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Love in the MMORPG world can be something of an odd topic for those that haven't spent countless hours playing one of these online games. Virtual marriages in the game and online relationships that became real life married couples are odd to the average person. Especially when the consequences just go too far.
posted on Jun-23-06 at 7:48 AM

So, does anyone have any suggestions on what to get this holiday season?
posted on Dec-9-05 at 1:29 PM

Gamer Br is a documentary of the gaming scene in Brazil (has English subtitles). A seemingly odd place for video gaming, it's garnered a conference, national tournament to make it to the world tournament, and actual worldwide champions. They also have an interesting console economy from which Sega still rules. Of course, banning video games doesn't help much.
posted on Oct-25-05 at 12:33 PM

The hypocrisy of governments shows in the video game industry in way too many ways. From silly scared actions to obvious flip/flopping. Of course, the most famous game for political action has had a lot of discussion and action(1 2 3) which erupted into something that proves Illinois is a "red state". Or, go to Australia and take it one step further. But the governments do not ignore the enormous income, and thus give incentives.
posted on Sep-20-05 at 11:00 AM