That's what you get for sleeping with the undead.
January 16, 2006 10:42 AM   Subscribe

Sharkey's wife/friend may not be able to do her job anymore. You remember Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey, the undead, bloodsucking candidate for Minnesota governor, don't you? Julie Carpenter's association with her husband/friend and Wicca affiliation makes her unsuited to drive the school bus, according to the Princeton Schools Superintendent. [by]
posted by Captaintripps (84 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Well, that job sorta requires her to be out in the daylight, doesn't it?
posted by at 10:56 AM on January 16, 2006

Once he's governor it won't matter, will it?
posted by furtive at 11:00 AM on January 16, 2006

oooo...Mark Sleeper is gonna get IMPALED !
posted by lobstah at 11:12 AM on January 16, 2006

Did we really need to post the guy's email address?
posted by nathan_teske at 11:12 AM on January 16, 2006

nathan_teske writes "Did we really need to post the guy's email address?"

He's a public employee, right? The email address was helpful, as it allowed me to congratulate him:
I see that you've fired a bus driver for being a witch. That's a religion, right?

So do you fire Jews too? How about Catholics? Are Mormons and Seventh Day Adventists employed by the public school system's contractors?

Or are only members of the Established Church qualified to work in tax payer supported jobs, Mark?

You don't teach your pupils about the First Amendment, do you Mark?
posted by orthogonality at 11:14 AM on January 16, 2006

I'm not a lawyer, so I'm just guessing, but that can't possibly be legal. Wicca is an officially recognized religion, just like Christianity and Judaism. The US Army's chaplain guide has a section on wicca.

Now, don't get me wrong...I think the "impaler" is bugfuck insane...but you can't punish the relatives / friends of lunatics, just because they associate with madmen.

My guess would be that Superintendent Sleeper has just cost his school district a large sum of money when Ms. Carpenter wins the inevitable law suit.

I hope some of our resident lawyers pop in to share their pearls of wisdom about the legality of this dismissal.
posted by dejah420 at 11:14 AM on January 16, 2006

She wasn't dismissed. She was relieved and will likely be rassigned. Still, it's probably enough to make her go hiss-s-s! all over the place.
posted by Captaintripps at 11:21 AM on January 16, 2006

Having officially recognized religions should be illegal in itself. Of course I'm only disgruntled because I can't get official recognition for the Church of Titties and Beer.
posted by substrate at 11:22 AM on January 16, 2006

because I can't get official recognition for the Church of Titties and Beer.

Don't limit yourself. Keep the faith.
posted by NationalKato at 11:25 AM on January 16, 2006

The whole husband/friend thing is really distracting.

So they are reassigning her based on who she associates with? That makes sense, in bizarro world.
posted by fenriq at 11:27 AM on January 16, 2006

Thanks for posting the Superintendent's email address -- I just sent him a polite but strongly-worded email.
posted by lupus_yonderboy at 11:30 AM on January 16, 2006


posted by delmoi at 11:30 AM on January 16, 2006

When they came for the Dungeons & Dragons figurines, I said nothing.
posted by basicchannel at 11:38 AM on January 16, 2006 [1 favorite]

They claim to be "Committed to Excellence" on the little logo thingy in the upper left hand corner. Yet, it includes a depiction of an old old style disc. How excellent is that? They use computers built in the 80s? The fact that the disc is jabbing a man in the knee, and that he may or may not be a singing vampire, does not change my opinion of The Princeton Public Schools one bit.
posted by Outlawyr at 11:39 AM on January 16, 2006

Does it surprise you that a school board is hesitant to have a self-proclaimed witch who is married to a self-proclaimed vampire driving bus? Can you imagine what some hysterical parents have to say about it? I'm not saying it's right, but it's a retread of a million other stories. School board is intolerant on the advice of a few loud intolerant parents. News at 11.
posted by raedyn at 11:48 AM on January 16, 2006

Yeah, but think of the liability if she casts a magic spell on the students, turning them into blood spitting vampire bunnies, or some other horrifying act of magical madness.
posted by Outlawyr at 11:55 AM on January 16, 2006

Does it surprise you that a school board is hesitant to have a self-proclaimed witch who is married to a self-proclaimed vampire driving bus?

