Family values
July 30, 2005 2:05 PM   Subscribe

Dad 'n Me is a new Flash game by the wacky indie game developer team The Behemoth. Their previous game Alien Hominid started out as a free Flash version that has since been ported to consoles and commercially released on consoles. Be on the lookout for a guest appearance by AfroNinja.
posted by Nelson (8 comments total)
I like the art (and music and style), and the success story of a shoestring budget Flash game going Big Time. That's about it.
posted by ae4rv at 2:30 PM on July 30, 2005

Beating up children is much more fun than I would have expected. Thanks!
posted by rhapsodie at 3:18 PM on July 30, 2005

After the insane difficulty of Alien Hominid, I was a bit disappointed by how short and easy it was. It was fun, but it ended just as I was getting the hang of it.

That said, Alien Hominid on console can be had for about $20 most places and is WELL worth it, if you're a fan of old-skool platformers.
posted by InnocentBystander at 3:22 PM on July 30, 2005

Dad and me: tour through what its like to be the school bully.

That game is fun.
posted by Rubbstone at 3:31 PM on July 30, 2005

After all the buildup for Alien Hominid, I was really disappointed by it... it had the potential to be great, but they managed to make the bullets blend into the backgrounds so well that survival was practically random. This had the same vibe for me - a team who're amazing with Flash and do decent cartoony design, but who don't seem to understand what makes a game fair and fun. There's a reason most good scrolling beat-em-ups give you multiple lives and respawn you where you died (as well as having enemies who actually fight back - after the comedy value of beating up the kids wears off, it's just drudgery until the ninjas and the boss), same as there's a reason good shooters make the bullets obvious. Lovely robust, rough-and-tumble feel to the game, though. Maybe they should just find a designer.
posted by terpsichoria at 3:39 PM on July 30, 2005

that just kept me at work for an extra half hour.
posted by Busithoth at 5:42 PM on July 30, 2005

Button mashing for 60+ hit combos? Who are they now, Capcom?

(It was pretty fun; wish the little kids fought back though)
posted by aiko at 5:47 PM on July 30, 2005

bummer. my 7 year old is an alien hominid FREAK. I mean literally he will approach strangers at the grocery store to tell them about the robot he encountered in Alien Hominid that day. Whew. I was excited to see this but somehow it seems creepily not appropriate for the primary-school set. (I have his copy of AH set to 'no gore').
posted by glenwood at 8:37 PM on July 30, 2005

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