Been sharing username/passwords lately?
March 3, 2004 11:12 AM   Subscribe

Been sharing username/passwords lately?
posted by anathema (17 comments total)
Ernest Miller on mostly the DMCA issue. The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act is not as sexy as the DMCA but this case raises some very interesting issues about civil and criminal liability and the use of passwords that are not yours.
posted by anathema at 11:26 AM on March 3, 2004

So, if you share, say, your NYTimes login and password with me (not that anyone around here would do that), and I use it to log into the web site (without seeking NYT's approval, of course), I'm violating the DMCA? Great.
posted by tippiedog at 11:34 AM on March 3, 2004

I thought it was going to be a research study about how sharing usernames and passwords leads to oral cancer.
posted by xmutex at 11:35 AM on March 3, 2004

it's the other way around, xmutex!
posted by Peter H at 11:41 AM on March 3, 2004

Come and get me. You can't enforce 99 percent of what goes on online.
posted by Keyser Soze at 12:04 PM on March 3, 2004

*points toward*

posted by Smart Dalek at 12:39 PM on March 3, 2004

Has anyone told these guys?
posted by sp dinsmoor at 12:50 PM on March 3, 2004

If you mean sharing passwords to porno Web sites, I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOT.*

*note: not absolute
posted by Down10 at 1:16 PM on March 3, 2004

I had alway sthought that it would be a useful thing to subscribe to some mags and sites that charge, then share subscriptions for other ones with some friends, thus paying for one, but in turn getting 4 (say) free from my friends, who would buy one each...we would get 5 subscriptions (id, passwords) for the price of one...Example: The Ecnomist--get hard copy and on-line for some hunddred plus. The New Republic, Salon etc etc
posted by Postroad at 1:20 PM on March 3, 2004

So, if you share, say, your NYTimes login and password with me (not that anyone around here would do that), and I use it to log into the web site (without seeking NYT's approval, of course), I'm violating the DMCA? Great.

I'd be more surprised if there was something I'm doing as a normal internet user that doesn't violate the DCMA, or, of course, violating the PATRIOT Act.
posted by eyeballkid at 1:23 PM on March 3, 2004

(violate, not violating)
posted by eyeballkid at 1:27 PM on March 3, 2004

I feel this is an appropriate time to announce that I, Slagman, am in fact a consortium of 52 Monkeyfilter users.
posted by Slagman at 6:37 PM on March 3, 2004

...but I thought you were, The Slagman?

Not that I'm in a position to comment on stupid usernames... oh no!
posted by inpHilltr8r at 8:08 PM on March 3, 2004

This promiscuous password sharing, it's like a venereal disease.
posted by troutfishing at 9:45 PM on March 3, 2004

we got the violaters in the area.
posted by pekar wood at 5:21 AM on March 4, 2004

posted by pekar wood at 5:24 AM on March 4, 2004

freaking spooky. The problem is that the technology is moving faster than the majority of older generations, (a demographic from which most judges are pulled), have any idea how to deal with. It's magic to people like this judge...they just have no clue.
posted by dejah420 at 6:23 AM on March 4, 2004

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