k10k hits 100!
January 30, 2001 8:06 PM   Subscribe

k10k hits 100! Can't let today end without a little applause for k10k's 100th issue. And it's a doozy. (Be sure to check out all the random splashes.)
posted by fraying (8 comments total)
wow, i love the 100th issue. my issue was shite. (33)
posted by ewwgene at 8:27 PM on January 30, 2001

Astounding work. But perhaps it should have been called Fraystation, Derek?
posted by dhartung at 10:22 PM on January 30, 2001

Is there any reason why his story had to be typeset in an image making it more difficult to load?
posted by Brilliantcrank at 10:40 PM on January 30, 2001

Not an image. Flash. Which is one of the points of a site like kaliber10000, doncha know ...
posted by dhartung at 11:09 PM on January 30, 2001

Actually, the front page seems random. Yer both right.
posted by Neb at 11:48 PM on January 30, 2001

So why would you use Flash for typesetting? That's not the most effective use of the technology.

I'm not complaining so much as asking becuase I want to make sure I understand the the methods used for the design.
posted by Brilliantcrank at 12:34 AM on January 31, 2001

this typesetted text is almost copyrighted : )
it's Joshua Davis.

that's all.
it's his mark, it's his style, don't ask. : )
posted by deboute at 12:37 AM on January 31, 2001

To hell and back.

I'm surprised no one stopped a moment to reflect on the dramatic rollercoaster of a life this man has lived to eventually come to a stop doing amazing things with new technology.

I for one am deeply moved by the hope and love Joshua's story contains. I guess you wouldn't get it if you haven't been there.

Also, the splash screens kick hella ass!
posted by Jeremy at 8:51 AM on January 31, 2001

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