It's Helvetica! I know this!
November 2, 2009 4:39 PM   Subscribe

TypeWar: How well do you know your fonts?
posted by flatluigi (22 comments total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
It looks like it would be fun, but unless you log in with Twitter, it's Helvetica Neue, Optima, Times New Roman, Didot or Futura and you probably know all the answers even if you only actually recognize Times and Helvetica. :-\
posted by katillathehun at 4:50 PM on November 2, 2009

^er, and Verdana. But anyway. Not a lot of challenge.
posted by katillathehun at 4:50 PM on November 2, 2009

K is Didot not Optima
not counting you just then, people have gotten that question right 97.9% of the time

Because its an incredibly easy to tell the difference.

You know what's hard? Playing this game for more than a minute because its boring and goes on forever.
posted by MiltonRandKalman at 4:53 PM on November 2, 2009 [4 favorites]

God, I wish people would put more effort into choosing their words than they do choosing their fonts. The internet would be just so much of a better place.
posted by mhoye at 4:53 PM on November 2, 2009 [4 favorites]

Yeah, it's all fun and easy until you get to decide whether that capital I that stares at you like the black monolith in 2001 is arial or helvetica.
posted by _dario at 5:12 PM on November 2, 2009 [2 favorites]

So much better a place.
posted by longsleeves at 5:21 PM on November 2, 2009

You know what's hard? Playing this game for more than a minute because its boring and goes on forever.

It's been evolving. I know the folks behind it, and I know they've been working to tweak the initial levels a bit as they gather statistics on what's "too easy" and what's "too hard" to be a good beginning.

Also, I know from experience (currently sitting on level 38) that it does get quite a bit more challenging; there are still some easy choices (e.g., a sans-serif versus a serif), but they come fewer and farther between, and instead you spend time trying to remember if this is the one where the serifs on the "E" are straight, or slightly curved, or point out at an angle...
posted by ubernostrum at 5:30 PM on November 2, 2009

My love for Futura continues to grow. Is there ever a level where they use lower case?

This kind of feels like Kittenwar for typographers.
posted by Mizu at 5:58 PM on November 2, 2009

My friends are going to eat this up- and I'm addicted already. Great post, thanks!
posted by BuddhaInABucket at 6:03 PM on November 2, 2009

A better place, very much so.
posted by Flashman at 6:08 PM on November 2, 2009

I've watched helvetica the documentary like three times but I still really, really suck at this.
posted by pwally at 6:46 PM on November 2, 2009

If your font quiz includes something like this:

"not counting you just then, people have gotten that question right n% of the time"

...where n is consistently a value in the high nineties, your font quiz is WAY too easy.
posted by Sys Rq at 7:53 PM on November 2, 2009

This is a lame version of what was already done by I Love Typography.
posted by Typographica at 8:12 PM on November 2, 2009

I couldn't get that I Love Typography game to work in either Firefox or IE. click.. click.. click.. click... nothing happens.
posted by crapmatic at 8:36 PM on November 2, 2009

Hmm, looks like it's out of order. The iPhone version works tho.
posted by Typographica at 8:48 PM on November 2, 2009

Font people make me want to not shower for a year.
posted by HTuttle at 9:43 PM on November 2, 2009

This made me realize how much I love Optima, Futura, and Garamond.

I had to stop playing since I was getting too mad at Microsoft.
posted by aubilenon at 2:37 AM on November 3, 2009 [1 favorite]

My love for Futura continues to grow.

It will continue until you need to use the question mark.
posted by Grangousier at 2:41 AM on November 3, 2009 [2 favorites]

When the first five questions of your typequiz could be rephrased as "Is this a serif or a sanserif font?" give up.
posted by Hogshead at 3:13 AM on November 3, 2009

Nothing could convince me to get a Twitter account. No, not even Optima.
posted by spamguy at 7:09 AM on November 3, 2009

When I was in college I participated in a butt-load of psych experiments and this felt like one. How long does this motherfucker go on for? How do you know when you are done?

posted by Ruthless Bunny at 7:31 AM on November 3, 2009

The Level 1 questions are pretty easy. It gets harder as you go along. I would like to see the difficulty ramp up a bit quicker, but that is partly a consequence of giving less points for answering an easy question.
posted by jefeweiss at 8:10 AM on November 3, 2009

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