November 6, 2000
1:53 AM   Subscribe

So, I guess, everyone is now ready for the greatest competition on Earth? It sure took long enough to get here and everyone has been intensively jockeying for position. It looks like it's going to be a exciting event. The whole world will be watching.
What, the election? No, of course not, I'm talking about the one and only Melbourne Cup. Needless to say, I'm backing Diatribe (9 to 1). Oh, and here's one more election story.
posted by lagado (10 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
You wouldn't be backing a New Zealand owned horse now would you Lagado. I'll go for one of the other Kiwi horses in the race, Kaapstad Way, especially as the weather looks good.
posted by jay at 2:45 AM on November 6, 2000

You gotta love being Australian. A public holiday simply because of the Melbourne Cup.
posted by cheaily at 4:40 AM on November 6, 2000

You guys get the day off for a horse race when the U.S. doesn't even get the day off for an election?

I'm moving.
posted by frykitty at 7:55 AM on November 6, 2000

I hate to get into an argument with my mates in Austrailia, but as a lifelong citizen of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, I must defend the Kentucky Derby as the greatest horse racing event in the world. I would not, however, defend it or any other horse race as the "greatest competition on Earth" if that includes all sports. But if you want argue, then I'm your huckleberry!
posted by cowboy at 10:22 AM on November 6, 2000

I think you'll find that honour's taken by Royal Ascot, old chap.

(If you like watching a bunch of sloanes and berties getting drunk in silly hats, anyway.)
posted by Mocata at 10:36 AM on November 6, 2000

Depending on where you live, some people get a week off for the start of deer season in the United States. I doubt they're government employees though...
posted by daveadams at 12:27 PM on November 6, 2000

Well it may be a moot point to argue which race is better, especially between countries. I would say however, in defense of the Kentucky Derby, that more international horses (and owners) race in the US. More horses compete to get to the Derby and ultimately, the Triple Crown. The Royal Ascot may be older, but in the prestige and competition of the Derby sets the standard for Throroughbred racing.

I got more, come on. :-)
posted by cowboy at 1:07 PM on November 6, 2000

You've got to look at it from where I'm standing.

Its an absolutely glorious, sundrenched, spring day (24 C, 90 F)? I've got the day off. The city is at a standstill. I'm living one suburb from the track. There are taxis filled with people wearing big hats and funny clothes. The spring racing carnival is at its peak. The roses are blooming. The BBQs are arcing up all over Melbourne. Everyone is has a bet on and is in a couple of sweeps. So what else really matters?

Do they have horse racing in the USA? Gee, I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the info!


posted by lagado at 4:41 PM on November 6, 2000

Which horse is Ralph Nader riding?

(well, he had to show up in this thread somewhere, didn't he?)
posted by Steven Den Beste at 6:59 PM on November 6, 2000

I guess that would be the Dark Horse, Steven.

Anyway, I lucked out on every damned horse I picked.

posted by lagado at 2:36 AM on November 7, 2000

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