Not in this day and age, sadly. I also didn't see where parents had chimed in to pressure them on this one.
posted by FormlessOne at 12:10 PM on January 16, 2006

That's gonna be one well behaved school bus.
posted by NationalKato at 12:12 PM on January 16, 2006

wiccans. lol.
posted by keswick at 12:16 PM on January 16, 2006

what i meant to say was this:

as klingon is to language, wicca is to religion
posted by keswick at 12:17 PM on January 16, 2006

dosn't matter if parents don't like it, wiccan is a religion and religion is a protected class.
posted by delmoi at 12:22 PM on January 16, 2006

"as klingon is to language, wicca is to religion"
Oh yeah, I forgot. All other religion makes sense.
posted by Outlawyr at 12:26 PM on January 16, 2006 [1 favorite]

Olives? Garlic, perhaps, but olives?!
posted by bhayes82 at 12:30 PM on January 16, 2006

Metafilter standing up for religious tolerance? Now I've seen everything.
posted by rocket88 at 12:30 PM on January 16, 2006

that's only because it's a hip, edgy, angry-at-your-parents, anti-establishment "religion."
posted by keswick at 12:34 PM on January 16, 2006

that's only because it's a hip, edgy, angry-at-your-parents, anti-establishment "religion."
Which describes every major religion at the time it started. Each new one was a break from the past.
posted by Outlawyr at 12:39 PM on January 16, 2006

Got turned down at the Sr. prom by a wiccan there kes? Certianlly seem to have it in for them.
No less nutters then all those other fine, fine, establishments.
posted by edgeways at 12:42 PM on January 16, 2006

that's only because it's a hip, edgy, angry-at-your-parents, anti-establishment "religion."
posted by keswick at 2:34 PM CST on January 16 [!]

That's also irrelevant to the discussion. If it is recognized, it is protected. End of story.
posted by Ynoxas at 12:43 PM on January 16, 2006

Seems like a clear-cut case of religious discrimination to me.
posted by KirkJobSluder at 12:53 PM on January 16, 2006

Metafilter standing up for religious tolerance? Now I've seen everything.
posted by rocket88 at 12:30 PM PST on January 16

that's only because it's a hip, edgy, angry-at-your-parents, anti-establishment "religion."
posted by keswick at 12:34 PM PST on January 16

Just because some of us don't like religion doesn't mean that we think people should be discriminated against because of their beliefs. Don't be stupid.
posted by Optimus Chyme at 12:56 PM on January 16, 2006

YOU'RE stupid!
posted by shmegegge at 1:09 PM on January 16, 2006

yIDoghQo', Klingon is a perfectly cromulent language.
posted by Jawn at 1:11 PM on January 16, 2006

Metafilter standing up for religious tolerance? Now I've seen everything.

As far as I've seen, Metafilter has generally stood up for religious tolerance. But there are a few MeFites who subscribe to the notion that (pointed criticism of X) = (intolerance of X), which just isn't true.

For example: I think Wicca is stupid, but I think it's wrong to fire someone from a job just because she calls herself a Wiccan. That's criticism and tolerance - there's no inherent contradiction.
posted by Western Infidels at 1:32 PM on January 16, 2006

raedyn: Does it surprise you that a school board is hesitant to have a self-proclaimed witch who is married to a self-proclaimed vampire driving bus?
Considering some of the other people who drive buses? Yes. Yes, it does.
posted by lodurr at 1:36 PM on January 16, 2006

keswick: as klingon is to language, wicca is to religion
The problem with this analogy is this: While it's exceedingly rare for any significant number of people to have a synthetic language as a mother toungue, it is exceedingly common for people to be raised to follow a synthetic religion.

I agree that teh story Wicca usually tells about its origins is as hokey as all get out. But it's no more or less hokey than that of most religions. And furthermore, as religions go, it's pretty low-impact. I say, let the lady drive, until she actually does something that's objectionable, instead of just believing it.
posted by lodurr at 1:40 PM on January 16, 2006

And as Klingon is to language, not being able to find the shift key is to posting on Metafilter.
posted by LarryC at 1:48 PM on January 16, 2006

from Partner Feels Fallout From 'Impaler' Campaign

"The common misconception is that (vampires) are 100 percent evil, that they do not have any caring in them -- that they kind of, like, prowl in the night seeking their meals, and that's not true," Sharkey explained.

