John Doe, 29, and Jane Smith, same, are pleased to announce that they are SO TOTALLY OVER!
July 30, 2004 7:58 AM   Subscribe

Tired of engagement news? Break Up News is the place to get the skinny on recently ruptured romances or to announce to the world that you're back in the game. And, if you are, (or have other untraditional news you want to share,) consider Other Announcements, which offers greeting cards for calling off your engagement or wedding, moving in together, getting divorced, coming out, and getting your boobs done. (Though not all at the same time.)
posted by onlyconnect (2 comments total)
Thanks, those are funny. The writing almost has an "Arcata Eye" feel to it.
posted by dhoyt at 2:54 PM on July 30, 2004

Break Up News dot com has relocated here. It also has more entries, now, and continues to be a fun read. I mean, if you like reading about other people's misery. And I do.
posted by onlyconnect at 2:54 PM on August 25, 2004

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