June 20, 2007 3:20 PM   Subscribe

I just realized, there's a NSFW image rather far down on the via link.
posted by brundlefly at 3:22 PM on June 20, 2007

That reminds me, I need to get "The Goonies on DVD"!
posted by Twang at 3:25 PM on June 20, 2007

I've never seen these snacks before! Why? Now I want to eat something I've never seen!
posted by The Light Fantastic at 3:35 PM on June 20, 2007

Mmmmm, Ghost Pops with evaporated (0%) milk — watch 'em disappear!
posted by rob511 at 3:38 PM on June 20, 2007

Just what I needed, chased through the market by snack food.

Although, I'd probably buy some at least once, just because it was a cool concept.
posted by pupdog at 3:40 PM on June 20, 2007

The Light Fantastic writes "I've never seen these snacks before! Why? Now I want to eat something I've never seen!"

Looks like they're S. African. Darn it. Africans get all the luck.
posted by brundlefly at 3:41 PM on June 20, 2007

Oh, and TLF, you'll notice the via link is the site you just sent me!
posted by brundlefly at 3:41 PM on June 20, 2007

posted by shmegegge at 3:47 PM on June 20, 2007

Pepsi Boo!
posted by hortense at 3:54 PM on June 20, 2007 [4 favorites]

Trolley starts moving (work for engineers! ) , elder gets an heart stroke (more work for the MD), the ambulance chasing lawyers sues, the blog blogs !

And the consumer, as always, bends over and gets one for everybody else. Why don't they just attract my attention with a better product ?
posted by elpapacito at 4:49 PM on June 20, 2007

I can't see a picture of a supermarket without thinking of Chad Vader. I could see him using the Force to move that cart around.
posted by MtDewd at 5:24 PM on June 20, 2007

Awesome. My grandmother was killed by an automated shopping cart filled with snack chips. Thanks for reminding me, Ghost Pops!!! :-(
posted by jonson at 5:25 PM on June 20, 2007

It's posts like this that are killing Reddit.
posted by humannaire at 5:58 PM on June 20, 2007

I just got this image of being chased throught the supermarket by a freezer telling me to buy Ice Scream, Nowwwwww! Hell. And I was being so good.
posted by Secret Life of Gravy at 7:59 PM on June 20, 2007

Ahhh, Simba snack brands! I spent some time in Southern Africa, so I can attest to have tried many varieties within the Simba repertoire.

It appears this ad campaign won some awards.

Most of their 'sweets,' as I remember them, weren't very good. Low quality chocolate, gummy cookies/biscuits. The savories, on the other hand...mmmm....give me some Chili flavored or Chicken BBQ flavored Simba chips any day!
posted by i less than three nsima at 8:30 PM on June 20, 2007

humannaire writes "It's posts like this that are killing Reddit."

Didn't know there was such a connection between here and there. I'll try to be more responsible in the future.
posted by brundlefly at 12:47 AM on June 21, 2007

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