Whatever it is, the music is fucking annoying
May 15, 2016 1:13 PM   Subscribe

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posted by ardgedee at 1:18 PM on May 15, 2016 [1 favorite]

I'm terrible at this.

Then again, I laugh when I see a vintage furniture store asking high three figures for a cabinet when there's one just like it but in the high two figures on a thrift shop a couple of subway stations away.
posted by lmfsilva at 1:39 PM on May 15, 2016 [1 favorite]

Finally a game posted here I can actually do well on! I think it's because I grew up shuttling between two homes, one full of junk and one full of nice things.
posted by cell divide at 1:55 PM on May 15, 2016

I'm glad I got it to work because I was all ready to hate on what I assumed was going to be the old, "hurr durr my kid could do that" school of satire.

However none of what I was show was art at all, but commercial design which, despite being located in the same University building, is not art.
posted by cmoj at 2:06 PM on May 15, 2016 [3 favorites]

ok, but really, $80k for a handbag?

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posted by indubitable at 2:21 PM on May 15, 2016

I'm glad I recognized the IKEA table that's sitting on my back porch.
posted by lagomorphius at 2:46 PM on May 15, 2016 [2 favorites]

While I get the point, I was a little annoyed because you can't really assess quality from a tiny picture. Like, is that table particle board or real wood? Is that boot canvas, pleather, leather--and how well is it constructed? Is that printed plastic or hand-placed mosaic tile?

$1,000 would still be a lot for most of it, but it weakens the point if the reasonable price is more like $500.
posted by Kutsuwamushi at 3:10 PM on May 15, 2016 [5 favorites]

9/10. It was super obvious to me. Maybe I just got easy ones or maybe I have been a designer too long.
posted by dame at 4:15 PM on May 15, 2016

What does the price have to do with whether it's art or...(and this is a false dichotomy) junk? And what cmoj said.
posted by Rich Smorgasbord at 6:04 PM on May 15, 2016 [1 favorite]

posted by beerperson at 8:26 PM on May 15, 2016

I just got a string of things that I had no idea what they were without words. Like duo dog bowl stands that looked like a very expensive couples sink. Or a very expensive designer scarf that looked like a tacky towel because who hands a scarf on a rack like that??. All glassware though are crap shoot to me, because you never know when an unassuming glass is art.
posted by numaner at 8:14 PM on May 16, 2016

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