October 14, 2003 3:07 AM   Subscribe

Group Hug People Time to confess people. On the site or in the thread.
posted by Frasermoo (28 comments total)
I have to confess to using the word people too many times in the post.

Also, when I was 17, I was drunk and took a dump in the street. I aint proud.
posted by Frasermoo at 3:16 AM on October 14, 2003

*heh* I was going to link to this in the MeTa pie thread.

Good ol' b3ta...get down there today kids...woo! yay!
posted by i_cola at 3:20 AM on October 14, 2003

Link via my mate Jez on email not b3ta.
posted by Frasermoo at 3:31 AM on October 14, 2003

I have this to confess: one time I actually understood one of thomcatspike's comments and I thought maybe there was something wrong with me. Also, I used to have a crush on Stan Chin, when he had that star next to his name.
posted by mokujin at 4:43 AM on October 14, 2003

I have this to confess: one time I actually understood one of thomcatspike's comments and I thought maybe there was something wrong with me

[this is good]
posted by Espoo2 at 4:47 AM on October 14, 2003

I confess to thoroughly enjoying a good sneer at some of the people on that website.
posted by biffa at 5:02 AM on October 14, 2003

It's fascinating, but quite depressing.
posted by Espoo2 at 5:09 AM on October 14, 2003

Lots of interesting bits (855776413, 634699594) in there, and some seriously frightening ones: 192521471, 639269891, 391503880, 096731433. Real sociopaths, in some cases.
posted by Irontom at 5:13 AM on October 14, 2003

I went to Toys'R'Us when they had all these toys that would record a few seconds of your voice and
play it back at the press of the button. I went around all of them recording 'f*ck-off kid'
and waited for the kids and parents to come around
pressing the buttons.

posted by Espoo2 at 5:18 AM on October 14, 2003

I can't believe any of those Irontom.
Although I suppose posting a fake anonymous confession is sort of a confession in itself.

Irrespective of where you got it Frasermoo, the *B3ta challenge is on absolutely top form this week.

*Opens with a lame 911 joke for the faint of heart
posted by fullerine at 5:29 AM on October 14, 2003

My new favorite: i like a bi-sexual girl and she has changed my christian morals.
posted by Irontom at 5:49 AM on October 14, 2003

922348909 I came up with a fake confession, just so I could submit something to a web site. I feel like a jerk.

posted by pardonyou? at 6:16 AM on October 14, 2003

I confess that I didn't actually click the link, so I had no idea what the hell you folks were talking about. Curiosity got the better of me and I clicked it and now I know. Thank you.

Another confession: It drives me absolutely nuts when I see somebody spell "then" instead of "than". I see it everywhere. I once got so upset about it that I almost started a MeTa thread. Then I realized that it was petty and Cardosian, so I didn't. Still bugs me, though.
posted by ashbury at 6:27 AM on October 14, 2003

Some of them are quite sweet though...the last one is a bit weird...
posted by backOfYourMind at 6:30 AM on October 14, 2003

I like this one
posted by angry modem at 6:30 AM on October 14, 2003

But this one just makes me want to cry.
posted by backOfYourMind at 6:32 AM on October 14, 2003

After reading some of them, I don't know whether to laugh, cry, hide or post one of my own.
posted by tommasz at 6:40 AM on October 14, 2003

I confess: I was the second shooter in the grassy knoll.

Hey that really does feel good afterall! Who'da thunk it? :)
posted by LouReedsSon at 6:52 AM on October 14, 2003

I'm moved to confess at the scene of the crime:
I once stretched the truth just to make something rhyme.
I won't do it again...amberglow's such a cool guy,
but I told him I was married in June rather than July.
posted by troybob at 6:56 AM on October 14, 2003

Reminds me a little bit of [mefi]... alot of the posts on that are confessions
posted by cmicali at 7:18 AM on October 14, 2003

fullerine: If you thought the opening one was bad try this...

Fraser: The link was sent out in b3ta's newsletter this week...prob. where yer man got it...
posted by i_cola at 7:24 AM on October 14, 2003

Confess to never being called "cat".
posted by thomcatspike at 9:39 AM on October 14, 2003

i want to do the nasty with sennoma.
posted by quonsar at 11:20 AM on October 14, 2003

I confess I am going to go straight to hell in a handbasket for laughing at some of those b3ta entries. : )
posted by SisterHavana at 11:49 AM on October 14, 2003

thanks for the giggles!
posted by elphTeq at 6:50 PM on October 14, 2003

I confess to having made three separate confessions on that site.
They are all 100% truth.
They could ruin my life as I know it.

Oh, and I confess to spending way too much time here at MeFi and rarely, if ever, commenting.
posted by squasha at 9:28 PM on October 14, 2003

the purpose of this site is not to tell funny stories or be as vulgar as possible. the point isn't to get a thrill on posting lies about you and your livestock.

Oh, frell. [deletes three draft confessions]
posted by dhartung at 11:17 PM on October 14, 2003

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