This is how they roll.
September 18, 2007 5:25 PM   Subscribe

Screw cheezburgers. All the fun of "LOLcats," but with badass roller derby girls instead. Talk derby to me!
posted by CitizenD (111 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
in case you're one of the four people on the planet who hasn't seen it: I Can Has Cheezburger?
posted by CitizenD at 5:26 PM on September 18, 2007

oh, and: i popped my FPP cherry! did i do good? huh huh huh?
posted by CitizenD at 5:28 PM on September 18, 2007

Thanks CitizenD! A ladyfriend loves the lolcat thing and she digs roller derby stuff. So with this, I'll be in like Flynn! ..or is that Flint? ..oh, Who Cares! =)
posted by ZachsMind at 5:28 PM on September 18, 2007

I think MetaFilter just died a little. Did anyone else feel that?
posted by eyeballkid at 5:30 PM on September 18, 2007 [24 favorites]

i think it's "flynn," but why not throw caution to the wind and be "in like phlegm?"
posted by CitizenD at 5:31 PM on September 18, 2007

you should re-name yourself "stink-eyeball kid."


(yes, i know i'll have to be more thick-skinned if i'm to survive in the blue...)
posted by CitizenD at 5:35 PM on September 18, 2007

a little every day with each post like this, eyeballkid!

only you can kill metafilter.
posted by blacklite at 5:36 PM on September 18, 2007 [5 favorites]

oh, and: i popped my FPP cherry! did i do good? huh huh huh?

posted by Poolio at 5:37 PM on September 18, 2007 [4 favorites]

In like Flint.
posted by quin at 5:40 PM on September 18, 2007

Thanks CitizenD! A ladyfriend loves the lolcat thing and she digs roller derby stuff. So with this, I'll be in like Flynn! ..or is that Flint? ..oh, Who Cares! =) -- ZachsMind

i think it's "flynn," but why not throw caution to the wind and be "in like phlegm?" -- CitizenD

In Like Flint.

Also, I found the page extremely derivative. The macros on this page are not nearly cute enough to work. On the other hand LOLBOTS is awsome.
posted by delmoi at 5:41 PM on September 18, 2007

From delmoi's link, in case you couldn't be arsed to read all the way down:

"The title is a parody of the phrase 'In like Flynn,' referring to Errol Flynn's reputation as a womanizer (which he shares with Flint)."
posted by Rangeboy at 5:44 PM on September 18, 2007

posted by porn in the woods at 5:45 PM on September 18, 2007 [7 favorites]

Ah, it was close, CitizenD, this post might have sucked without, "SECRET WEDGIE ATTACK!!!1!!!!!!"
(emphasis mine)
posted by snsranch at 5:48 PM on September 18, 2007

This is sort of akin to the beating of dead horse "Got (noun)?" bandwagon everyone jumped on following the Milk Council. Memes need to have shorter shelf lives.
posted by asterisk at 5:50 PM on September 18, 2007

posted by found missing at 5:54 PM on September 18, 2007 [1 favorite]

I always thought it was "In like Flynn", referring to Erol Flynn, the notorious womanizer... hence, in like - well, you get it.
posted by backseatpilot at 5:58 PM on September 18, 2007

Screw cheezburgers.

I want pictures of that.

And I've always heard "In like Flynn, out like trout."
posted by tepidmonkey at 6:03 PM on September 18, 2007

oh, and: i popped my FPP cherry!

good job. now practice restraint, patience, and caring for others' feelings and it will be better for me next time.
posted by poppo at 6:04 PM on September 18, 2007 [1 favorite]

oh, and: i popped my FPP cherry!

well, at least it was good for one of us
posted by poppo at 6:05 PM on September 18, 2007 [3 favorites]

I dislike LOLanything other than LOLcats. I'm not sure why this is, since I hate cats in real life.
posted by empath at 6:06 PM on September 18, 2007

couldn't decide
posted by poppo at 6:06 PM on September 18, 2007

LOLCATS without the LOL. Or the cats.
posted by Malor at 6:08 PM on September 18, 2007 [3 favorites]

Yeah, Rednecks with web pages making fun of African Americans---- Always hilarious.
posted by wfc123 at 6:12 PM on September 18, 2007

Appropos of LOL, my cousin-in-law rolls with the Big Easy Rollergirls.

