Siberia Siberian Cats
December 19, 2017 8:50 PM   Subscribe

A farm for Siberian cats, with them floofed out against the snow. Photographs by the farm owner. Magnificent beasties.
posted by MovableBookLady (51 comments total) 50 users marked this as a favorite
I want to be them.
posted by Going To Maine at 8:53 PM on December 19, 2017 [4 favorites]

I was all, "okay, a few photos of cats, I like looking at those" but then the page kept scrolling and they are all magnificent and then I fell in love.
posted by hippybear at 8:59 PM on December 19, 2017 [9 favorites]

I wanted the floofing, but it turns out I CAN'T HANDLE THE FLOOFING.

posted by uosuaq at 9:05 PM on December 19, 2017 [26 favorites]

I am amazed that they get any farm work done at all rather than just petting the cats all the time. But I suppose you get used to it after a while.
posted by Frowner at 9:25 PM on December 19, 2017 [10 favorites]

After a while your skin starts to peel from that much static electricity sparking during petting. You learn to find other distractions.
posted by hippybear at 9:27 PM on December 19, 2017 [4 favorites]

I liked the video, which had several clear examples of feline psionic combat. Two cats, frozen in place, struggling mightily with their wills until one concedes defeat. A cat approaching carelessly only to be frozen in place by the presence of the stronger mind, already rooted, and who must then pretend that they always wanted to slink awkwardly away off the edge.
posted by Scattercat at 9:29 PM on December 19, 2017 [20 favorites]

Look at that magnificent fluff! They look like they would float away with a strong gust of wind!

Wikipedia claims (based on anecdotal claims, but whatever) Siberian cats may be less allergenic than other cat breeds. Surely this will endear my ladyfriend to us adopting one if we ever see the like come to our local humane society, even though early on in our relationship my cat sent her to the ER with breathing problems so she's pretty clear another cat is a laughable prospect. But the floof, my god.
posted by the thorn bushes have roses at 9:30 PM on December 19, 2017 [3 favorites]

Not sure if cat, or small thatched shed.
posted by tavella at 9:33 PM on December 19, 2017 [37 favorites]

ttbhr, I don't know if it is true for all Siberians, but there is a purebred line in the US that is indeed hypoallergenic. I have a friend who owns three due to his allergies, and a number of quite sensitive people have visited his house and testified that they are vastly easier on the allergies.
posted by tavella at 9:36 PM on December 19, 2017 [3 favorites]

You'd need to install hardwood floors and have several roombas.
posted by hippybear at 9:41 PM on December 19, 2017 [3 favorites]

I feel judged by the floofers!
posted by praemunire at 9:42 PM on December 19, 2017 [1 favorite]

Guys. Guys. I love these cats. Listen. I am so allergic to cats, I mostly love these beasts from afar, even though they are surprisingly one of the better cats for allergy, why? I don't know, but limited people testing and anecdote say it is so. Your Sniffling May Vary

Let me tell you what I do know. Wait. First, if you want a cat, please adopt one from a shelter. Please do not go spend hundreds of dollars on a cat. Really. Please don't. Also, please spay and neuter your pets. Please.

Ok, hold your pants.

So. Siberian is a breed recognized by Cat Fanciers of America in case you wondered if this majestic cat could be found in the US. The first three known Siberians to arrive in the US arrived in New York in 1990. Siberians are not the most snuggly cats. They will keep you company, and they can turn on the charm when needed (like many breeds of cats, they are especially affectionate when their people are distressed). They generally are a water friendly cat. They are pretty active. As Alla Lebedeva mentions, her cats were misidentified as Norwegian Forest Cats when her photos went viral. Norwegian Forest Cats are also often misidentified as Maine Coons.

Breed Standards for the three cats

Maine Coon

That information is all from my brain and supplemented by CFA, but there are other cat fanciers associations, notably TICA and ACFA. You can probably spend a Saturday at a cat show* sort of near you, looking at these kitters in person. Breed standards from TICA and ACFA will vary a bit from the CFA guidelines. Breeders get together and argue about the standards and publish updates. I've never been part of these meetings, but I spent years of my childhood listening to gossip about the color standards of a particular breed, and have seen drastic changes in the shape of that breed. I have not bred cats in 20+ years. Please, get your cats from a shelter or a rescue.

I'll stop now. I....I love cats so much. Guys. Cats are pretty much the best.

