Fighting Seacat? Miao Sea-Tung? I'm so, so sorry...
July 13, 2007 12:59 PM   Subscribe

Able Seacat Simon was the ship's cat serving with HMS Amethyst during the Yangtze Incident in 1949. Despite the Captain's dislike of Simon (he would often leave "tributes" of dead rats in the Captain's bed and went to sleep in his hat) he served for over a year until the HMS Amethyst was attacked. The ship ran aground and during this time Communist-trained* rats infiltrated the ship. Despite being wounded in action by the shelling, Simon continued to carry out his duties, ridding the ship of all Communist insurgent rodents and boosting morale amongst the wounded sailors. *probably not but it sounded good.
posted by longbaugh (20 comments total) 14 users marked this as a favorite
He received the Dickin Medal (instituted as the highest award of the PDSA) and became a hero to the British - so much so that the HMS Amethyst had to assign someone the duty of Cat Officer, responsible for answering his fanmail.

You too can own a disturbingly lifelike replica of Able Seacat Simon for the knockdown price of £24.95.

Simon was not the only animal to be awarded the Dickin Medal, numerous pigeons (including Paddy and G.I. Joe), several dogs and three horses. I refuse to search the internet for "Lifelike Replica Dickin Horse" however, lest my eyes assplode.
posted by longbaugh at 1:00 PM on July 13, 2007

Man, our cat is a deadbeat by comparison.
posted by Artw at 1:16 PM on July 13, 2007

Also he has been known to say "Mao". Hmm.
posted by Artw at 1:16 PM on July 13, 2007

Tuxedo cats are totally badass.
posted by malocchio at 1:24 PM on July 13, 2007 [1 favorite]

He was quite a handsome fellow, too. No ship's company is complete without a cat.
posted by Faint of Butt at 1:27 PM on July 13, 2007

I have also been awarded a Dickin Medal, but not for my work with mice.
posted by Astro Zombie at 1:29 PM on July 13, 2007 [1 favorite]

im madeline, bruce's tucksedo kitty takin over his puter while hez on the john to sekond malocchio!!
posted by bruce at 1:33 PM on July 13, 2007

I have also been awarded a Dickin Medal, but not for my work with mice.

Mice, gerbils -- why split hairs?
posted by Atom Eyes at 1:40 PM on July 13, 2007 [2 favorites]

Great story.
posted by brundlefly at 1:41 PM on July 13, 2007

Wonderful story, thanks for the post.
posted by Snyder at 1:42 PM on July 13, 2007

That was a good read. Thanks for sharing.
posted by Tehanu at 1:53 PM on July 13, 2007

That really made me smile. Thanks Longbaugh.

Bruce, about your Dicken Medal, does that mean you are an animal? Do you gallantly serve?
posted by Belle O'Cosity at 2:00 PM on July 13, 2007

Another famous pet -- "Flat Gorby, record-setting NASA astronaut, Suni Williams's pet Jack Russell terrier.
posted by ericb at 2:32 PM on July 13, 2007

This is more awesome than it has any right to be.

And I am going to name my next kitty Able Seacat Simon II.
posted by contessa at 2:38 PM on July 13, 2007

I tried to do a re-enactment of this; my cat, a bunch of mice, and Lake Michigan, but I was a bit short in the boat department. I tried an inflatable raft, but that ended... badly.

When he swam back to shore, he was pissed. Now he just gives me this really sullen stare and pisses in my shoes when I'm not looking.
posted by quin at 3:39 PM on July 13, 2007 [1 favorite]

posted by LordSludge at 3:53 PM on July 13, 2007 [3 favorites]

posted by Snyder at 5:21 PM on July 13, 2007 [1 favorite]

We know well of Simon and his courage. But communist rodents... well at least that's an ethos.

My dog has been smoking out the nihilist Al Squirelda terrorists for years.

Not alone. No.

Along with his Coalition of the Willing — the uneasy alliance with neighboring cats ChooChee, Bubba, and Randy — he's fighting them over there (and I mean literally right OVER THERE) so you won't have to fight them here.

You're either with us. Or you're with Al Squirelda. Unless you have a salmon treat. Then maybe you're still with us.
posted by tkchrist at 5:39 PM on July 13, 2007 [1 favorite]

Mice, gerbils -- why split hairs?

Hares, surely.
posted by i_am_joe's_spleen at 5:58 PM on July 13, 2007

Thank you, from 19 year old Ethel and Too Scared to Chase Anything Fred. That was a great tale. :)
posted by ltracey at 6:11 PM on July 13, 2007

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