Gurafiku - Japanese graphic art and design
December 22, 2010 9:21 AM   Subscribe

Visually sumptuous, Gurafiku is a collection of visual research pertaining to Japanese graphic design. Assembled by the designer abroad; Ryan Hageman. Some of the categories: Ukiyo-e | Illustration | Typography |Manga | 1960's | 1970's | 1980's |1990's.

A fun image.

If you click on a specific image, like the Japanese Ukiyo-e: Golden Pavilion. Hiroshi Yoshida. 1933 it shows who reblogged this, which often leads to other visually exciting sites, like spacehelmet, error888 etc.
posted by nickyskye (6 comments total) 22 users marked this as a favorite

Lovely - thanks for posting!
posted by carter at 10:22 AM on December 22, 2010

Killer find, thank you!
posted by everichon at 10:24 AM on December 22, 2010

Great post as usual, ns.
posted by stagewhisper at 11:24 AM on December 22, 2010

Oh yeah. This was my trade secret when I was working in graphic design, I'd subscribe to some very expensive Japanese graphics magazines. Some of them had very complex how-to series in Illustrator and Photoshop, leagues of complexity beyond anything being done anywhere else in the world at that time. So since I knew how to read Japanese and hardly anyone else did (let alone ready these magazines) I was always years ahead of my colleagues. It usually took 2 or 3 years before those Japanese graphic styles were in use in the US.
posted by charlie don't surf at 3:51 PM on December 22, 2010 [1 favorite]

posted by jet_manifesto at 4:36 PM on December 22, 2010

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