Detroit 1982 (Single link Flickr)
July 9, 2012 2:33 PM   Subscribe

A fun photo set of drunk 20 year olds touring the Motor City in 1982 and taking pictures.
posted by zzazazz (44 comments total) 32 users marked this as a favorite
So wait...Instagram has a feature now where they don't just age your photo, but they insert you and your hipster buddies into a series of historical stock photos of different landmarks? That's pretty bleeding edge, there.
posted by TheWhiteSkull at 2:40 PM on July 9, 2012 [3 favorites]

Where exactly does Candis Berkley have warts? I can't figure out that last word, but I guess this is how she got them.
posted by rh at 2:46 PM on July 9, 2012

These are fantastic. Poor Candy.
posted by NationalKato at 2:52 PM on July 9, 2012 [2 favorites]

Faved this before reading it. After looking at the photos, unfaved and refaved several times in quick succession while chanting HO-SER HO-SER HO-SER. Now the air smells like brats and Lowenbrau and I have to lie down for a minute.
posted by Potomac Avenue at 2:53 PM on July 9, 2012 [14 favorites]

Folks, it appears the individual about whom you're speaking still lives in Detroit, perhaps, in the interest of not dragging someone's name through the mud, we might not want to go down this particular road, eh?
posted by HuronBob at 2:54 PM on July 9, 2012 [1 favorite]

Where exactly does Candis Berkley have warts?

On her purse.
posted by Potomac Avenue at 2:54 PM on July 9, 2012 [6 favorites]

I didn't know those Breakfast Club style shades and slouched posing were so inspired by real life.
posted by maryr at 2:54 PM on July 9, 2012

So wait...Instagram has a feature now where they don't just age your photo, but they insert you and your hipster buddies into a series of historical stock photos of different landmarks? That's pretty bleeding edge, there.

Oh, indeed, this is necessary because hipsters are so radically different from the actual 20 year olds of 1982. /sarcasm
posted by Wordwoman at 2:55 PM on July 9, 2012 [2 favorites]

Who's up for some Tootie Fruitie fruit cup?
posted by p3t3 at 3:06 PM on July 9, 2012

This is a really cool concept and I loved looking through these, but is this an ad for Stroh's?
posted by pcrsweetness at 3:12 PM on July 9, 2012

If it is an ad for Stroh's, then they needed to work on the product placement in their own ads!
posted by Seamus at 3:15 PM on July 9, 2012

posted by mjklin at 3:22 PM on July 9, 2012

You know, Stroh's (it's fire-brewed) used to be my go-to shitty beer. It almost tastes a little like hops somewhere among the burnt-tire. Plus it comes in 15-packs.

But then we did a blind taste-test of just about everything we can get cheaper than Bud, and Schaefer (the one beer to have when you're having more than one) came out on top of everybody's list by miles, and costs $6.49/12. Can't beat that.

Also, if you told me these pictures were taken last week, I'd believe you, except for the price list in the bar.
posted by uncleozzy at 3:23 PM on July 9, 2012 [1 favorite]

Also, if you told me these pictures were taken last week, I'd believe you, except for the price list in the bar.

And at the "BURGER THANG". Part of it's not visible, but I believe it says 3 burgers for $1.25.
posted by junco at 3:27 PM on July 9, 2012

Sorry. I tried. I'm not really seeing the appeal of this photoset.
posted by crunchland at 3:34 PM on July 9, 2012

I thought Detroit only got shitty after George W Bush was elected?

(Not really, the first time I was propositioned for sex was in Detroit circa 1995.)
posted by These Premises Are Alarmed at 3:36 PM on July 9, 2012 [2 favorites]

If being propositioned for sex makes someplace shitty, I don't want to live somewhere nice.
posted by Tell Me No Lies at 3:40 PM on July 9, 2012 [12 favorites]

Whew! Not me! I fit that timeframe, locale, & mindset.
posted by marxchivist at 3:56 PM on July 9, 2012

If you'd like a soundtrack to go with these pictures, here are the #1 songs of 1982.

I'm not the only one who can sing all of these by heart, am I?
posted by argonauta at 4:07 PM on July 9, 2012 [4 favorites]

Sorry. I tried. I'm not really seeing the appeal of this photoset.

No apologies necessary, I loved it for you!
posted by ericost at 4:09 PM on July 9, 2012 [1 favorite]

I could not love this more.
posted by nonmerci at 4:21 PM on July 9, 2012

I'm so glad that no pictures of me from that era have surfaced.
posted by octothorpe at 4:25 PM on July 9, 2012

Also, if you told me these pictures were taken last week, I'd believe you, except for the price list in the bar.

And all the cars seem right, era-wise.
posted by scody at 4:29 PM on July 9, 2012

Man, this got a favorite from me just for being a photo post of Detroit that didn't try to make some broader sociological point.
posted by palindromic at 4:58 PM on July 9, 2012 [6 favorites]

Also, if you told me these pictures were taken last week, I'd believe you, except for the price list in the bar

Indeed, one dollar draft beer is the only thing I miss about 1982.
posted by rocket88 at 5:07 PM on July 9, 2012 [1 favorite]

If you'd like a soundtrack to go with these pictures, here are the #1 songs of 1982.

