Fensler/Lussenhop Umphrey's McGee Videos
March 3, 2004 5:56 PM   Subscribe

You may remember Eric Fensler from his audio overdubs of old G.I. Joe PSAs. Now he and Doug Lussenhop, hired by a band to shoot some DVD extras, apply the same approach to raw video footage of slackers hanging out backstage, cops breaking up a post-gig crowd, etc.
posted by staggernation (3 comments total)
Yeesh. It's going slow already. Is it too nerdy to ask if there are torrents of these videos anywhere?
posted by ejoey at 6:22 PM on March 3, 2004

I remember the GI Joe PSAs. The GI Joe PSAs were funny. These (parent link) Sir are not the GI Joe PSAs.
posted by m@ at 7:51 PM on March 3, 2004

Yeah - these aren't nearly as good as the GI Joe ones.

Thanks to m@ for posting the link with new PSAs to be enjoyed. Funny stuff.
posted by MsVader at 10:01 AM on March 4, 2004

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