*The solid cat is an Abysinnian and the liquid cat is probably a Persian but it's well after midnight and I need to stop with the internet, also if the cat were standing I could make a better guess. Oh, super fun aside. Those blue and pink cards? They tell you if the cat in the cage is a boy or a girl. Each number has a pink side and a blue side. The judge calls a range of numbers to the ring for judging. Since those cats are different breeds, they probably are in a finals round, or recalled for a second look before finals decisions. Breed standards for males and females are sometimes a bit different, and this is a good way for the judge to know what to expect when he or she picks up the cat.
posted by bilabial at 9:48 PM on December 19, 2017 [31 favorites]

posted by Naberius at 9:50 PM on December 19, 2017 [5 favorites]

Aww, this reminded me of the barn cats I loved so much when I took horseback riding lessons. They were also floofy, didn't mind the snow, and would regularly sleep on the horses.
posted by xyzzy at 10:04 PM on December 19, 2017 [3 favorites]

I am amazed that they get any farm work done at all rather than just petting the cats all the time. But I suppose you get used to it after a while.

Honestly, since these are outdoor cats I kind of expect that that fur is pretty groaty to touch.
posted by Going To Maine at 10:16 PM on December 19, 2017 [2 favorites]

Bilabial, that was a delightful comment. I just spent some time clicking around the CFA's Breed Personality Chart and was taken aback to see them describe the Cornish Rex as "[a]ctive, racy, affectionate". Racy!

I used to subscribe to Cat Fancy when I was a young girl but never retained much information about cat breeds. Occasionally the local humane society (where I volunteer with the dogs) has some surprisingly fancy sounding breeds come in (rare; I think it's generally when people have arranged for the humane society to guarantee they'll find a loving home for their pet if the owner dies), and now I'll keep my eyes peeled for any interesting breeds . Like the Somali: "agenda-driven", what a wonderful description.
posted by the thorn bushes have roses at 10:28 PM on December 19, 2017 [4 favorites]


and one inquisitive snoot
posted by poffin boffin at 10:32 PM on December 19, 2017 [7 favorites]

Yes. Majestical floofens. Yes.
posted by fluffy battle kitten at 10:37 PM on December 19, 2017 [5 favorites]

I wish I could tuck my feet under a warm coat like these cats! When I sit on my feet, I just get numb feet.
posted by batter_my_heart at 10:53 PM on December 19, 2017 [5 favorites]

Okay - so this is a farm with alot of cats - not a cat farm. Correct? Phew...
posted by helmutdog at 11:02 PM on December 19, 2017 [3 favorites]

Cat Sled Race
posted by hortense at 11:16 PM on December 19, 2017 [7 favorites]

That website started killing my computer, but there is so much good cat content on the YouTube channel.

Also: All the cats in that first video in the article look so disgruntled, but I think I would be too if I had to listen to so many roosters crowing at once for at least a half hour on end. Luckily there are some rooster-free videos.

Anyway, I totally needed this after the grar of a couple other threads. Thank you. This is awesome.
posted by limeonaire at 11:28 PM on December 19, 2017 [1 favorite]

I love that they are all floffs and one thick tabby
posted by thegirlwiththehat at 11:29 PM on December 19, 2017 [4 favorites]

this must be what winter in heaven looks like
posted by Meow Face at 11:34 PM on December 19, 2017 [8 favorites]

Snow and cats. My favourite things.
posted by kitten magic at 2:37 AM on December 20, 2017 [2 favorites]

They remind me of people in puffy winter coats bouncing off one another on the buss.
posted by Bee'sWing at 4:57 AM on December 20, 2017 [3 favorites]

While shelters and other rescues are marvelous places, my impression is that a lot of them will pull a breed out of their ass when they get a cat without breed identification (most of the time). It’s not going to matter much if what you want is a pretty, fluffy kitty. But if you’re looking for a hypoallergenic cat you’ll need to be careful.
posted by wotsac at 6:03 AM on December 20, 2017 [3 favorites]

This is enjoyable but a bittersweet post for me; after sixteen years, my excellent cat Charlie left us this morning. We think he had a stroke around 12:30 (he couldn’t move his hindquarters) so we got him into a basket with a towel and petted him until he stopped breathing around 4:30. He was ailing, so a visit to the animal hospital in the middle of the night seemed merely a way to expensively prolong his suffering. In his old age, he got to be a scaredy cat, but I like to think being at home, he wasn’t scared at the end.

Good cat.
posted by ricochet biscuit at 6:19 AM on December 20, 2017 [58 favorites]

> I just spent some time clicking around the CFA's Breed Personality Chart and was taken aback to see them describe the Cornish Rex as "[a]ctive, racy, affectionate". Racy!

The Selkirk Rex's personality was one word: Quiet.