I'm not the only one who can sing all of these by heart, am I?
posted by argonauta at 7:07 PM on July 9 [+] [!]

Sigh. I was 19 for 20. Chicago's "Hard To Say I'm Sorry" didn't ring a bell for me because even as a preteen the band triggered a gag reflex in me akin to drinking a glass of warm spit. Then I listened to the first few bars.

20 for 20.
posted by jeremias at 5:20 PM on July 9, 2012 [2 favorites]

These guys obviously thought that they were shooting the cover for every one of their soon-to-be-released albums. Disco sux!!!!
posted by xingcat at 5:25 PM on July 9, 2012 [1 favorite]

Sorry to double-comment, but I didn't know that the Solid Platinum Dancers originated in Detroit! That's almost twice the value per ounce as the Solid Gold Dancers!
posted by xingcat at 5:26 PM on July 9, 2012 [1 favorite]

argonauta: ... here are the #1 songs of 1982.

Oh dear god...thanks so much for reminding me how much I loathed and despised the 80's.
posted by Greg_Ace at 5:30 PM on July 9, 2012

Thanks to the top song list and net surfing, I stumbled upon this little gem... The original version of Down Under... Darker and slower. Very different.

And yeah - hipsters, damn.
posted by symbioid at 5:46 PM on July 9, 2012 [1 favorite]

i miss the days when you could get stroh's in a bar - it was a lot better then, too

i also miss hanging around detroit when i was a 20-something in the 80s - good times ...
posted by pyramid termite at 5:51 PM on July 9, 2012

Oh, indeed, this is necessary because hipsters are so radically different from the actual 20 year olds of 1982. /sarcasm

I'm not sure what you're trying to say. I was half-assedly trying to express the feeling that these give me- a sort of deja vu where you're not quite sure if something is from the past, or a recent, eerily accurate, simulacrum. I know guys right now that look like a couple of the guys in these pictures, and I knew guys back in the '80s who look like others of the guys in the pictures.

If you'd like a soundtrack to go with these pictures, here are the #1 songs of 1982.

I'd have thought that Rush would be more heavily represented on the soundtrack that goes with these pictures.
posted by TheWhiteSkull at 6:06 PM on July 9, 2012 [1 favorite]

1982: The last year you could wear overalls and porkpie hats without irony.
posted by Chrischris at 6:06 PM on July 9, 2012 [3 favorites]

Oooh. After looking at these pics when not on my phone, I retract my above comment about year, locale, and mindset. The year and place were right, but my friends and I would have had on torn jeans and Iggy Pop t-shirts.

And that list of #1 songs, that's why we were listening to Iggy Pop.

And drinking Stroh's.
posted by marxchivist at 6:20 PM on July 9, 2012 [2 favorites]

How in the world do these photos look so good? Did someone clean them up? Because I have photos from 1982 and they do not look this crisp and clean and as if they were taken with a digital camera.
posted by cooker girl at 6:49 PM on July 9, 2012

Ummmmm....flex? About this photo?
posted by peagood at 8:11 PM on July 9, 2012 [2 favorites]

I can't really hate on these guys, because my friends and I were taking similarly goofy pictures in Chicago at this time (we were all about eighteen). Yeah, we thought we were posing for the cover of our (nonexistent) album. And the notion that putting on shades and a spiffy hat automatically made you cool came from The Blues Brothers, of course; look, that one guy is even playing the mouthharp (or pretending to) in front of the first bit of graffiti about Candis.

They probably have gotten together every five years since and had a Stroh's in remembrance, then spent half an hour talking about how it's not the same.
posted by Halloween Jack at 8:19 PM on July 9, 2012

Dammit. I wish I'd known that Steve Perry, Steven Tyler and Cameron from Ferris Bueller's Day Off formed a supergroup.

No, I'm pretty sure that center one is Owen Wilson. Or possibly Luke.
posted by maryr at 8:23 PM on July 9, 2012

I'm guessing this shoot was a precursor for this.
posted by stormpooper at 5:59 AM on July 10, 2012

I was looking at these thinking "Wow, that would make a great album cover!" "Oh yeah, album cover." "That one too--looks just like an album cover..." only not of a really big band, more like a second-tier band. In the 70s. When we actually had album covers.

Otherwise I was all "how come I never had this much fun with my drunk friends when I was young?"
posted by kinnakeet at 9:13 AM on July 10, 2012

Amazing to me that a strip club would have a large sign hand-painted just for 3 days' worth of shows.
posted by Pruitt-Igoe at 2:01 PM on July 10, 2012

Hand-painted signs in Detroit:

Writing on the Wall from Detroitblogger John
posted by BinGregory at 10:50 PM on July 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

BinGregory: That blog is fantastic. I've been slowly working my way back through the archives.
posted by Pruitt-Igoe at 9:58 AM on July 11, 2012

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