  1. Vampires, although undead, are mammals.
  2. Vampires are cool and collected all the time.
  3. The purpose of Vampires is to suck the blood of totally hot chicks or dudes, depending on sexual preference and gender of the vampire (and the occasional loser like Renfield for mind control purposes).
The important thing, for this discussion, is that Vampires--like Ninjas--are mammals and thus can either be mean OR totally awesome.

With apologies and love to real ultimate power.
posted by illovich at 2:29 PM on January 16, 2006

Again, basicchannel wins.
posted by youarenothere at 2:29 PM on January 16, 2006

WI: But there are a few MeFites who subscribe to the notion that (pointed criticism of X) = (intolerance of X), which just isn't true.

Given how many people consider "Happy Holidays" an attack on their religious faith these days, I think it's a topsy/turvy world.
posted by KirkJobSluder at 3:32 PM on January 16, 2006

Metafilter standing up for religious tolerance? Now I've seen everything.
posted by rocket88 at 2:30 PM CST on January 16 [!]

Metafilter comes down pretty reliably on the side of personal liberty and nondiscrimination.

I ridicule christians all the time. I would probably ridicule this wiccan if I cared enough to bother.

But, I don't promote the idea that christians should be removed from their jobs solely because they are christian.

Likewise, her religious preference is of no concern to me as far as her job is concerned, as long as her religion does not promote running red lights and parking on railroad crossings.
posted by Ynoxas at 3:36 PM on January 16, 2006

Obviously, they don't know about their work in Vampyres, Witches and Pagans Against Impaired Driving...
posted by ph00dz at 3:49 PM on January 16, 2006

What happened to Dominoe?
posted by HTuttle at 3:53 PM on January 16, 2006

From what I've seen this community has always been extremely tolerant of various religious beliefs. What the majority of mefites do object to is the frequent demand by those with religious beliefs that their specific superstition sub-set be culturally enshrined as being above the others.

This idea that failing to acquiesce to one specific belief system is ipso facto intolerant is laughable to anyone with any real objectivity. One person's antiquated belief that a series of long-discredited fables is the ONE TRUE ANSWER doesn't trump someone else's quaint belief in a completely different set of fables; also touted as being the ONE TRUE ANSWER.
posted by PareidoliaticBoy at 6:17 PM on January 16, 2006

"Officials in Princeton said Carpenter was not fired and will likely be reassigned to a job that isn't around children. "

Oh, so they're doing it 'to protect the children.'

FUCK the goddamned children. It's not like the woman was stuffing them into an oven and baking them.
*grumble* I'd rather keep the children away from the wingnut Christians and Catholics if anything.

Sorry. I just get pissed off when I read stories like this. I'm sick of seeing "it's for the children" as an excuse.
posted by drstein at 9:22 PM on January 16, 2006 [1 favorite]

I wrote my email to the dude. Perfectly polite and mocking, letting him know the international community has been given cause to think a little less well of the USA. Surprise, dude! That's what happens in the Internet age!

Seems we're coming upon a time when we need to consider our actions more carefully, if only because the attention paid to them can be so extreme. I'd hate to become today's internet cause célèbre for doing something prickful in my real life.
posted by five fresh fish at 10:53 PM on January 16, 2006

Her husband apparently "drinks her blood." I don't know how he does that — I don't want to know — but I certainly understand why parents wouldn't want her driving a school bus after that announcement.

Lots of wives give their husbands blowjobs; but if you're going to work with children, I think it's reasonable to expect that you not hold press conferences and explain your behavior on the evening news.

It's been a few years since I rode a school bus, but as I recall: (1) the driver was the sole authority responsible for maintaining discipline, and (2) most school bus drivers had enough difficulty getting respect without the kids knowing lurid details of their marital lives.

And those of you who mailbombed the superintendent? Very classy.
posted by cribcage at 12:25 AM on January 17, 2006

cribcage, get real. It's a school bus. It's not an operating theatre.
posted by lodurr at 3:17 AM on January 17, 2006

Well, on the one hand, many educational institutions do have morals clauses in their contract which allows the district to reassign or fire employees for a wide range of questionable public behavior ranging from showing up on the police blotter for public intoxication, to outing one's self as a swinger and porn star.

