Many missing children people cases probably match up to a Doe case somewhere else.
posted by jengod at 7:15 PM on September 9, 2003

How horrible...some of these people have been missing for thirty years or more. I can't imagine what that's like for their families. I also wonder what the truth is, what happened to these people, the ones who were walking to their cars, or going to the movies and were never seen again. Thanks for this, rushmc, it's very thought-provoking.
posted by biscotti at 8:40 PM on September 9, 2003

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