That is all.
posted by RakDaddy at 6:14 PM on September 18, 2007

Tragic City Rollers is a name I'm glad to know about.
posted by jfuller at 6:14 PM on September 18, 2007

[this is bad]
posted by nasreddin at 6:17 PM on September 18, 2007

I would have called the website LOLLERDERBY, but then what do I know?

It appearts that is already taken. That's why.
posted by BeerFilter at 6:19 PM on September 18, 2007

Wow RakDaddy, I saw your cousin-in-law win bingo! here a couple of months ago. That was after seeing her skate with the B.E.R.G., of course.

bragging rights: I had lunch with a Big Easy Rollergirls' referee today. Now gimme a cookie.
posted by djeo at 6:22 PM on September 18, 2007

i'M in UR rinc sceating wif RakDaddy's cousin-in-law! woo hee hooo!!!!!!11!!!
posted by snsranch at 6:23 PM on September 18, 2007

Great. But we need to run more memes into the ground here. This LOLcat thing has been the subject of a few dozen FPPs, and "leave x alone" has only had 3 or 4. (sigh)
posted by John Kenneth Fisher at 6:24 PM on September 18, 2007

wfc123: how does this site make fun of african americans?
posted by CitizenD at 6:26 PM on September 18, 2007

I appear to have jumped the gun. After having actually perused the pages of lolrollerderbies... I'm not necessarily in like Flynn/Flint/Flan/KuklaFran&Ollie. Not many of them are ed up with the funny. It is possible I am in due to the very concept of two disparate flavors she likes being together giving me the "Recees Peanut Butter Cups Advantage" but if she actually stops to view them all she might leave me in the virtual doghouse tonight.

But. Still. It's the thought that counts. So. Thanks, CitizenD. =)
posted by ZachsMind at 6:27 PM on September 18, 2007

"I's" does not have an apostrophe (mes thinks).

/apostrophe Nazi
posted by uncanny hengeman at 6:29 PM on September 18, 2007

Irrespective of my opinion on the LOLx meme, I find that site severely lacking in anything resembling humor.
posted by puke & cry at 6:30 PM on September 18, 2007

Quinion says Flynn.
posted by Tube at 6:31 PM on September 18, 2007

No Mad City Rollers, no credibility.

Also, I found this amusing, but maybe that's because I haven't really looked at LOLanything enough to get sick of it.
posted by escabeche at 6:41 PM on September 18, 2007

dunno. nothings beat the LOLMETAL ones yet.
posted by fuzzypantalones at 6:48 PM on September 18, 2007

oh, posted here
posted by fuzzypantalones at 6:49 PM on September 18, 2007

posted by DU at 6:56 PM on September 18, 2007

Screw cheezburgers.

I want pictures of that.

posted by mazola at 6:57 PM on September 18, 2007

i popped my FPP cherry

Felt more like an arthritic FPP handjob.
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson at 6:59 PM on September 18, 2007 [2 favorites]

Must we?
posted by CitrusFreak12 at 7:01 PM on September 18, 2007 [1 favorite]

This is the worst thing to happen to the lollosphere since this.
posted by East Manitoba Regional Junior Kabaddi Champion '94 at 7:04 PM on September 18, 2007

How about a nice derail where you all supply me with ideas for Roller Derby names with lolcat or leet references?
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 7:04 PM on September 18, 2007

Its not in like Flint. The wikipedia page cited even says as much in the trivia:
The title is a parody of the phrase "In like Flynn", referring to Errol Flynn's reputation as a womanizer (which he shares with Flint).
posted by bystander at 7:11 PM on September 18, 2007 [1 favorite]

I did have a couple of questions about the roller derby revival*, and this post led me to this post from a couple of years ago, so that's appreciated. Stout fella, CitizenD.

