"Fly you sonuvabitch. Goddamit go up."
May 24, 2016 10:29 AM   Subscribe

Titan: Freefall, a one-shot superhero comic by Dan Tozek.
posted by Etrigan (12 comments total) 38 users marked this as a favorite
That gave me chills.
posted by irisclara at 10:57 AM on May 24, 2016

Nicely done. I especially like how you can't tell who says thank you at the end -- I love it when comics exploit comics-specific features like speech bubbles to layer meaning.

Also, this reminds me of Code 8, a similar concept short film that came out a few months ago.
posted by cubby at 10:59 AM on May 24, 2016 [7 favorites]

That was lovely. Thank you.
posted by teleri025 at 11:12 AM on May 24, 2016

Oh, I like that.

I stopped reading comics a long time ago, but this is the sort of thing that could hook me again! Good art, non-linear, not quite enough backstory...and a wonderful ambiguity, as cubby notes above.
posted by wenestvedt at 12:09 PM on May 24, 2016 [1 favorite]

Lovely. There's the suggestion of a whole complex layered world there. Thank you.
posted by RedOrGreen at 12:51 PM on May 24, 2016 [3 favorites]

In some way, I thought of John Cassaday Planetary work at first sight.
posted by nims at 1:51 PM on May 24, 2016 [2 favorites]

There's a touch of "The Incredibles" in there as well...
posted by chavenet at 2:07 PM on May 24, 2016 [1 favorite]

Also, this reminds me of Code 8, a similar concept short film that came out a few months ago.

Wow! Thanks for that, cubby. Awesome short.
posted by AlonzoMosleyFBI at 4:27 PM on May 24, 2016

I liked this a lot. Reminded me of the Unforgiven. Old guys reliving superhero glory days is a theme I'm on board with.

(Not really related other than the metahuman angle, but I wanted to post a link to this recent comic about a super powered little boy and his mom but there's a fund raising request wrapped around the very good optionally free comic book so it seemed like not a good front page thing)
posted by mattamatic at 5:35 PM on May 24, 2016 [1 favorite]

I like everything about this except the atrocious scaling of the first few pages (easily resolved by clicking it, although that gallery only lasts 4 or 5 images) -- some sort of automatic Tumblr thing that resulted in weird blurring.

So if you're disappointed by the initial image quality, just click! It'll be okay!
posted by lumensimus at 6:06 PM on May 24, 2016 [2 favorites]

I'm a comics junkie. Usually get my fix at home going through my longboxes, at my local comic book store, or at cons.

Just got my injection for today right now. Good stuff.
posted by prepmonkey at 8:10 AM on May 25, 2016

This was wonderful!

Also, this reminds me of Code 8, a similar concept short film that came out a few months ago.

whoa, I definitely want more of that!
posted by numaner at 1:23 PM on May 25, 2016

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