Roubini's Econ Blog
February 22, 2005 10:20 AM   Subscribe

Nouriel Roubini's Global Macroeconomic and Financial Policy Site is big, broad, and pretty amazing. If you can stomach a 50 page .pdf, make sure to read the dollar-bear article: Will The Bretton Woods 2 Regime Unravel Soon? The Risk of a Hard Landing in 2005-2006.
posted by trharlan (6 comments total)

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Incredible find. So much reading that it'll last months for me. Thanks.
posted by BlueTrain at 10:56 AM on February 22, 2005

The YoFEGO (Your Fucking Eyes Glaze Over) Factor is high on this site. But worth the time if you got it.

This is... man... staggaring. Did any of you go here. The Iraq and Geopolitics section. Great stuff.

Let me just, in summary, reiterate the facts for you:

Bush has royally fucked us.

Another great find.
posted by tkchrist at 12:28 PM on February 22, 2005

For a translation of what this means to you, see this previous MeFi discussion.

And in related news, see this morning's top business story: Dollar Drops as South Korea States Intention to Diversify Currency Reserves.
posted by alms at 12:52 PM on February 22, 2005

The Iraq and Geopolitics section

Wait, I'm supposed to trust a guy who can't design a website worth shit for macro economics, US electoral politics, and geo politics?

And his qualification? He's at Business School (aka "Powerpoint School")! Of course I believe everything he says...
posted by thedevildancedlightly at 2:01 PM on February 22, 2005


It should be the arguments advanced, not the source, that cause you to believe or disbelieve the assertions. Do you not find any sources of worry in the current economic situation, that is, the US government/private sector undersaving, the dollar falling, and the growing economic power of Asia, especially China?
posted by Mental Wimp at 3:34 PM on February 22, 2005

I've been following that site since I first heard about it (here) some months ago. Still don't know whether the great economic collapse will happen tomorrow or six years from now (I'm not totally convinced by that latest paper), but at least I'll know where to go to read about it when it does. Roubini and Setzer are both good writers, and seem honest and well-informed. Well, for economists, anyway.
posted by sfenders at 5:22 PM on February 22, 2005

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