*"Huh?" & "Why?", mostly.
posted by ormondsacker at 7:16 PM on September 18, 2007

The Straight Dope on "In Like Flynn", in which it is argued that people in the forties couldn't possibly have been referring to sex, because that would be gross.
posted by ormondsacker at 7:21 PM on September 18, 2007

I'm looking forward to the next bout in NYC, but every picture I've taken from there look like cack because they're all hauling ass.
posted by Busithoth at 7:23 PM on September 18, 2007

Aww, East Manitoba etc., etc., - I did not know the famous seal with a bucket (not really a walrus) not only had a glorious past but also was no longer with us. Thanks for letting me know.

(no, really)
posted by yhbc at 7:27 PM on September 18, 2007

This is shit.
posted by Henry C. Mabuse at 7:38 PM on September 18, 2007

"Do I heer ice cream man?" I loved it.
posted by Iron Rat at 7:39 PM on September 18, 2007

Too Bad. No Denver Roller Dolls. I'll have to pass the site onto my friends on the team and see what they make of it.

In the Metro Area? Come to the DRD's bout this Friday!
posted by jazon at 8:07 PM on September 18, 2007

I've been trying to convince myself to dislike LOLmacros, and up until now, I was on the fence.

Thanks, CitizenD! I can now categorically declare that I dislike them all.
posted by man vs sun at 8:12 PM on September 18, 2007

In the same vein: I Can Has Lead Jammer?
posted by eamondaly at 8:13 PM on September 18, 2007 [2 favorites]

One of my idiot friends has severe cameron syndrome over roller derby girls for some goddamn reason. Therefore I cannot like this post.
posted by boo_radley at 8:35 PM on September 18, 2007


No. We see meh.
posted by weapons-grade pandemonium at 8:40 PM on September 18, 2007

Well, it DID have a Zod reference so I have to award it some points...
posted by Samizdata at 8:42 PM on September 18, 2007

Roller derby is pretty awesome. This is not.
posted by bizwank at 8:43 PM on September 18, 2007

Who knew the LOL needed cats to work??
posted by dontoine at 8:54 PM on September 18, 2007

Aces! Another halfwitted attempt to cash in on a meme that was old and tired literally years before it hit Metafilter and the rest, and annoying scant seconds thereafter!

did i do good? huh huh huh?

I'm going to have to suggest that having to ask if you did well immediately disqualifies you from having done well.

That's OK. There is no success without repeated, abject failure, public humiliation and scorn, and a vigourous non-sexual paddling of the buttocks.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 9:09 PM on September 18, 2007

On the other hand LOLBOTS is awsome.

That is actually pretty funny - thanks delmoi.
posted by brain_drain at 9:20 PM on September 18, 2007

Hey delmoi posted his lolbots link in the lolmetal fpp, too.

posted by humannaire at 9:23 PM on September 18, 2007

But wendell for the win, del!
posted by humannaire at 9:24 PM on September 18, 2007

i'm psyched my first FPP has generated this much response. it's been fun to see you all reveal yourselves for who and what you are. everybody hated it so much they just had to post about it! cool. *snap* *snap* *snap*

neat-o, daddio.
posted by CitizenD at 10:20 PM on September 18, 2007

The mathematical opposite of funny has been discovered.

That's what the post is about, right?
posted by poweredbybeard at 10:29 PM on September 18, 2007

You're right CitizenD! You should post this next! It'll really get a response!
posted by eyeballkid at 10:34 PM on September 18, 2007

i'm psyched my first FPP has generated this much response. it's been fun to see you all reveal yourselves for who and what you are. everybody hated it so much they just had to post about it! cool. *snap* *snap* *snap*

I cannot even believe you are for real. srsly.
posted by exlotuseater at 10:36 PM on September 18, 2007

It's tasering spankin' time!
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 10:45 PM on September 18, 2007

Did anyone else flag this? Why is this still here? Mods must be out partying.
posted by puke & cry at 11:02 PM on September 18, 2007

ormondsacker, read all the way down:

Cecil replies:
Jeez, when even Grandpa is arguing for the risque interpretation, it's time to throw in the towel. Apparently "in like Flynn" really does refer to Errol's success in the sack.

posted by oneirodynia at 11:04 PM on September 18, 2007

I can hear the tick-tick-tick of the gas burner trying to ignite. Could it be?
posted by strangeleftydoublethink at 11:09 PM on September 18, 2007

Let's see:
1. One-link post to tired meme. Check.
2. Poster made first four out of six comments. Check.
3. Poster makes snarky comment about other comments. Check.
4. ...

