catholic priests in africa
June 18, 2001 1:11 AM   Subscribe

catholic priests in africa have found a novel, if unethical way, to avoid catching aids. they rape nuns. the foundation for democracy in africa have a frightening report on the epidemic.
posted by quarsan (8 comments total)
Double post.

(Didja notice the March date?)
posted by bilco at 1:54 AM on June 18, 2001

I think quarsan used quite the novel way of putting it. I never even clicked on the March link. I say let it go.
posted by crasspastor at 3:15 AM on June 18, 2001

I think quarsan used quite the novel way of putting it.

There's nothing stopping anyone from attaching his or her "novel way" to an existing post. But you already knew that, right?
posted by bilco at 3:44 AM on June 18, 2001

He made an honest mistake, and it is a link to a different article, so it wouldn't have been caught. At any rate, I've done searches for any updates to this story, and found none. Are we to assume that it has gone away in two months? Has anyone any update on it, any news about the reaction taken to it?

What's happening now, in other words? Has the Church taken any action, disciplined anyone, excommunicated or defrocked anyone?
posted by Ezrael at 4:07 AM on June 18, 2001

apologies, i did a search but missed it. i only get on the net when i go to arusha to ftp some stuff to my site (it's a three day round trip) and can only get about 2 hours access on a 14kb line. i'll try harder in future.
but, as a consolation, here's the Arusha Times a great english language paper written by africans. they do a great job of exposing corruption and have interesting coverage of the rwanda genocide trial.
i'll try harder in future
posted by quarsan at 4:24 AM on June 18, 2001

He made an honest mistake, and it is a link to a different article, so it wouldn't have been caught.

Not true. Try searching for "priest," for instance, and you'll find the first post pretty easily.

Look, no one's saying it wasn't an honest mistake. But I don't think there's anything wrong about pointing out a double post. It's good to get into the habit of checking for previous posts before posting, that's all.

No one was attacking quarsen personally, so let's not get overly sensitive here.
posted by bilco at 4:31 AM on June 18, 2001

i'll try harder in future

I think my "Didja notice the March date?" sounded snarkier than I intended it to. Whoops.
posted by bilco at 4:36 AM on June 18, 2001

bilco, no offence was taken and none was intended. you are quite right to point out my error. i think that it is because i try to rush because my net time is so limited that i didn't check as thoroughly as i should. and to be honest, i should have added it to the aids post yesterday.
posted by quarsan at 4:39 AM on June 18, 2001

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