On the other hand, the district is on weak grounds because they pulled religion into it.
posted by KirkJobSluder at 3:59 AM on January 17, 2006

And those of you who mailbombed the superintendent? Very classy.
posted by cribcage at 12:25 AM PST on January 17

Do you have any evidence that anyone mailbombed the superintendent? "Mailbombing" is a very specific term meaning a very specific thing. In this thread all I saw were two people who emailed him; one posted the text and the onther said "I just sent him a polite but strongly-worded email."

So, uh, what the fuck are you talking about?

Her husband apparently "drinks her blood." I don't know how he does that — I don't want to know — but I certainly understand why parents wouldn't want her driving a school bus after that announcement.

I don't. Explain it to me. Has she been trying to drink anyone's blood against their will? Has she ever been accused of a crime? Thousands of bus drivers drink Jesus's blood and eat his flesh every Sunday; why aren't they fired?
posted by Optimus Chyme at 5:59 AM on January 17, 2006

Bus drivers are supposed to be role models?


Mine chain smoked, swore like a sailor, and helped pick on the unpopular kids.
posted by Foosnark at 8:40 AM on January 17, 2006

Thousands of bus drivers drink Jesus's blood and eat his flesh every Sunday; why aren't they fired?
posted by Optimus Chyme at 7:59 AM CST on January 17 [!]

Damn Optimus. Sometimes I don't get where you're coming from, but sometimes you hit the nail on the head so hard I can hear it all the way over here.

This is the latter.
posted by Ynoxas at 8:52 AM on January 17, 2006

Church of Titties and Beer
Your ideas intrigue me. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter. And your glossy magazine with the fold-out middle.
posted by nlindstrom at 9:48 AM on January 17, 2006

District Office
706 First Street
Princeton, MN 55371
Mark Sleeper, Superintendent
(763) 389-2422
posted by Optimus Chyme at 11:47 AM on January 17, 2006

Ha! That's almost worse, Optimus.
posted by Captaintripps at 12:40 PM on January 17, 2006

Hey, wait a second. This woman is a witch?!?

AAAAAaaah!!! Run for your lives!!! A witch!!!!!

Oh, and Optimus wins.
posted by Outlawyr at 2:55 PM on January 17, 2006

blood spitting vampire bunnies

Hey, keep MetaChat at MetaChat.
posted by deborah at 8:57 PM on January 17, 2006

I am just stating this to clarify things.

I was NOT reassigned.
My last day of work was 1/13/06. AFTER the route was done. They must not have thought I was an immediate threat because I was allowed to finish the day.

Here is the link I have the letter hosted on. Yes, it is a scanned image of the original letter I was given from my former boss:

They have told the reporters that I have been reassigned, and dismissed from my position. I have a slightly humorous analogy.

You are sitting across from Donald Trump.
He looks you dead in the eye, and says

Do you respond in kind by asking him when to report to work in the morning?
I thought not.

Had I been a regular employee, wouldn't I have been expected to walk in like everyone else and get my check?
Again...mine was mailed to me, something done to former employees.

Another gloriously and (dis-)honest (former) employer Peterson Bus Princeton had a company meeting the Tuesday after I was 'reassigned/dismissed from my position' telling employees how to react to questions about my release from duty.

"I want to tell you that Julie has not been fired, she has been dismissed from her position. This is how you respond to questions. 'She was not fired, merely dismissed from her position.' "

In all actuality, how could I be reassigned to another job anyways? There is not a job in that company that does not relate to students.

On another note, I am getting emails from people who think my former boss *** is an "incompetent idiot".
One email told me graphically of how her daughter was almost hit by a bus not once, but TWICE!!! She went directly to the bus company, and railed against the driver, was assured that the driver was to be reassigned and never to be near her daughter again.

The following school year though she discovered to her shock that the same driver was on the route, and that record of her complaints had been 'lost'.
You see, the driver who got the complaint has dual hearing aids, though she is a nice woman and trained me when I began driving...they couldn't let her go because she is essential. She trains new drivers.

The concerned mother has given me every means of contacting her. I plan on inviting her over for coffee.

I drove for this company for almost 5 years, and though members of the office knew about my religion, that was because they were curious, and ASKED me what my pendant was, I answered, and they wished for elaboration.