I've never met a Selkirk Rex, but was that the best they could come up with? I want to think it's because their personalities are like a mystery bag and perhaps all over the place but with one loosely common quality of not meowing much. I must find some and confirm this through playing and petting, this is very important research!
posted by iamkimiam at 6:39 AM on December 20, 2017 [3 favorites]

Oh, ricochet biscuit -- today you get all the hugs. *wipes eyes*
posted by hippybear at 6:43 AM on December 20, 2017 [11 favorites]



(Condolences to ricochet and the biscuit family. Never gets easier, does it?)
posted by The Underpants Monster at 7:14 AM on December 20, 2017 [4 favorites]

I love that they are all floffs and one thick tabby

“one thicc tabby”
posted by Going To Maine at 8:36 AM on December 20, 2017 [5 favorites]

@ricochet biscuit

posted by moink at 9:11 AM on December 20, 2017 [2 favorites]

those are some beautiful kitties! the floof is majestic. off to Siberia...
posted by supermedusa at 9:38 AM on December 20, 2017 [1 favorite]

So sorry, ricochet bisquit.
posted by fluffy battle kitten at 9:43 AM on December 20, 2017 [3 favorites]

While I am generally not a fan of buying purebreds, my friend loves cats and these were the only ones he could have in the house. And he went over several times to see them before adopting, both to make sure they didn't trigger his allergy and to pick out which ones suited. I went with him once, and can confirm the queen was a house cat, in a very nice house in Los Gatos, and treated like the pretty pretty princess she was. Definitely not backyard breeder.
posted by tavella at 9:53 AM on December 20, 2017 [1 favorite]

Yeah, wotsac, I was joking, the chance of seeing a purebred cat at a shelter is pretty low and of course it's not a good idea to assume hypoallergenicy. Though the humane society that I volunteer at doesn't label cat breeds unless they're sure (owner surrender), in stark contrast to the dogs — many come from other shelters who label them with often amusingly ridiculous guesses.

They're all good puppos, in my book.

So sorry, Ricochet Biscuit. I'm glad his loved ones were there to ease good kitty into the next realm.
posted by the thorn bushes have roses at 10:37 AM on December 20, 2017 [2 favorites]

I'm so sorry, ricochet_biscuit.

Good kitty. I'm glad that he was so loved.
posted by seyirci at 10:51 AM on December 20, 2017 [3 favorites]

I went with him once, and can confirm the queen was a house cat, in a very nice house in Los Gatos

I strongly suspect that anywhere they are is Los Gatos.
posted by fiercecupcake at 11:18 AM on December 20, 2017 [10 favorites]

What a sweet bunch of buddies. I like to watch kitties groom one another so this photo is probably my favorite.
posted by porn in the woods at 11:22 AM on December 20, 2017 [3 favorites]

Aw, much love to you, ricochet biscuit.

posted by limeonaire at 11:31 AM on December 20, 2017 [1 favorite]

My roommates cat that has essentially adopted me as I have thumbs and occasionally salmon or tuna, the same one that recently brought a very live bird to me in bed - is entirely unbothered by rain and water and such. And snow, if it's around.

So now part of my routine when said cat shows up is to make sure she's not soaking wet or muddy from running around in the rain. Like, I have to keep a towel handy. She'll come loping in just sopping wet and with totally muddy/sandy paws and she'll jump right into bed with me and plop down on my face. The first time she did it I was sound asleep and it scared the crap out of me because I thought someone had thrown a freezing cold, wet, dirty towel over my face and I was about to get smothered by a sewer clown. My first thought definitely wasn't "oh, floofy cat" but "auugh disgusting cold wet thing wtf! oh."

There has also been an interesting progression from said cat being very tentative and wary to telling me "This is mine now." before happily rolling around in my brand new clean laundry no matter how many times I pick her up and put her somewhere more sensible. Caaaaat.
posted by loquacious at 11:33 AM on December 20, 2017 [7 favorites]

my condolences to the biscuit family

posted by supermedusa at 12:03 PM on December 20, 2017 [2 favorites]

Oh, biscuit, I am so sorry.
posted by virago at 12:27 PM on December 20, 2017 [2 favorites]

I'm so sorry, ricochet biscuit.
posted by doctornemo at 4:24 PM on December 20, 2017 [2 favorites]

Cat breath in the night.
posted by doctornemo at 4:25 PM on December 20, 2017 [4 favorites]

We're not sure what Battleship is, but he looks like some sort of Siberian/maine coon/Norwegian Forest cat hybrid.

Needless to say, floofy cats in the winter in full floof are the best cats, and all of these cats are excellent.
posted by larthegreat at 5:02 PM on December 20, 2017 [3 favorites]

Thanks, all, for your kind words about Charlie. He was a good cat and will be much missed. Orange cats are the best.
posted by ricochet biscuit at 8:34 AM on December 21, 2017 [5 favorites]

@larthegreat, Battleship is a floofy doppelganger of my late, shorthaired Mattie, both in looks and (as far as I can see in your videos) attitude and manner. The reason it's noteworthy is that the vet used to call her "Battleship Mattie."
posted by The Underpants Monster at 8:45 AM on December 21, 2017 [4 favorites]

Orange cats are the best.

I've always been a sucker for redheads.
posted by hippybear at 9:43 PM on December 21, 2017 [2 favorites]

Orange cats are the best. So sorry you lost yours, ricochet biscuit.
posted by MovableBookLady at 9:34 AM on December 22, 2017 [1 favorite]

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