February 1, 2007 9:19 PM   Subscribe

The old and the new Japan in one frame. The delicate relationship of Oyako, parent and child. In 1982 American photographer Bruce Osborn began what has become his lifelong work. For the last 25 years he took pictures of one parent with one child in a white studio setting.
posted by nickyskye (28 comments total) 26 users marked this as a favorite
At least one picture NSFW. I just now was scrolling through the first link and had my first boss-raising-an-eyebrow moment.

Nice post, though.
posted by zardoz at 9:30 PM on February 1, 2007

Those are fantastic photos. Thanks nickyskye!
posted by vacapinta at 9:38 PM on February 1, 2007

Most excellent, nickeyskye - thank you!
posted by madamjujujive at 10:09 PM on February 1, 2007

The sushi chef one was excellent
posted by pantsrobot at 10:09 PM on February 1, 2007

Porn star
posted by GavinR at 10:56 PM on February 1, 2007

Re: the porn start -- *sigh* the exquisite sophistication of her body.

Not a fetish, just that, to my eyes, its has its own particular grace -- just like any other women, but I'm particularily sensitive to that style. A real eye candy.

Sorry to derail -- and i'm probably going to take lot of flak for that comment but I'll standby by it :-)
posted by NewBornHippy at 11:10 PM on February 1, 2007

“Her parents both have tattoos and their daughter got a huge shock when she entered a sentō, a public bath, for the first time. Until that event it was in her mind that all the adults must have tattoos. Everybody around the house had some and it was a very natural thing for her.”

This was a fantastic idea.

Thanks for posting nickyskye!
posted by hadjiboy at 1:56 AM on February 2, 2007

Awesome post. Thanks.
posted by slimepuppy at 2:05 AM on February 2, 2007

posted by Meagan at 4:15 AM on February 2, 2007

“Her parents both have tattoos and their daughter got a huge shock when she entered a sentō, a public bath, for the first time. Until that event it was in her mind that all the adults must have tattoos. Everybody around the house had some and it was a very natural thing for her.”

A friend of mine — daughter of an amateur swimming racer and a second-wave feminist — had similar trouble with the idea that in other families it's the women who shave their legs.
posted by nebulawindphone at 4:52 AM on February 2, 2007

posted by miss lynnster at 5:13 AM on February 2, 2007

awesome gallery! thanks
posted by dreamsign at 5:57 AM on February 2, 2007

This is awesome.
posted by chunking express at 6:35 AM on February 2, 2007

These are marvelous. And yeah, I like the sushi chef one best, too. It's so true.
posted by breezeway at 7:25 AM on February 2, 2007

posted by bshort at 7:41 AM on February 2, 2007

Yeah the sushi chef one is great. Somehow I think there would have been a similar reaction had his son become a pron star - he'd probably just be looking a little more to his right.
posted by jimmythefish at 8:07 AM on February 2, 2007

Wow! Bruce is a friend of mine! He took a portrait of me and my family as part of his oyako series. And here he is on MeFi!
posted by flapjax at midnite at 8:29 AM on February 2, 2007

My favourite is the punk rock-star and his mom; the look on the mom's face in both pics is just adorable. She seems so proud of her kid! The rock-star, though, seems to have wisened out in later years; clearly, the gel on the mohawk doesnt hold out for long.

The next best is the rock star and her daughter, for the reasons mentioned in the accompanying text; I really couldnt tell who's the mom and who's the daughter!
posted by the cydonian at 8:58 AM on February 2, 2007

Great link! I like the cop/farmer pair, and the ramen shop owner/beautician.
posted by vorfeed at 10:37 AM on February 2, 2007

brilliant photos.
posted by gnutron at 10:51 AM on February 2, 2007

I'll throw my hat into the "sushi chef pic is choice" ring.

This is great!
posted by Uther Bentrazor at 11:21 AM on February 2, 2007

I'll throw my hat into the "sushi chef pic is choice" ring.

This is great!
posted by Uther Bentrazor at 11:21 AM on February 2, 2007

posted by owhydididoit at 11:46 AM on February 2, 2007

i like the little girl sandwiched between her tattooed parents and the mohawked punk with his cherub faced mother. adorable!
posted by cazoo at 12:10 PM on February 2, 2007

I don't know why, but these pictures make me deliriously happy. Awesome post, awesome pictures.
posted by wolftrouble at 12:16 PM on February 2, 2007

Apparently, the fourth Sunday in July is "Oyako's Day". Essays and more portraits to be found on the official blog!
posted by elphTeq at 2:02 PM on February 2, 2007

Wonderful pictures. And thanks for the "Oyako's Day"blog post-link too, ElphTeq.

My mother loved to it too.
posted by mummimamma at 3:40 AM on February 3, 2007

Thanks for the additional link elphTeq. Cool you're friends with MeFite Bruce Osborn, flapjax at midnite! I enjoy and admire his photographs and look forward to a larger display of them on the web. :)
posted by nickyskye at 10:14 AM on February 3, 2007

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