Well, that was fun
August 25, 2005 9:06 PM   Subscribe

"I used to wonder what the meaning of life was. Then I looked in the dictionary, and there it was, the meaning of life."

posted by Citizen Premier at 9:21 PM on August 25, 2005 [1 favorite]

(Last link NSFW)
posted by VulcanMike at 9:23 PM on August 25, 2005

Of the linked items, lunch (the "like" link) is by far the most fun.
And, as the first "Fun" link points out (though it fails to give a tip o' the pin to Bill Griffith), fun is three rocks.
posted by Dr. Wu at 9:23 PM on August 25, 2005

(NSFW is fun)
posted by If I Had An Anus at 9:26 PM on August 25, 2005

Homosexuality is fun. But then, you already knew that.
posted by ColdChef at 9:31 PM on August 25, 2005

Oh, and by the way, getting the first post is fun too!
posted by Citizen Premier at 9:34 PM on August 25, 2005

You know Chef, I looked all over that site for that one also, but I couldn't find it either.

Yes, the last link is NSFW. Sorry. And the "three rocks" answer was supposed to be implied, not implicit, Doc.
posted by yhbc at 9:36 PM on August 25, 2005

Whoa. Not that site. The other one you referred to.
posted by yhbc at 9:37 PM on August 25, 2005

I'm cold and confused. This isn't the fun you promised.
posted by ColdChef at 9:38 PM on August 25, 2005

getting the first post is fun too!

Heh, to me at least, suckers.
posted by If I Had An Anus at 9:39 PM on August 25, 2005

Balloons are fun.
posted by Robot Johnny at 10:25 PM on August 25, 2005

The real question, though, is What is Funt?
posted by Robot Johnny at 10:26 PM on August 25, 2005

posted by ColdChef at 9:34 PM PST on August 25

If one reads the website closely, and really cogitates about what that guy is saying, there is a possibility one can come to a deeper understanding of the world. if not the meaning of life. That, or by reading it closely and thinking about, one could save lots of money on mind-altering drugs.
posted by dios at 8:26 AM on August 26, 2005

Oh my God, the computer blog is still running. Didn't I see that in February or something? Magnificent!

(Nice post, btw)
posted by logovisual at 8:50 AM on August 26, 2005

(Last link NSFW)

Um. No kidding!!!!!! Not so much fun to get fired!
posted by WaterSprite at 11:43 AM on August 26, 2005

(It was kind of cute, though!)
posted by WaterSprite at 11:43 AM on August 26, 2005

(1) This is fun.
(2) Fun exists.
(3) God is/isn't fun.
(4) Therefore, God exists.
posted by hellbient at 2:40 PM on August 26, 2005

white residential college fun is fun.

posted by madamjujujive at 7:08 AM on August 27, 2005

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