ON THE BUS HOWEVER...I never brought my faith up. I never once told a student I am a Pagan. (The school district loosely uses the word 'witch', and I personally find that word offensive as it makes me think of a green skinned, warty nosed, black straw hair having, pointy hat wearing hag.

My faith had no bearing on the quality of my work either. No accidents, flawless record, friends with the students AND the parents, no fights on the bus, everyone got along.

That job was my happy place. I got up in the morning, looking forward to seeing that bus full of kids safely to and from school. They took away my happy place. All because they fear my religion
I would have put my life on the line to ensure that ALL my kids on the bus were safe in ALL conditions. I am a mother of 4, but when I was driving, I cared about all the kids like they were my own. Their lives were my responsibility. So for 4.75 hours a day I was mother to about 70 or so kids. I loved it too. Not frustrating at all.

I look at it as they shot down one of the best drivers they ever had. I have been told that someone that loves driving a bus load of kids is a glutton for punishment, I have been told that I must be crazy for being a school bus driver.
I just shook my head and said No, I looked at those kids, and saw our future, and I loved every moment.
posted by Julie21Horse at 8:22 PM on January 25, 2006 [4 favorites]

For some reason the link didn't post up above.
Paste this into an address bar to see the letter.
posted by Julie21Horse at 8:25 PM on January 25, 2006

On the bright side Julie, you just got very, very, wealthy.
posted by Optamystic at 7:28 AM on January 29, 2006

What Optamystic said. If you haven't already, think about contacting Lady Liberty, a religious-rights organization run by Circle Sanctuary. Selena Fox (HPS of Circle Sanctuary) is...quite a woman :) They should be able to help you out if you don't have your own lawyer.
posted by kalimac at 8:48 AM on January 29, 2006

The second paragraph of the superintendent's letter (the one in which he's not just copying from a legal agreement) is amusingly ungrammatical.

Not inconsistent with my own experiences in the pubblic edjumucation system.
posted by killdevil at 8:49 AM on January 29, 2006

Also, ignorant bigots make the baby Jesus cry.
posted by killdevil at 8:50 AM on January 29, 2006

Also, that school district seal is amazing. A floppy disk hitting a man in the knee - how appropriate somehow.
posted by kalimac at 8:53 AM on January 29, 2006

A 5 1/4 inch floppy no less! I didn't notice that before. How techmological - those kids are being prepared for a shining Future of personal helicopters, solid-state business minicomputers and labor-saving mechanical dishwashers in almost every home.
posted by killdevil at 9:04 AM on January 29, 2006

Julie, thanks for coming into the conversation and clearing some stuff up.

Notice how the ad hominem attacks stopped abruptly as soon as the object of attack was present?
posted by arcticwoman at 9:30 AM on January 29, 2006

As someone who has faced discrimination in the workplace, my very best to you... and fight!
posted by moonbird at 10:29 AM on January 29, 2006

It's great that Julie is speaking out here, but that letter is the same one we've already seen and discussed -- the one in the very first link in this thread. I'm not sure we're hearing anything new here.
posted by Gator at 11:27 AM on January 29, 2006

Good luck, Julie.
posted by mrbill at 3:33 PM on January 29, 2006

Notice how the ad hominem attacks stopped abruptly as soon as the object of attack was present?

Well, I've been out of town.

Julie, I personally think that your religion is pretty dumb, but certainly no more so than that of just about every bus driver in the United states. Your firing is clearly punishment for your harmless religious views and practices, and is absolutely an offense for which the district can and should be sued.

I strongly urge you to contact an employment lawyer, and to fight for your religious freedom and for the employment that has been unjustly terminated. It's a high-publicity, can't-lose case. Make a phone call.
posted by Optimus Chyme at 4:22 PM on January 29, 2006

Likewise. I despise religion, but I despise religion discrimination even more!
posted by five fresh fish at 5:34 PM on January 29, 2006

Abso-friggin-lutely! Sue the district.
I used to live north of Princeton, MN, an area filled with many fine upstanding, religiously intolerant x-ian people. Lots of Johnsons and Swensons and Hallversons. They tend to vote rather "red" and push their evangelical x-ianity into everyone's face. Pagans or buddhists or Catholics are pretty much the same to most of them -- unsaved, needing redemption. Grrr. It's good to see they don't really understand the new world of the internets.
Sue 'em. They need to be slapped up side the head.
posted by mooncrow at 6:17 PM on January 29, 2006

