the meaning of life, revealed in paper plates
October 27, 2003 5:18 AM   Subscribe

Astonishing geometric art using only folded paper plates, from Bradford Hansen-Smith at wholemovement. View the gallery of fantastic polyhedral creations, and learn how to do it yourself. (For more fun with paper plates, see also Paper Plate Education: Serving the Universe on a Paper Plate.)
posted by taz (7 comments total)
There's some more interesting folding here, though not with paper plates.
posted by substrate at 5:49 AM on October 27, 2003

That *is* astonishing. Thanks, taz.
posted by carter at 5:56 AM on October 27, 2003

Thanks taz - incredible stuff! Maybe I can get my family to do something useful and attractive at those family bbqs now. (Gee, Mother, your tetrahedron isn't looking very crisp!)

The links page has some very cool links too including this sculptor Charles Perry and one of my favorite mathematical artists, George Hart. I like them all, but I am always tickled by Just Two Cavities.
posted by madamjujujive at 9:13 AM on October 27, 2003

[this is good]
posted by plep at 1:49 PM on October 27, 2003

In a related note, I heard this on NPR:
Oct. 27, 2003

MIT professor Erik Demaine created a new field of science by combining his passions for mathematics and origami -- the Japanese art of folding. He calls it computational origami. It helps scientists figure out the best way to fold all kinds of items, including equipment used in space and automotive airbags.
posted by piskycritter at 2:35 PM on October 27, 2003

Very groovy!
posted by lobakgo at 3:02 PM on October 27, 2003

haven't seen any folded entries here yet, but Dixie's art of the plate design competition creations are fun (you, know, if you're a paper plate enthusiast).

Also, if you have kids, some adorable paper plate craft stuff here and here.
posted by taz at 5:23 PM on October 27, 2003

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