Come on! Finish the damn job, will ya! I got a marshmallow that needs toastin'.
posted by strangeleftydoublethink at 11:15 PM on September 18, 2007

Come on! Finish the damn job, will ya! I got a marshmallow that needs toastin'.

I don't normally do Metatalk call-outs, but I'm tempted in this case, solely because on the evidence presented so far, I predict that the whining and the flame out will be super-mega-craptacular.

Enough to toast a whole bag of marshmallows, in fact.
posted by PeterMcDermott at 11:54 PM on September 18, 2007

This is much worse than LOLCATS. This is like, LOLSHIT, or something. What, all the guys up there used up all the good material.
posted by tehloki at 12:00 AM on September 19, 2007

I like the lolcats better. Because...well...they're actually funny. This is crap.
posted by zardoz at 12:39 AM on September 19, 2007

Still not as bad as Goth Macros.

However, I assume these roller derby macros suffer the same problem: I'll wager most of them are made BY the subject of the photo, in this 'look how cute and clever I am!' one-man circle jerk that amuses nobody but themselves.

Self-referencial humour is often a last-ditch attempt at relevance.
posted by Uther Bentrazor at 5:15 AM on September 19, 2007

so it's more than unanimous, if that's possible.

i'm sorry, folks.

*i* thought it was funny. i thought that roller derby, as it is a growing phenomenon, might count a few mefites among its burgeoning fanbase. i presumed i'd get a few flame posts, but i also thought that at least a few people would giggle.

i was wrong. i'm sorry.

thanks for not *actually* tasering me.
posted by CitizenD at 8:12 AM on September 19, 2007

Stout fella, CitizenD.

oneirodynia, I didn't say it was concluded that people in the forties knew nothing of this "sex". It's just one of my favorite "The Straight Dope is egregiously wrong" moments.
posted by ormondsacker at 8:43 AM on September 19, 2007

ormondsacker, i'm a lady....but thanks all the same! 'twas a rough nite in the ole blue. ouch.
posted by CitizenD at 9:33 AM on September 19, 2007

Man. I'll admit it. I still find LOLCATS entertaining. This? I thought it was amazingly lame. However.... damn. IMO, in the spectrum of bad posts, this one is pretty mild, and certainly doesn't warrant the response it's getting from a number of you.

As an old user who's all but given up on the site until recently... when did MetaFilter get so mean? Is it when people had to buy a membership? I do see that most of the more egregious posts come from people with 18000+ user names. Do you think that $5 buys you the right to be an asshole in some sort of exclusive club or something?

I'm confused.
posted by jammer at 9:35 AM on September 19, 2007 [1 favorite]

djeo can has cookie.
posted by RakDaddy at 9:38 AM on September 19, 2007

I do see that most of the more egregious posts come from people with 18000+ user names.

With all due respect, you're seeing what you want to see. A greater number of all comments (here and elsewhere) come from 18k+ users. There are proportionate numbers of "mean" comments from both groups, including newer members and "old users" like yourself.
posted by brain_drain at 10:20 AM on September 19, 2007 [1 favorite]


(first one self-link)
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane at 10:22 AM on September 19, 2007

I thought it was pretty funny. So suck it, haters.
posted by Irontom at 10:25 AM on September 19, 2007

I chortled a couple times. There was the occasional guffaw as well. ;-)
posted by drstein at 10:42 AM on September 19, 2007

It's racist. So suck-it, lovers.
posted by wfc123 at 10:50 AM on September 19, 2007

wfc123: how does this site make fun of african americans?

