To That Big Golden Toilet in the Sky
January 27, 2009 3:39 PM   Subscribe

Korea's "Mr. Toilet" passed away. Founder of the World Toilet Association, Sim Jae-Duck promoted sanitation worldwide and built the first giant Toilet-Shaped House in Korea.
posted by jwakawaka (27 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Any association with the slogan "Toilet is Life" is awesome by me.
posted by gman at 3:50 PM on January 27, 2009

There is more than one toilet shaped house in Korea?
posted by deliquescent at 3:52 PM on January 27, 2009 [2 favorites]

There is more than one toilet shaped house in Korea?

It's a surprisingly common architectural theme.
posted by Joe Beese at 3:57 PM on January 27, 2009 [2 favorites]

Yes notice the weasel word qualifier - "giant." I can only assume this means that there were hundreds of smaller Toilet-Shaped Houses built previously.
posted by Pants! at 3:59 PM on January 27, 2009 [1 favorite]

You'd have to be feeling flush to dole out 50k per night.
posted by gman at 4:03 PM on January 27, 2009 [1 favorite]

Pants!: " I can only assume this means that there were hundreds of smaller Toilet-Shaped Houses built previously."

Tangentially: When the Ty-D-Bol man finished helping one housewife with her smelly toilet problem, did he drop anchor for the night? Or did he make [no pun intended] for his next destination right away?
posted by Joe Beese at 4:04 PM on January 27, 2009

I don't want to know what he wants them to do with his body.
posted by GuyZero at 4:06 PM on January 27, 2009

I was going to make a Toilet-Duck joke, but somebody beat me to it. He included some good photos of the house under construction.
posted by ardgedee at 4:06 PM on January 27, 2009

I've got one of these Korean bad boys. Changes the whole experience.
posted by gman at 4:07 PM on January 27, 2009 [2 favorites]

There is more than one toilet shaped house in Korea?

I can only hope so
posted by jwakawaka at 5:11 PM on January 27, 2009 [1 favorite]

gman, what did you pay for that supreme booty washer? i am so crazy about japanese and korean bidets; my roommates are disgusted by the concept, but most people are fools. i'd love to get one and just sneak it on the bowl while everyone's asleep...

and for a person as august as mister sim why no '.'?

posted by artof.mulata at 5:20 PM on January 27, 2009

I've got one of these Korean bad boys. Changes the whole experience.

When I was in my teens back home in Korea, I one day idly flipped through the channels and for some reason stopped on a home shopping channel that was featuring a fancy bidet. The hosts were chattering away about the health benefits of using a bidet; how water was gentler than paper for those with hemorrhoids and also because the water jets cleaned more effectively than toilet paper. I was already giggling like the kid I was, but then they decided to demonstrate the bidet's efficiency.

A well put together lady host balled her right well-manicured hand into a fist, and holding her fist thumb-side out to the camera. She said that the tight swirl created by the curling of the forefinger against her hand was to simulate the human anus. She then smeared a bit of yellow ochre-ish paste into the swirl. She then wiped with a bit of toilet paper and showed her hand to the camera man as she and the other host exclaimed, "Wow, toilet paper really does an inadequate job...look at the bits still left in the wrinkles!"

I watched jaw agape. I was just expecting, I don't know, some tile smeared with a bit of blue paint or something held against the bidet's spout. This wasn't what you usually saw in commercials. You expect stuff like fake blue liquid splashing into a diaper. Euphemistic imagery like a pile of bricks pouring out of the back of a dump truck. I didn't dare laugh because I was simply in respectful awe at the ingenuity and the raw, totally human, artful execution of it all.

The lady host then held her hand over the bidet and set the spout to go and a thin stream rinsed out her hand. She and the other host marveled at how clean the fisthole was after using of the bidet.

I hope whoever working behind that spot was paid a LOT of money for that idea.
posted by kkokkodalk at 5:32 PM on January 27, 2009 [5 favorites]

posted by Faint of Butt at 5:55 PM on January 27, 2009

And, is there a Mrs. Toilet...?
posted by steef at 5:59 PM on January 27, 2009

posted by william_boot at 6:00 PM on January 27, 2009

So sorry he passed.

posted by longsleeves at 6:08 PM on January 27, 2009

gman, what did you pay for that supreme booty washer?

Chanukkah gift from my girlfriend, but I believe it's like $450. Divide that by 5 years and it's only about a quarter a day. It washes, it dries, it's heated... and if you are having problems going, it has a 'turbo' setting. As well, for females, it has 'feminine wash'. I must say though, the dryer could be a little more powerful.
posted by gman at 6:23 PM on January 27, 2009

and if you are having problems going, it has a 'turbo' setting

I'm excited as well as frightened by this line. Please continue.
posted by maxwelton at 6:51 PM on January 27, 2009

In other news, Mr. Sparkle is alive and well.
posted by clearly at 6:53 PM on January 27, 2009

maxwelton - According to BioBidet, it can "provide intense cleaning or an effective enema".
posted by gman at 7:06 PM on January 27, 2009

Metafilter: It can provide intense cleaning or an effective enema.
posted by dr_dank at 7:49 PM on January 27, 2009 [2 favorites]

gman, what did you pay for that supreme booty washer?

Toilets in asia usually have a tap near the toilet boil set low and a mug or handled plastic vessel of some sort - cheapest version of the same, you don't need the tap even, use the sink

also can find (here in singapore) a length of hose with a spray nozzle next to the toilet bowl
posted by infini at 8:28 PM on January 27, 2009

infini - A hose with a spray nozzle does rival the BioBidet. And that's what I would've gone for if I hadn't received the seat as a gift.

In rural parts China and much of Central Africa, I simply carry a plastic bottle, as there's never usually a water source near the hole in the ground.
posted by gman at 4:07 AM on January 28, 2009

Toilets in asia usually have a tap near the toilet boil set low and a mug or handled plastic vessel of some sort - cheapest version of the same, you don't need the tap even, use the sink

also can find (here in singapore) a length of hose with a spray nozzle next to the toilet bowl

If I'm not wrong, such implements are used as part of Islamic toilet etiquette by the Muslims in the region.

Also, I thought it might be relevant to point out that the World Toilet Association is a knock-off of the World Toilet Organisation, which was founded in 2001.
posted by hellopanda at 10:58 AM on January 28, 2009

posted by joelf at 10:04 PM on January 28, 2009

Next? There will be World Diaper Association in the future.
posted by sanskrtam at 10:06 PM on January 30, 2009

gman: apparently you can get fired for taking that bottle of water along with you to the toilet (WTF?)
posted by infini at 1:13 AM on January 31, 2009

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