Ain't no grave, can hold my body down
April 16, 2010 6:15 PM   Subscribe

The Johnny Cash Project : animating the music video for Ain't No Grave with frame-by-frame contributions from visitors. Draw your own too.
posted by divabat (10 comments total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
Opens to a blank screen for me.
posted by Malice at 6:32 PM on April 16, 2010

That's a really cool idea. It might take a few people some time to get used to the drawing tool, but other then that I hope you get enough people to produce the video.
posted by Xwing87 at 7:00 PM on April 16, 2010

Very cool idea.
posted by nola at 7:05 PM on April 16, 2010

This is the shit that makes glad I woke up this morning.
posted by victors at 8:05 PM on April 16, 2010

Holy god where has this been hiding!
posted by clarknova at 8:13 PM on April 16, 2010

It has been hiding in the flash community, along with some other forgotten truths and things.
posted by localhuman at 8:30 PM on April 16, 2010

This is the sort of thing that makes me love the internet.
posted by louche mustachio at 2:31 AM on April 17, 2010

Seizure warning!
posted by blue_beetle at 6:14 AM on April 17, 2010

Very cool, but that flash interface is really stretching this PC.
posted by Leon at 3:39 AM on April 18, 2010

Interview with author Chris Milk.
posted by progosk at 3:23 AM on April 29, 2010

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