Drink the Kool-Aid. Fried.
June 23, 2011 2:53 AM   Subscribe

If you follow trends, you have to admit that fried Kool-Aid is the tastiest thing you want to try.
posted by twoleftfeet (37 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
All I can say is there is no hope for humanity. We are all fucked.
posted by greenhornet at 3:01 AM on June 23, 2011 [2 favorites]

I feel like a less retch-inducing version of this would be a plain doughnut hole with a fruit jam filling. These look a little too much like some sort of oozing wound for my tastes.
posted by phunniemee at 3:03 AM on June 23, 2011

Deepfried Kool-Aid and flour. Isn't this just a flavored hushpuppy?
posted by three blind mice at 3:05 AM on June 23, 2011 [4 favorites]

Needs more peanut butter.
posted by seanmpuckett at 3:17 AM on June 23, 2011

I'm more intrigued by the deep-fried avocado referenced in that video.
posted by Nabubrush at 3:21 AM on June 23, 2011 [1 favorite]

I was looking forward to being nauseated by deep-fried Kool Aid, but couldn't keep anything down after the host said "you guys captured the zeitgeist!"
posted by ShutterBun at 3:23 AM on June 23, 2011 [2 favorites]

Pssh. Kool Aid Pickles are way better.
posted by ShawnStruck at 3:44 AM on June 23, 2011 [2 favorites]

This is that sceene in Family Guy when Peter Griffin says "Oh no!"
posted by Nanukthedog at 3:59 AM on June 23, 2011

I must say, seeing a grown up reacting like this to a county fair treat was an awesome way to start the morning.
posted by Tarumba at 4:09 AM on June 23, 2011

KID 1: This county fair sure is boring. I wish there was something FUN to eat!
KID 2: I've got an idea...HEY KOOL-AID!
(There's some banging from behind a fence, then a sickly KOOL-AID pitcher, his normal red color now a sallow yellow-pink, slowly pushes himself through a hole in one of the fair's wooden fences. His pitcher face is sweating so hard you can barely make out his eyes, nose and mouth. He's gasping hard for breath.)
KOOL-AID: OH...yeah.
(He stops and sits on the ground)
KOOL-AID: Hey, kid...
KID 1: Kool-Aid, you OK?
KOOL-AID: Yeah...I...listen...you see the little metal capsule on the chain around my neck?
KID 2: Yeah.
KOOL-AID: Can you...unscrew it and give me one of those little pills?
KID 2 (scared): OK...
KOOL-AID: Thanks...my...arms...too tiny...to reach...
(He collapses, his breath coming in gasps.)
KID 1: Now what do we do?
KID 2: I've got an idea...HEY, PARAMEDICS!
(The kids stare at the fence for a few seconds. Nothing happens.)
KID 1: Better just get a grown up.
KID 2: Get a grown up, right.
(They both run off. KOOL-AID's gasping gets worse.)
posted by PlusDistance at 4:44 AM on June 23, 2011 [14 favorites]

I'm intrigued by new deep-fried wonders as the next person who can't eat them, but when I watched the video of the creator (and I'm not sure if it's the one in the post as tha one won't load on my iPad) I wasn't sure why this was being touted as anything but, like, cherry flavored funnel cake. How is it different? Can someone explain?
posted by sugarfish at 5:06 AM on June 23, 2011

FPP, don't tell me what I have to admit.

'sides, Deep Fried Hi-C Ecto Cooler would be far more interesting...if they still made it.
posted by inturnaround at 5:07 AM on June 23, 2011

County fair rule #34: If it exists, someone has fried and eaten it.
posted by nzero at 5:08 AM on June 23, 2011 [6 favorites]

"Deep Fried Kool-Aid" needs a lot more flour and sugar than "Kool-Aid." So yes, cherry flavored funnel cake is not really enticing to me. I'm trying to think of something deep-fried I would be excited to try. The only thing I was ever really excited by (other than french fries, potato chips, and doughnuts) was deep fried Ice Cream; this was on the menu at a Japanese restaurant using green tea ice cream and tempura batter. I would eat that again.
posted by Secret Life of Gravy at 5:23 AM on June 23, 2011

You folks will be ecstatic when the deep fried energy drinks come along next year. Whooohooohooo sugar, fat AND caffeine!
(Isn't it all: make batter with liquid X instead of water then fry? Will drug dealers do deep fried cough sirup?)
posted by mmkhd at 5:31 AM on June 23, 2011

I'm more intrigued by the deep-fried avocado referenced in that video.

I once made avocado fritters out of mashed avocado, eggs, flour, milk and cheddar cheese, with a little salt and pepper. They were delicious, especially with some salsa and sour cream.
posted by Faint of Butt at 5:32 AM on June 23, 2011 [2 favorites]

Deep fried purple drank does have potential mmkhd. Mix in some sprite for effervescence and some jolly ranchers pieces for flavor blast and you got a very addictive treat on your hands.
posted by vuron at 5:58 AM on June 23, 2011

I don't know what kool aid is. But those people are very fat.
posted by Major Tom at 6:01 AM on June 23, 2011 [3 favorites]

Speaking of hush puppies, has anybody got a fool-proof recipe for them? I've tried to make them a couple of times and they just never seemed right.
posted by sardonyx at 6:17 AM on June 23, 2011

Hey boomers... how about deep fried Fizzies?

I think this thing should be called "Kool-Aid drink mix fritters" 'cause it doesn't even remotely resemble a beverage. Instead, it's an artificially flavored and colored slurry of sugar, flour and gelatin which is then deep fried. I'll stick with plain hushpuppies.

