Farewell, eXile
September 1, 2001 3:01 PM   Subscribe

Farewell, eXile Russia's caustic English-language bi-weekly, The eXile, has been sold to a Dutch media company and its expat editors have been forced to resign. The magazine, which has pulled nary a punch in its quest to both inform and disgust, will apparently become just another inoffensive local guide to sports and entertainment in Moscow.
posted by tpoh.org (4 comments total)
Yes, this is sad. Just discovered them about a week ago, too! Ah well, I ordered their book from Amazon, hopefully that'll put vodka on the table for them once or twice...
posted by GriffX at 4:21 PM on September 1, 2001


eXile was cool! I first read it like 2 years ago... it was cool to read about my native country from the eyes of the expat US community. This is a loss.
posted by azazello at 9:26 PM on September 1, 2001

Looks like another opportunity to use HTTrack to download a site. I'm only comforted by the fact that there's so much to look at on the Web. The trick is finding it before it becomes googlecache.
posted by aflakete at 1:57 AM on September 2, 2001

On the plus side, the eXile website, www.exile.ru, which has roughly four times as many readers as the print publication, will remain under our editorial control. Kevin, Mark, and I will doubtless relocate to another venue, probably in the United States, and continue to maintain and update the site from our new base of operations.

So it isn't too big of a loss, at least for people getting their content over the web.
posted by delmoi at 5:45 AM on September 2, 2001

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