I really have to explain this?

How sad.
posted by wfc123 at 10:53 AM on September 19, 2007

wfc123: you'd better explain, because I'm having no luck understanding what the hell is going on. Are you saying there's anti-black racism in the Lollerderby girls macros?!
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 10:57 AM on September 19, 2007

I think this says everything that needs saying about LOLanything.
posted by mock at 11:24 AM on September 19, 2007 [2 favorites]

wfc123, are you talking about this one and the one before it? Because both were apparently made by this person, who does not appear to fit any definition of "redneck" that I'm aware of. Or did you mean something else?
posted by contraption at 11:37 AM on September 19, 2007

From the Myspace profile, it appears her favorite musician is Kid Rock.

How sad.
posted by contraption at 11:42 AM on September 19, 2007

I didn't get the racist vibe either, not that I was long in my visit to the site, however. Mostly meh. Don't worry CitizenD, I got flamed on my 1st post too. As a member of that club, I have this to say:

This is shite. :)
posted by Debaser626 at 12:41 PM on September 19, 2007

still waiting for wfc123 to explain the racist ideology dripping from LOLrollergurlz.

honestly, if someone else does see it, can you expound? i can understand a bunch of posts from people who all, individually, found LOLrollergurlz un-funny. but wfc123 is the only person to suggest it's racist....and i just don't get it.
posted by CitizenD at 2:45 PM on September 19, 2007

Is everyone here too young to know what "Amos 'n Andy" was?

That cat site is even worse. "I can has..."

"Are dose real"? "Bref" "I is scared"

posted by wfc123 at 4:01 PM on September 19, 2007

You never know if someone is kidding on the internet. But, I think for something to be racist, a particular race has to be disparaged, either explicitly or implicitly. Amos 'n Andy would certainly qualify. By contrast, these sites are, at worst, catist or skaterist.
posted by found missing at 4:11 PM on September 19, 2007

I was afraid of this. wfc123 is apparently claiming that LOLSpeak is based on or at least mimics ebonics. The irony here, of course, being that equating all instances of intentional bad grammar as reflective of ethnic stereotypes actually perpetuates those stereotypes where they weren't in evidence. AKA confirmation bias. How sad.
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson at 4:35 PM on September 19, 2007

I Can Has Perspective?
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson at 4:37 PM on September 19, 2007

I was afraid of this. wfc123 is apparently claiming that LOLSpeak is based on or at least mimics ebonics. The irony here, of course, being that equating all instances of intentional bad grammar as reflective of ethnic stereotypes actually perpetuates those stereotypes where they weren't in evidence. AKA confirmation bias. How sad.

thanks, IRFH. i was fearing the same thing...but you did a much better job than i ever could have at succinctly expressing why wfc123's assumption is shite.
posted by CitizenD at 6:42 PM on September 19, 2007

I sum it up here
posted by MiltonRandKalman at 7:01 PM on September 19, 2007

The irony here, of course, being that equating all instances of intentional bad grammar as reflective of ethnic stereotypes actually perpetuates those stereotypes where they weren't in evidence. AKA confirmation bias. How sad.

thanks, IRFH. i was fearing the same thing...but you did a much better job than i ever could have at succinctly expressing why wfc123's assumption is shite.

Now THAT'S funny! Way to distance yourselves from reality.

Absolutely mind-boggling.

"It's not racism because I think it's funny. And of course, since I'm not a racist, then there must be some other reason why it's funny."

So why is it funny, genius?
posted by wfc123 at 8:19 PM on September 19, 2007

So why is it funny, genius?

Personally, I find it neither funny nor racist.

From Wikipedia:

"The superimposed text is assumed to be uttered by the cat in the photograph. The poor grammar makes this seem more authentic, since the reader makes the assumption that "if cats could speak, then it would be in this kind of broken English". There are parallels with the language used in Lolcats and baby talk, which owners of cats often use when talking to them."

Googling ""LOLCATS is racist" brings up the following: "Your search - "LOLCATS is racist" - did not match any documents."

