Effing Hail:
May 4, 2009 7:09 PM   Subscribe

Effing Hail: A bit of a different flash game. Laptop users with short screens may need to go full screen for this one. Break like the wind!
posted by Ogre Lawless (20 comments total) 15 users marked this as a favorite
Woosh! Wooosh! BOOOM!
posted by The Devil Tesla at 7:18 PM on May 4, 2009

This was cooler than I thought it would be. A++ WOULD DESTROY THINGS WITH TECHNOHAIL AGAIN.
posted by WolfDaddy at 7:33 PM on May 4, 2009

Wow, I suck at this. What's the strategy? If I try and form giganto hail I end up dropping it and missing. If I send them high I can never aim them when they come back.
posted by a robot made out of meat at 7:39 PM on May 4, 2009

What's the strategy?

Try to be a little more gentle, barely inching it up and then easing it down.
posted by The Devil Tesla at 7:42 PM on May 4, 2009

posted by kldickson at 8:00 PM on May 4, 2009 [1 favorite]

Need more time!

Yeah, count me in for the "build as many huge ones as possible". A bunch of them will be on target; others can be nudged into position, and even the ones that miss will have some energetic rebounding debris that's already a good size for the next round of giants. But I have yet to break 10k, so grain of salt and all that.

Thanks -- I needed that.
posted by Durn Bronzefist at 8:09 PM on May 4, 2009

Alright, $10,643, but I'm calling it a night. Excellent, addictive game.
posted by Durn Bronzefist at 8:31 PM on May 4, 2009

Bah. Your favorite collision detection algorithm sucks.
posted by lekvar at 8:53 PM on May 4, 2009

I like it.
posted by autodidact at 9:20 PM on May 4, 2009

posted by musicinmybrain at 9:29 PM on May 4, 2009


Fun stuff
posted by NiteMayr at 10:08 PM on May 4, 2009

posted by Captain Cardanthian! at 10:27 PM on May 4, 2009

posted by Captain Cardanthian! at 10:39 PM on May 4, 2009

posted by Captain Cardanthian! at 10:44 PM on May 4, 2009

Seriously though, any tips on getting all the balloons?
posted by Captain Cardanthian! at 10:59 PM on May 4, 2009

The hail grows bigger over time, so air time = damage and they split into three mini pieces on impact, so recover one of the pieces each impact and throw it as high as you can. If you juggle them like so, you don't need to aim, just keep it raining hail.
posted by Submiqent at 11:39 PM on May 4, 2009 [1 favorite]

Easy win:

1) Push biggest hail off the top of the screen at fastest possible vertical speed
2) Goto 1

The thing is, when big hail cracks, you get 3 pieces of hail which are about half the size. If you can keep on grabbing these and pushing them off the top, you'll pretty soon have gigantic hail raining down pretty fast.
posted by TypographicalError at 11:55 PM on May 4, 2009 [1 favorite]

Effing Plane
posted by iconjack at 12:50 AM on May 5, 2009

I love this because hey, it's an actual new game mechanic. Most Flash games are old mechnics with new graphics.
posted by rokusan at 3:10 AM on May 5, 2009

I actually topped out at about 16k yesterday, but I found out that precise, goal-oriented play doesn't tend to generate high scores. I'd guide small-ish hailstones at maximum possible velocity to their targets and churn through the "lessons" quickly, but you don't get a lot of bonus time for goals completed, and I ended up with much lower scores than just raining down chaotic 20-30M hailstone oblivion. (perhaps because it chews up buildings which get replaced and would otherwise not be your lesson target)
posted by Durn Bronzefist at 9:58 AM on May 5, 2009

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