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"Unsatisfactory movie viewing can only be attributed to human error." The Denver Post examines the way technology can help viewers find their next favorite movie.
posted on Jan-30-05 at 5:37 PM

What is being shared on Napster and company? Let's just say p2p isn't helping to promote your garage band like some would claim.
posted on Jun-10-01 at 5:33 PM

The Kaycee Nicole (Swensen) Faq is now up as per request. If you haven't followed the whole Kaycee thing, you want to read this. You might want to read it anyway. Feedback welcome.
posted on May-22-01 at 4:28 AM

And so it ends. Kaycee's blog falls somewhere in the "truth based fiction" range. "because i care about people, i was taken in. call me a fool, call me gullible." - BWG
posted on May-20-01 at 12:09 PM

Have a guitar collecting dust? Here's an article that tells you how to fake guitar skills to impress your friends.
posted on May-16-01 at 8:27 PM