Technology Weblog in French
February 7, 2001 5:41 PM   Subscribe

Technology Weblog in French The Other Solitude finally has a technology Weblog, Pssst. Vaguely hard to navigate. The hot news appears to be in /actu/. ¶ Fun fact: French for Weblog is either webabillard or webillard. (Cf. Spanish bitácora and Italian, Dutch, and German weblog.)
posted by joeclark (5 comments total)
pssst! has been around for as long, or longer, than the rest of us.
posted by aaronofmontreal at 7:29 PM on February 7, 2001

and webabillard/webillard isn't french but canadian french.
posted by deboute at 1:06 AM on February 8, 2001

I believe French-French tend to use log or blog as much as anything else.

Other blogs in the French language (all have links to still more):

2 balles. God, this is bizarre. It sometimes takes me several minutes to realize I have no idea what's happening. I think it's communal.

C'est Tout. Slash-like, general-interest topics, with discussions and a clever running comment thread ("Vous en parlez") down the right column.

Ze WoC. Professional-looking design, wide-ranging topics, frequent.

RadioCockpit. This is the kind of blog I like in any language: one specialized topic (airplanes, flying, etc.), explored at length, in detail with regularity. This one has a mix of English and French.

No Spoon. PHP-Slash clone with Slashdot-like tech-related content.

Vues du Ciel. Your traditional blog.

Le Log. Spartan, spare, good, at best, for keeping up your French.
posted by Mo Nickels at 4:29 AM on February 8, 2001

pssst! has been around for as long [as] or longer than the rest of us
Welcome to Metafilter, all of whose members have complete and perfect knowledge of what was online before a certain unstated arbitrary date, requiring all links to be brand-new.

And Canadian French is French. Next you're going to be telling us that the only real English is the one Liz uses with Phil.
posted by joeclark at 7:20 AM on February 9, 2001

joeclark wrote : ...all of whose members have complete and perfect knowledge of what was online before a certain unstated arbitrary date, requiring all links to be brand-new.

Not at all. I took exception to your original comment because it implied that the folks at pssst! had only just discovered this weblog thing. They have been at it since the spring of 1999.
posted by aaronofmontreal at 10:54 AM on February 9, 2001

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