For a job that has nothing at all to do with the employee's personal life, the details of her spouse's life are totally irrelevant. If the driver's spouse is a flag-burning, blood-drinking, women's clothing wearing, Mars-worshipping, communist, homosexual whose Mama dresses him funny, it has nothing to do with her fitness for her job. But if the driver of my child's school bus proselytized for any religion, I would want them fired.
posted by theora55 at 7:14 AM on January 30, 2006

I'd still like to see some new information on this case. Did Julie receive any sort of notice of dismissal or termination from her employer? Because the letter we've been looking at here is a request from the school board to her employer, not to her. Not that she's under any obligation to share such things with us, it's just that we've been hearing that she's been or will be reassigned. And it's hard to imagine, for me at least, that there couldn't be any other position in the company that doesn't involve contact with children. Not saying it's reasonable, I just don't understand the "how could I be reassigned to another job anyways?" statement.

Are any legal proceedings actually going forward or in the works?
posted by Gator at 7:39 AM on January 30, 2006

scientology != religion
posted by five fresh fish at 8:46 AM on January 30, 2006

Vampyre candidate for governor arrested

You can look for updates here shortly. :)

P.S. Stalking is super classy.
posted by Optimus Chyme at 10:11 AM on January 31, 2006

Oh, jeepers. Running for public office when you've got outstanding warrants? Let alone running for public office on the Vampyres, Witches and Pagans party when you've got outstanding warrants?
posted by Gator at 10:22 AM on January 31, 2006

Julie, I personally think that your religion is pretty dumb, but certainly no more so than that of just about every bus driver in the United states.

Mad Radhu Gumbeer was a one-man arsenal!
posted by spiderwire at 11:22 AM on January 31, 2006

Another tale of the persecution of pagans :

"It was in Germany that I met fellow Pagans, and it was there that some of us got together and compared stories. I was not the only person subject to prosetylization and harassment by aggressive evangelicals. My other Pagan peers reported the same problem, and an overt lack of respect, and even hostility by the Christians in their various units. We could not get dog tags which stated our religious faith. We were stuck with either 'no religious preference', 'none', or 'other', which generated more hostile questions from evangelicals. With fellowship in mind, I created the "Farwander Fellowship" which eventually morphed into the Military Pagan Network. It was meant to permit military Pagans to find likeminded people, so that they did not believe that they were totally alone. The press got wind of this, and an article appeared in the Air Force Times about our attempts to get a little respect and recognition.

It worked: the Army Chaplain's handbook now contains a section about Wicca, the earliest versions written by me. It's since been revised, but the bulk of my work remains.

But it came with a price: my career."

posted by troutfishing at 12:51 PM on January 31, 2006 [2 favorites]

I wonder if school bus drivers ever get fired for having spouses who are ghouls, zombies, or werewolves ? Golems ? Leprechauns ? Dragons ? Succubi or Incubi ? Kraken ?

What if one's spouse stays human until you walk out the door, for work but then metamorphoses into some eldritch and hideous protoplasmic Elder God from the Nth dimension ?

Could you get fired for that ? That wouldn't seem quite fair to me.
posted by troutfishing at 1:05 PM on January 31, 2006

Or what if your spouse only goes to the Authorised Church twice a year (Easter and Christmas, natch)? Obviously that's a sackable offense -- you can't hardly be a good Christian if you're only a part-time attendee!

I want to see more firings. It's time for equality!
posted by five fresh fish at 2:01 PM on January 31, 2006

fff - Be careful of what you wish for.
posted by troutfishing at 4:18 PM on January 31, 2006

Sharkey got himself arrested today. Outstanding warrant for being creepy (stalking someone).
posted by five fresh fish at 9:28 AM on February 1, 2006

Heh - the letter is dated Friday the 13th. There's bad luck coming for someone.
posted by mediaddict at 9:59 PM on February 1, 2006

spiderwire - hah! Until that nun, at least...
posted by ubersturm at 2:52 PM on February 4, 2006

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