The tone touches my soul peacefully...
April 29, 2004 5:02 PM   Subscribe

The Veridian Room is Toshimitsu Takagi's long awaited sequel to The Crimson Room. Point and click puzzlers to destroy your brain. Just in time to eat away your whole Flash Friday. Mirror here. Via my mate Duncan, who got it from Albino Blacksheep.
posted by armoured-ant (22 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
you dive into unbelievable deep darkest heavenly hell
posted by roboto at 5:53 PM on April 29, 2004

Worth pulling out sounds recorder for, huh?
posted by armoured-ant at 6:13 PM on April 29, 2004

posted by armoured-ant at 6:16 PM on April 29, 2004

oh great, there goes the rest of today!

discussion of game follows, avoid if you don't want to see it...

i've got 5 cards + 1 with hair, cd case, 2 photos, photo frame, beer can, medicine bottle, incense sticks... can't figure out what to do. by playing around with combos of items on the shelf i can create 3 different tones-- peaceful, beautiful and hurts your soul. but so what? where do i go from there?
posted by jcruelty at 6:30 PM on April 29, 2004

*** SPOILERS ***

I've got some hints below... try not to use them all at once, they'll spoil your appetite.

*** SPOILERS ***

Did you find the sixth card in the lamp above you?

Did you burn the hair?

Did you open the medicine bottle?

Did you find the key in the dead man's hands?

Did you pull back the bedding over the skeleton?
posted by Khalad at 6:42 PM on April 29, 2004

Well I'm still stuck. I made the cube. What now? On another site I saw mention of a marker. Where's that?
posted by Khalad at 6:48 PM on April 29, 2004

as much as i click on the lamp, i can't get a card out of it... not sure how to burn the hair... opened the medicine bottle but can't do anything with the contents... clicked on the skeleton hands but no key... ugh. i have got the incense burning, "i can almost feel the dead man's spirit..." but no dice with anything else yet.

posted by jcruelty at 6:50 PM on April 29, 2004

I'm stuck at what combination to use on the bicycle lock wrapped around the skeleton's feet.
posted by starkeffect at 7:12 PM on April 29, 2004

I finally solved it and I don't get to sign the guestbook because it is 503. Oh well, it was a fun little puzzle anyway.
posted by sp dinsmoor at 8:06 PM on April 29, 2004

And the beer must be cold.
posted by Lafe at 8:11 PM on April 29, 2004

The bicycle lock: where have you seen numbers that might be significant?

The lamp card: I looked and looked for the life of me, and finally someone else had to tell me; look at the skeleton's feet, then look up.

The key and the blanket: there is really no point in 'hinting' about these rather than just coming out and say it, because I think that hiding things like this is pretty shitty -- you basically have to click on the blanket and the hand each about a dozen times. God knows why, or how they expected people to figure that out -- it's not even as if the blanket 'rustles' or something with each touch. I guess after X hours you'd just get so frustrated that you would start pounding the mouse?
posted by rafter at 8:37 PM on April 29, 2004

lovely how the albinoblacksheep link isn't actually a mirror, it just embeds the original swf from a server that is having problems.

the crimson room was fun though.
posted by y0bhgu0d at 8:45 PM on April 29, 2004

I never would have found the paper in the blanket without a cheat.
posted by supershauna at 10:27 PM on April 29, 2004


Keep flipping the pages of the diary till the end. Be careful not to overclick.
posted by phyrewerx at 10:29 PM on April 29, 2004

there went an hour...

Not bad though, reminds me of some those old amiga adventure games, where you had to hunt for the right pixel to click.
posted by bobo123 at 11:58 PM on April 29, 2004

Both links seem to be down now - overload on the first, and an error of some kind on the mirror. Any other place where this can be found?
posted by aladfar at 9:51 AM on April 30, 2004

I have been trying the mirror all morning and it's just working now.
posted by Coffeemate at 11:16 AM on April 30, 2004

Phew . . . that took some doing. My only criticism is that you have to click on things multiple times to get them to "work". But I assumed this having played through the Crimson room, so was able to manage.

What's the term for games like this? Puzzle adventures? I wish they were more popular than the "shooter" games that the kids seem to go for.
posted by aladfar at 1:37 PM on April 30, 2004

I couldn't solve it without the hints, mostly due to the aforementioned "multiple clicks to make things happen" annoyance. That's really cheap... I even figured out the tougher stuff on my own, only to be defeated by the stupid hidden items.

Also, did you guys get any text with this game? For me, there was none at all, but it seems as if people are quoting from it...?
posted by vorfeed at 3:04 PM on April 30, 2004

Absolutely Necessary Walkthrough. I needed it, but I'm a wimp when it comes to these games. Myst boggled me too.
posted by apathy0o0 at 10:14 PM on May 1, 2004

How do you burn the hair or open the bottle?
posted by kayjay at 10:05 AM on May 2, 2004

Examine the items (or whatever they call it). Took me forever to figure this out, too, and you need it for a lot of the actions (putting the pictures in the frame, et cetera). It would seem like you should be able to just click the two items in the inventory, but no dice.
posted by rafter at 10:10 AM on May 2, 2004

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