Neither of those proves anything, of course, except that your "mind boggling" hyperbole is way off base. Your view is not widely held. Your insistance that this should be obvious to everyone says more about you than us.
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson at 8:48 PM on September 19, 2007

Well, "lolcat-ese" is funny not because it is in any way racist, but because CATS CAN'T SPELL CORRECTLY, MUCH LESS SPEAK THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE VERY WELL (or at all). It's almost eye-dialect in some ways-- that is, if a cat developed the ability to type or speak, their teensy peanut-sized brains would have a great deal of trouble constructing thoughts and articulating them in with the conventions of Standard English, and lolcat-ese is an attempt to represent the resulting efforts at speaking/writing English.

Anil Dash points out the difference between a lolcat "cweeole" [creole] and pidgin, saying: I was having a conversation with Ben and Ben a few weeks ago where I suggested this consistent grammar for lolcats could be a "cweeole". Knowing a bit more about such things now, I realize this isn't a creole but more likely a pidgin language, used to help cats talk to humans. And since "pidgin" is already a cutesy spelling of a mispronunciation, there doesn't seem to be any really cute way to rename it to reflect its uniqueness. "Kitty pidgin" might be the closest thing we have to a name for this new language.

I tend to agree that it's simply a rendition of how the cats would talk, given the correct vocal apparatus and/or opposable thumbs.

They're like, hydrocephalic two year olds that like certain foodstuffs, and well, man, if you don't get why that's funny and not racist, sorry. Go back to your serious chair and frown at the wall.
posted by exlotuseater at 8:59 PM on September 19, 2007

Damn, I knew it. I went to dinner and a movie sand missed this? If you read lolcats and hear little black sambo, that's 100% your subjective interpretation. I hear a cartoony six year old with a speech impediment. A la Mom I Can Has A Munny?
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 9:31 PM on September 19, 2007

googles "lolblacks"
is unsurprised

posted by contraption at 9:38 PM on September 19, 2007

What the fuck is all this handwavey bullshit?

Cat image macros were a subset of Something Awful Forum image macros, and have been the same stuff since at least 2001. The ones that involved humourously mangled English were just that, humourous, but derived ultimately from the unfunny but-much loved incident of an SAGoon called, if I recall, Euronymous (long since banned, of course, like most of the old skool types who don't lurk), where he got into an altercation with an Asian kid in Sydney by being a dick. And he was a dick. The mangled English quotable quote was 'why you throw chip?' That was, what, 7 years ago, I think. Wikipedia doesn't know shit. There've been many examples in that same line over the years, but that's where I reckon the language style had its genesis.

There's been a clear line of more general and amusing image macro styles and usages at SA (and many other, derivative, places) since, and if I recall correctly using them there because a bannable offense (along with breathing, using the word 'the' and who knows what all else) since I think 2 years or more back.

All this internet detectivery is bollocks. It's a thing rooted in Something Awful, always has been, with other forums doing it here and there, until the grandma-at-the-rave breakout into the internet at large this year.

It's fucking Impact font with a contrasting stroke, too, by the way, damn it.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 9:49 PM on September 19, 2007

Also, the SA Forums are mostly crap these days and even more infantile than they used to be, outside of a few subforums, but they were once pretty damn funny.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 9:50 PM on September 19, 2007

im in ur metafiltrz, makin ur own rowlr dirbee cat
posted by brooklynexperiment at 10:29 PM on September 19, 2007

and well, man, if you don't get why that's funny and not racist, sorry. Go back to your serious chair and frown at the wall.

and don't forget to wear your tragicpants, too. sheesh.
posted by CitizenD at 7:04 AM on September 20, 2007

Just wave the noobz to AD on these issues. They'll come back men.
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 10:04 AM on September 20, 2007

Is everyone here too young to know what "Amos 'n Andy" was?

That cat site is even worse. "I can has..."

"Are dose real"? "Bref" "I is scared"


posted by poweredbybeard at 10:07 AM on September 20, 2007

ED? could it has been taipoe?
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 10:09 AM on September 20, 2007

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