March 3, 2004 6:20 AM   Subscribe

Engadget. A new gadgets/technology weblog by the former editor of Gizmodo.
posted by Quinn (12 comments total)
But what, then, of Gizmodo?
posted by brownpau at 6:35 AM on March 3, 2004

Calacanis must have offered a sweet deal.

While I really liked Gizmodo, there was/is really nothing special about it or Engadget for that matter. There really is no barrier (other than time) to a thousand sites popping up with the same sort of content, editorial style and design. Peter got most of his content from 3 or 4 other sites anyway, including I4U.

It's a blog eat blog world these days.
posted by shoepal at 6:52 AM on March 3, 2004

msippey's thoughts on how he'd run Gizmodo.

I just hope Engadget doesn't suffer from the update patterns of Gizmodo.
posted by riffola at 6:54 AM on March 3, 2004

Fixed link from riffola: http://sippey.typepad.com/filtered/2004/03/if_i_ran_gizmod.html
posted by ajpresto at 6:57 AM on March 3, 2004

sorry about that.
posted by riffola at 7:13 AM on March 3, 2004

I'd volunteer to do some of that Gizmodo stuff if the supplemental pay were enough to cover gizmo-purchase-cost. </hint>
posted by brownpau at 7:30 AM on March 3, 2004

Brownpau, the beauty of these sites is that if you establish a decent user base and suck in some good advertising you don't have to pay for the toys. Companies send you products to 'evaluate', you don't really think the guys at DPreview or Steve actually buy all the cameras they test? Sure, you have to return them, but FedEx is always dropping off something newer and better.

It's all about the schwag.
posted by cedar at 7:57 AM on March 3, 2004

AFAICT, Engadget/gizmodo doesn't even review stuff though. It usually just links to product pages at the manufacturers.
posted by smackfu at 8:29 AM on March 3, 2004

smackfu: Hey, don't be bothering me with no stinking facts!
posted by cedar at 9:10 AM on March 3, 2004

Well, that explains why Gizmodo has been so thin lately.
posted by scarabic at 10:35 AM on March 3, 2004

Thanks - I visit Gizmodo daily and now will be visiting his new site!
posted by skechada at 10:44 AM on March 5, 2004

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