Every single time I've had "deep fried ice cream," I've been served plain ice cream that's been rolled in crunchy, deep-fried sweet bits. I'm guessing in the green tea version mentioned above, the ice cream was deep-frozen to the point where at least some of it would remain frozen after having been submerged in deep fat.

Many of the more exotic deep fried items, it appears, are actually said item liberally dipped in batter before frying. 'Cause it can't survive the fryer otherwise. Those oreos appear to be half dough.
posted by kinnakeet at 6:27 AM on June 23, 2011

Calling Billy the Beef Tallow boy. Got a Buick here....
posted by Redhush at 6:30 AM on June 23, 2011

This is a good ick reminded of me to stay on my low-carb diet again. What the hell, what's wrong with egg-rolls and rangoons. That's good fried stuff.
posted by thylacine at 6:30 AM on June 23, 2011

Mmmm. Food for people that hate their body.
posted by five fresh fish at 6:50 AM on June 23, 2011

I never understand the outcry that inevitably follows when a sugary/fatty/large treat food is highlighted. For sure, eating deep-fried Kool-Aid or deep-fried butter or those 10X10 hamburgers you can get on the West Coast but not here in New England are terrible for you if you subsist on them, or don't portion them out as treats, but I'd hate to see a country fair where all the snacks were some healthy combination of vegetables and filtered spring water.
posted by xingcat at 7:16 AM on June 23, 2011 [7 favorites]

I'd hate to see a country fair where all the snacks were some healthy combination of vegetables and filtered spring water.

Gathering of the Vegelos?

posted by emelenjr at 7:39 AM on June 23, 2011 [1 favorite]

I never understand the outcry that inevitably follows when a sugary/fatty/large treat food is highlighted.

Sometimes it's health scolding, but a lot of it is also "that's it?" Deep-fried (X) almost inevitably disappoints: when I heard "deep-fried Kool-Aid," I thought "wow, they're gonna deep-fry a liquid? I gots to see that!" And then it turns out to be a fritter with some Kool-Aid in the mix. We were promised a science explosion and all we got was just another boring variation on a donut. Deep-fried butter, for all its disgustingness, at least delivered on what it was.
posted by mightygodking at 8:18 AM on June 23, 2011 [1 favorite]

I still continue to be baffled at the shit that you can fry.
posted by jenfullmoon at 8:45 AM on June 23, 2011

I'm a sushi chef and with access to he Tempura fryer we have been running all kinds of experiments. I can say to the curious that deep fried avocado sucks. As does fried edamame. Fried california roll is good. Fried roast beef is middling. Fried bagel is good.
posted by Jibuzaemon at 8:47 AM on June 23, 2011 [1 favorite]

Oh my god, there was a sign for fried brownies in the backround! Well, guess I have something to do this weekend.
posted by troublewithwolves at 8:54 AM on June 23, 2011

I'd hate to see a country fair where all the snacks were some healthy combination of vegetables

When I was a teenager someone in my church suggested that we sell vegetable tempura at the county fair. This was in rural Ohio and the idea was met with much skepticism but because the original suggester was the only one who actually bothered to organize things it was what we ended up doing.

Much to our amazement we outsold the funnel cake guy at least 2:1, probably more. There was a huge line in front of the tent and our biggest problem was running low and having to do emergency "OMG! Get more veggies, quick!" runs.
posted by Runes at 9:40 AM on June 23, 2011 [2 favorites]

The biggest lines at our local ag fair are always at the mobile kitchens selling real food.
posted by five fresh fish at 10:10 AM on June 23, 2011 [1 favorite]

when I heard "deep-fried Kool-Aid," I thought "wow, they're gonna deep-fry a liquid? I gots to see that!"

That reminds me - I used to be a short-order cook and one day somebody (extremely high) decided to deep-fry an ice cube. It's certainly something to watch, but I can't advise it.
posted by Nabubrush at 8:21 PM on June 23, 2011

Now I LOVE Kool-Aid and I love fried foods, but this is just going too far....
posted by dapperkoala at 10:46 PM on June 23, 2011

When he said, "I'll deep fry anything," my mind instantly said, "How about a shoe?"
And then he said he deep fried a man's shoe once.

Fuckin' County Fair Rule 34 strikes again.
posted by XhaustedProphet at 12:47 AM on June 24, 2011

Much to our amazement we outsold the funnel cake guy at least 2:1, probably more. There was a huge line in front of the tent and our biggest problem was running low and having to do emergency "OMG! Get more veggies, quick!" runs.

Just a guess, but there could be several things at play here:
1. People who think fried cake is too much might try fried veg.
2. Never underestimate novelty.
3. When I've been to the fair and bought funnel cake, it very quickly sates. I have a few bites, my husband has a bite and the rest is thrown away. A deep fried broccoli might be good enough that we would both want our own.
posted by Secret Life of Gravy at 5:07 AM on June 24, 2011

Vegetable tempura is heavenly. Seriously. And you get a good feeling because it's vegetables! Your mom would approve!

Don't dismiss it for being fried. Proper tempura batter does not absorb much oil at all. It's very light. The veggies benefit from a bit of soy sauce, to taste. Broccoli is probably the best, no surprise. Carrots and cauliflower do well, also. Asparagus, too.
posted by Goofyy at 7:56 AM on June 24, 2011

If dude's gonna deep fry a freaking sneaker, you bet I don't want the real food to be absorbing oil. Ugh.
posted by five fresh fish at 2:15 PM on June 24, 2011

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