November 24, 2006 9:43 PM   Subscribe

Salegy is Malagasy pop music. Upbeat and lively. Sometimes dramatic. Jaojoby is the legend and Wawa are the young guns!
posted by pwedza (8 comments total) 10 users marked this as a favorite
...of course there is always Mapouka from Côte d'Ivoire, but that's another story...
posted by pwedza at 9:52 PM on November 24, 2006

Nice post, pwedza! The Jaojoby and Wawa tunes are both catchy as hell. The Jaojoby has a bit of that Zairean soukous vibe but more fun to listen to with its tricky phrasing in the chorus. And I love the feel of the Wawa tune: really driving and insistent, but in a characteristically relaxed way, plus full of gnarly little figures and dropped beats, kinda making it a sort of African prog!

Madagascar is such an interesting place. Their traditional music can be really great, too. The valiha is one of their main trad instruments, worth checking out for its lovely, delicate sound.
posted by flapjax at midnite at 10:14 PM on November 24, 2006

Very fun post, love the sound - I needed this! Thanks pwedza.
posted by madamjujujive at 10:23 PM on November 24, 2006

Nice sounds. Thank you pwedza. But, where are your tags? Didn't want to associate with this? ;-}
posted by tellurian at 4:21 AM on November 25, 2006

Excellent post. A long time personal fave of mine is Rakoto Frah.
posted by moonbird at 7:13 AM on November 25, 2006

Tarika is another great group from Madagascar. Some of their songs are really haunting.
posted by mike3k at 4:26 PM on November 25, 2006

I saw a performance of Malagasy music at the Kennedy Center in DC a few years back. It was, and still is, the only music of which I could not catch the beat. The audience was perhaps 80% Malagasy nationals, and they were grooving along, but I absolutely could not figure out what was going on. It was fabulous.
posted by MrMoonPie at 6:11 PM on November 25, 2006

These are awesome. I remember hearing Rossy somewhere a while back and really digging him. Do you know where one could find MP3s of these guys online for purchase?
posted by bokane at 11:25 AM on November 26, 2006

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