Should have used Blogger.
October 15, 2000 2:37 AM   Subscribe

Should have used Blogger. Is dead? (Or is it just resting? And why did it go down on a full moon Friday the 13th?) Seems quite a few bloggers just lost EVERYTHING in their Groksoup weblogs. Ouch.
posted by jca (1 comment total)
Well, it seems to be working now. I did have some weirdness, though. Running a traceroute turned up a hostname of "" (my large D) as the true host name for the address, Looks like bad reverse domain records. Probably a typo, seeing as how D and S are near each other on the keyboard. GrokDoup does load in my browsers. However, a whois says the name is available and an nslookup says it doesn't exist. Check out one of the traceroute servers at Stanford and BetterWhois to see what I mean.
posted by Mo Nickels at 4:13 AM on October 15, 2000

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