Women/Football? Obscene!
February 26, 2004 6:24 AM   Subscribe

From the Liberation Journal, Gregory Flanagan's "Libercratic" [?] Website:
Misogyny on TV; Feminazi Propaganda: Portrayals of amazon freaks denigrate and pervert females, attack feminine identity and incite in men a lust for sexual violence...
#4. Charlie's Angels (80s) ... Among the many barbaric and obscene shows, one featured women playing tackle football.
#18. Buffy, The Vampire Slayer (90s) ... the idiotic vampires are just the excuse--their real enemy is femininity.
#25. Xena: Warrior Princess (90s) ... Extreme, obscene violence that provokes in men an overwhelming, obsessive lust to rape and slaughter these bitches.
See also: Misogyny in the Movies, etc etc.
They're out there, folks. This man needs his ass kicked by a "girly girl" martial artist. Or maybe that's secretly what he wants?
(Site hosted and LOTSA POPUPS by directNIC.com. For shame, dierctNIC!)
posted by Shane (18 comments total)
Thanks to t r a c y for the link!
posted by Shane at 6:27 AM on February 26, 2004

Taina (2001) (Nickelodeon) - Showed two girls boxing, with one girl getting knocked down... ...I want to see the severed heads of the producers of this child abusing hell.

Oh my, I don't think I've ever seen such a need for anger management help.
posted by bmxGirl at 6:55 AM on February 26, 2004

You know, if it weren't for the web (and no doubt the occasional courtesy call to Limbaugh), this guy would have no outlet at all. Which is where your serial killers and such come from.

Sure, he's pretty frothy-mouthed (are we sure it's a he? Don't laugh, but I couldn't find any definitive proof), but everyone magnifies their opinions on the net, and no one who writes that much solid-block hatred does it for any other reason than to get it out of their system. I mean, I wasn't crazy about Witchblade neither, but I don't think drawing and quartering anyone is going to make me feel better about my masculinity.

Maybe he just needs the love of a good transvestite kick boxer.
posted by chicobangs at 7:07 AM on February 26, 2004

Maybe he just needs the love of a good transvestite kick boxer

Who doesn't?
posted by romakimmy at 7:11 AM on February 26, 2004

Another violent bitch, who deserves to have her ovaries ripped out and shoved down her throat, provokes violence against women.

This can't be serious, can it? This sounds like an editorial written by the Onion staff.
posted by deadcowdan at 7:21 AM on February 26, 2004

This just in, the internet is rife with raving crackpots.

The critical question is, is this guy an amusing crackpot or a boring crackpot? The ones whose rants take up fifteen column-feet of tiny type on the front page (like this one) are uniformly of the my-eyes-glaze-over boring variety.
posted by jfuller at 7:22 AM on February 26, 2004

There's just so much comedy gold in the things that horrify this guy. You can just randomly grab any paragraph:

A teen girl on jeopardy said when she was younger she was forced (forced was her word) to watch Power Rangers and because of it took up karate and became a black belt -- the crowd cheered.

Travesty! Horror! Another demented female martial artist. And the "tackle football" quote is just plain classic. And then this:

Extreme, obscene violence that provokes in men an overwhelming, obsessive lust to rape and slaughter these bitches.

Um, obviously this guy is turned on by the stuff he's condemning?

I almost feel sorry for him. Flanagan is 100s of hours of therapy, a dozen published academic papers, and probably a best-selling book for the "lucky" therapist who tries to sort him out. Whoa.

And we all need to be occasionally reminded that this stuff exists in our Modern World, probably in larger doses than we'll ever suspect. Or, on preview, maybe it's a satire/hoax as deadcowdan says. It's almost beyond belief, after all.
posted by Shane at 7:28 AM on February 26, 2004

Now come on. Look at the domain names... Liberation Journal is hosted at http://www.liberationjournal.com. The "Misogyny on TV" page is hosted by a completely different site-- one that looks like a site that provides free space -- and appropriates the "Liberation Journal" logo and links back to the original "Liberation Journal" page. The site showing "Misogyny on TV", etc. looks like it's trying to parody the content on Liberation Journal and Libertocracy, both of which are linked to by the parody site.
posted by deanc at 7:31 AM on February 26, 2004

I'd love to see his review of Beautiful Boxer - the true story of a male Thai boxer who is now a woman.
posted by SpaceCadet at 7:34 AM on February 26, 2004

The site showing "Misogyny on TV", etc. looks like it's trying to parody the content on Liberation Journal and Libertocracy, both of which are linked to by the parody site.

Could be. But the potential "parody" sites are extensive as all hell, and if they're parodies they potentially misappropriate the exact logo of Liberation Journal perfectly. And the misogyny sites links directly back to Liberation Journal (as the "Home" site), although Liberation Journal does not seem to link to the misogyny sites.

Methinks, if this is a parody site, it should have been more careful in how it presented itself. Potential trouble and legalities... Not to mention I feel foolish as all heck if I've dragged in Gregory Flanagan unnecessarilly.
posted by Shane at 7:53 AM on February 26, 2004

> Um, obviously this guy is turned on by the stuff he's condemning?

For goodness' sake don't tell him about mud wrestling.
posted by jfuller at 7:56 AM on February 26, 2004

Well, truth is stranger than fiction, I know firsthand, BUT anyone who says a woman should 'have her ovaries ripped out and shoved down her throat' for inciting violence in others is hard to take seriously... It's certainly satire. I guess the question is whether it's intentional or not!
posted by PigAlien at 10:15 AM on February 26, 2004

But I'm a Cheerleader (1999)-Girl is sent to a camp because her parents think she's a lesbian, though she's not. The film ridicules attempts by caring people to save children from the degrading and self-destructive homosodomite lifestyle by making them appear to be paranoid "homophobes".

Wow. Just wow. He misses the entire point of the movie, but I suppose that's no surprise, because he seems to miss everything.

Oh, in the Misogyny in Movies link, the comments in blue have been copied from the Heartless Bitches website.
posted by stoneegg21 at 10:43 AM on February 26, 2004

Hmm. I'm not still unclear on the parody thing. For example, the Libertocracy site itself (not the blatantly and undeniably whacko "misogyny" sites) looks sane at a quick first glance, but then contains essays like this:

The De-feminization of Girls through Sports

. . .

Androgynists have used sports to attack and pervert the feminine behavior of girls and womin through coercion to push more girls into emasculant behavior combined with discrimination and oppression of womin's rights by denying them the opportunity for feminine expression and participation in sports.
(Thanks for the catch, taz.)
posted by Shane at 11:15 AM on February 26, 2004

I'm not still unclear...
I mean I AM still unclear...

posted by Shane at 11:17 AM on February 26, 2004

her parents think she's a lesbian
the degrading and self-destructive homosodomite lifestyle

As a heterosexual male non-lesbian, I'll grant that I probably don't know all the details of lesbian sex (of course, true to form, I'm very interested in it).

To my somewhat limited knowledge, that seems like it's a misplaced characterization, there.
posted by thanotopsis at 11:34 AM on February 26, 2004

This just in, the internet is rife with raving crackpots.

Real life is full of raving crackpots, barely covered up by the everyday rules of (generally) polite social interaction. The Internet just makes them easier to find.
posted by PsychoKick at 7:20 PM on February 26, 2004

He just wants more hot chicks to bake him cakes. Is there anything wrong with that?

(The answer, by the way, is yes.)
posted by Furie at 11:09 AM on February 27, 2004

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