NASA raises funds through photographing vineyards.
August 31, 2001 4:37 AM   Subscribe

NASA raises funds through photographing vineyards. 5 bucks an acre? That's probably a pretty good price for both sides.
posted by meep (3 comments total)
I think NASA's coming in a little late to capitalize on the satellite topography business, but it's an interesting way to get (much needed) extra funding. As far as these business go, Skyline software has some pretty neat 3D programs for zooming in on terrain at great detail...maybe they're going to be in for some competition :)
posted by samsara at 11:15 AM on August 31, 2001

when I was in physics as an undergrad, I was part of a group which did a report on remote sensing (this was 1995, I believe); we found stuff on NASA using various satellite imaging techniques to find out trade routes across the Sahara (and thus finding old cities -- otherwise hard to find in the sand), possible sites for oil drilling, density of trees and greenery (deforestation surveillance), etc.

This is the first time, though, I've heard them set up a regular service, as opposed to a project-by-project basis.
posted by meep at 11:27 AM on August 31, 2001

This strikes me as sort of sad. NASA bake sale, anyone? "Buy our brownies! Get to mars!"
posted by kevspace at 1:04 PM on August 31, 2001

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