apples & oranges
February 23, 2004 7:54 AM   Subscribe

Interesting info for even the ardent salad dodgers (via bifurcated rivets)
posted by johnny7 (9 comments total)
That's 1 delicious site. Lavioushly illustrated with photos of fruits and vegetables. Mmmmm.
posted by troutfishing at 8:30 AM on February 23, 2004

[this is handy!]
posted by shoepal at 9:36 AM on February 23, 2004

That was supposed to convince me to "eat my vegetables"?

Looked like a biology textbook.
posted by jonmc at 10:22 AM on February 23, 2004

Broccoli is an inflourescence?! I'm floored.
posted by brownpau at 10:41 AM on February 23, 2004

Apples and oranges.
posted by Robot Johnny at 10:59 AM on February 23, 2004

I've seen those photos of what you eat jonmc.
Jeez what was that?Like a samosa or something?

Robot Johnny ?? errr
posted by johnny7 at 11:08 AM on February 23, 2004

what's a samosa?
posted by jonmc at 11:09 AM on February 23, 2004

Spicy Indian pastry type thingy.
Google image it
posted by johnny7 at 11:38 AM on February 23, 2004

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a rhizome. . . .

I always preferred Mary Ann to Ginger.
posted by LeLiLo at 6:05 AM on February 24, 2004

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