"Tonight we will venture to the stages where the zombies have created an elaborate charade to lure the living."
June 16, 2007 1:46 PM   Subscribe

Rude at Bonnaroo --eventblogging as mock ethnographic survey of sorts, in the proud tradition of Margaret Mead -- and Body Ritual Among the Nacirema. (from the ever Rude Pundit, who's also performing there) ; >
posted by amberglow (8 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I live about an hour from this event. Every year I think about going but so far I have not. I wish I could go take a look without having to actually go. *shrugs*
posted by nola at 4:20 PM on June 16, 2007


And you can take a look without having to go.

Many of the sets are being webcast here.
posted by Roach at 4:44 PM on June 16, 2007

More like in the proud tradition of a self-styled gonzo Onionist, really.
posted by DenOfSizer at 5:54 PM on June 16, 2007

I watched as much as I could . Thanks for the link Roach. amberglow if your ever down in my neck of the woods and want to go see this let me know. It can be a first for both of us :)
posted by nola at 7:55 PM on June 16, 2007

Anonymous hurried bad sex in the showers?

Man, i new i should've gone.

In other news, most people in Murfreesboro that were looking for LSD just got some.
posted by ELF Radio at 11:04 PM on June 16, 2007

The first year in four I haven't been. I think, for better or worse, it's successively transformed itself into the Coachella of the East, a pretty far road from the jam band hippy haven it was five years ago. It's strange that one of my favorite bands, Tool, is headlining there and that kinda disgust me on a certain level. There's a place for Prison Sex to be played, but it's not in those semi-sacred cowfields in a certain Tennessee valley. Really mixed feelings, in any case.
posted by trinarian at 5:32 AM on June 17, 2007

Well, it's rather late notice, but anyone know how to / have the ability to save one of the video streams? My girlfriend would kill for the Widespread set (on at 8:45 tonight) but she won't be home...
posted by inigo2 at 5:00 PM on June 17, 2007

(I just realized it's 8:45CST, so there's hope yet....) BTW, thanks for linking the site with the videos! (And the original post.)
posted by inigo2 at 5:47 PM on June 17, 2007

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